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Originally Posted by Chief:

These protests caught Brazil by surprise.

You mean .. caught the government by surprise...

I think they are large enough not to be taken seriously.. considering there are still two major sporting events to be held in Brazil, these protesters have a unique chance of achieving what they want.

Originally Posted by God:
Whuh happen Lucas? A few months ago you were saying that Brazil is paradise.

I guess he will have to rely in his native English given he will be giving up Mandarin classes now growth in China is projected to be below 7.2% and a sure path to increase the abandoning of its building spree. China needs growth of at least 10 percent to meet its obligations. Soon it will begin to pillage its third world clients like the Africans and Guyanese beyond its normal exploitative trends to balance its books or welcome protests of the disgruntled no less than Brazil...and the Chinese have a lot to complain about since they live under the boot of totalitarianism.


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