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Brazilian Admiral meets President to discuss coastguard partnership


On his first visit to Guyana, Brazilian Vice Admiral Ademir Sobrinho met President Donald Ramotar at his office today for talks aimed at strengthening ties between the Brazilian navy and Guyana Defence Force (GDF) coast guard.


Brazilian Vice Admiral Ademir Sobrinho greets President Donald Ramotar in the presence of Brazilian Ambassador to Guyana Luiz Seixas De Andrade

Brazilian Vice Admiral Ademir Sobrinho greets President

Donald Ramotar in the presence of Brazilian Ambassador

to Guyana Luiz Seixas De Andrade


In the company of a team of senior officers that included GDF Chief of Staff Commodore Gary Best, Admiral Sobrinho and President Ramotar discussed the possibility of Brazil supporting Guyana in the area of marine transport in hinterland communities, medivac and health care services.


He told the Government Information Agency (GINA) about two initiatives aimed at providing maintenance support to the GDF coast guard vessels and to also β€œqualify the GDF crews.”


Brazilian Vice Admiral Ademir Sobrinho [second from right) and a team that included Brazilian Ambassador to Guyana Luiz Seixas De Andrade [second from left) with President Donald Ramotar and Chief- of- Staff of the Guyana Defence Force Commodore Gary Best

Brazilian Vice Admiral Ademir Sobrinho (second from right)

and a team that included Brazilian Ambassador to Guyana

Luiz Seixas De Andrade (second from left) with President

Donald Ramotar and Chief- of- Staff of the Guyana Defence

Force Commodore Gary Best


Brazil has in the past been one of the main overseas partners with Guyana to provide training for the GDF coastguard. One such was the on-the job training onboard Brazilian military vessels.


In 2009, 11 Officers of the Guyana Defence Force participated in a local 16-week training programme focused on several aspects of Coastguard operations.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well this is a very progressive step. Ramo seems to be taking a turn from Caricom's most corrupt president barring the dictator from Haiti. 

TK, Guyana took many progressive steps from Jagdeo administration to Ramotar's presidency, many of which you many not want to acknowledge publicly.

One has to always subtract negatives from Positives. Jagdeo like Burnham made a negative contribution in my opinion. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well this is a very progressive step. Ramo seems to be taking a turn from Caricom's most corrupt president barring the dictator from Haiti. 

TK, Guyana took many progressive steps from Jagdeo administration to Ramotar's presidency, many of which you many not want to acknowledge publicly.

One has to always subtract negatives from Positives. Jagdeo like Burnham made a negative contribution in my opinion. 

You said Jagdeo like Burnham? Well, we can go down that road if you want. Burnham was a daylight thief who left us a shit load of debt while his Swiss bank account runeth over and still have nothing to show for. Jagdeo is also a thief in your book but he transformed Guyana and took us out from the hole Burnham left us to swindle in. If you can't tell the difference in Guyana then and now, you're definitely blind. Don't forget that the Marriott Hotel Project is Jagdeo's idea that is being build under Ramo.
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well this is a very progressive step. Ramo seems to be taking a turn from Caricom's most corrupt president barring the dictator from Haiti. 

TK, Guyana took many progressive steps from Jagdeo administration to Ramotar's presidency, many of which you many not want to acknowledge publicly.

One has to always subtract negatives from Positives. Jagdeo like Burnham made a negative contribution in my opinion. 

You said Jagdeo like Burnham? Well, we can go down that road if you want. Burnham was a daylight thief who left us a shit load of debt while he Swiss bank account runneth over and still have nothing to show for. Jagdeo is also a thief in your book but he transformed Guyana and took us out from the hole Burnham left us to swindle in. If you can't tell the difference in Guyana then and now, you're definitely blind. Don't forget that the Marriott Hotel Project is Jagdeo's idea that is being build under Ramo.



Burnham defaulted on the debt and therefore interest was added. They never received a disbursement equal to the outstanding debt. Marriott is progress? Well I don't need to repeat myself. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well this is a very progressive step. Ramo seems to be taking a turn from Caricom's most corrupt president barring the dictator from Haiti. 

TK, Guyana took many progressive steps from Jagdeo administration to Ramotar's presidency, many of which you many not want to acknowledge publicly.

One has to always subtract negatives from Positives. Jagdeo like Burnham made a negative contribution in my opinion. 

You said Jagdeo like Burnham? Well, we can go down that road if you want. Burnham was a daylight thief who left us a shit load of debt while he Swiss bank account runneth over and still have nothing to show for. Jagdeo is also a thief in your book but he transformed Guyana and took us out from the hole Burnham left us to swindle in. If you can't tell the difference in Guyana then and now, you're definitely blind. Don't forget that the Marriott Hotel Project is Jagdeo's idea that is being build under Ramo.



Burnham defaulted on the debt and therefore interest was added. They never received a disbursement equal to the outstanding debt. Marriott is progress? Well I don't need to repeat myself. 

I would understand your position as an opposition spokeman to spin the facts. Like I said, if we're to respect democracy we have to take the crap that comes with it. BTW, we have over 700,000 Guyanese in the diaspora and not all of them share your view on Guyana. We all see things differently and most appreciate what president Jagdeo have done for Guyana.


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