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Company taking over XL Foods being sued over alleged racial and religious harassment

Company taking over XL Foods being sued over alleged racial and religious harassment

XL Foods workers attend a union press conference in Brooks this week.

Photograph by: Gavin Young , Calgary Herald

OTTAWA — The Brazilian-owned company taking over a troubled XL Foods facility in Alberta is being sued by a U.S. government agency for alleged mistreatment of Muslim, Somali and black employees.

JBS USA will assume management of the XL Foods facility in Brooks, Alberta, the source of E. coli contamination that last month triggered the largest meat recall in Canadian history.

The U.S. branch of the Brazil-based company is defending lawsuits in Colorado and Nebraska brought by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission in 2010 that claim these employees were subject to “hostile work environment because of their race, national origin, and/or religion.”

Many of the employees working the kill floor at the Brooks plant that JBS USA will manage are temporary foreign workers. Many are black and some come from Somalia.

One lawsuit, filed on behalf of employees of JBS USA’s Swift & Company facility in Greely, Colorado, claims their supervisors and other workers threw meat, blood and bones at the Muslim workers and used offensive language towards them.

The lawsuit claims JBS staff referred to Muslim and black employees as “Bitch,” “Son of a Bitch,” “F*cker,” and “Bimbo” and alleges they were exposed to graffiti in the factory that read “Somalis are disgusting,” “F*ck Somalians, F*ck Muslims, F*ck Mohammed,” along with a vile racial slur.

The allegations have not been proved in court.

The company did not respond to calls requesting comment on Friday but in court documents, JBS USA denied it committed any unlawful employment practices. It denied there was harassment of Muslim, Somali and black employees and argued that the EEOC should have first exhausted administrative remedies before suing.

The company did not accommodate the needs of Muslim employees to pray five times daily during Ramadan and retaliated against those who used bathroom breaks to pray, the complaint claims.

It also alleges that Swift employees turned off water fountains or cordoned them off with red and yellow tape usually used to denote rotten meat, so that they couldn’t drink water while fasting for the religious holiday.

Similar litigation in Nebraska alleges that employees at JBS USA’s Grand Island, facility were harassed with comments such as “lazy Somali” and “go back to your country,” made by supervisors. It also claims a failure to accommodate the religious beliefs of Muslim employees. Some employees who protested lack of Ramadan accommodation were unlawfully terminated by claiming they had engaged in an unauthorized work stoppage, the lawsuits allege.

The EEOC said it received more than 160 complaints against JBS USA in the two states in 2008. The litigation against the company was launched after the EEOC investigated the claims.

The cases are scheduled for trial in April 2013.

News that JBS USA would begin running the Brooks plant have touched off speculation that XL Foods will be sold to the multinational food processing giant.

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Originally Posted by caribny:

They think that this is Brazil where they can discriminate against blacks, but deny being racist because they like to have sex with black women,

..and women xxx with black men.

Originally Posted by caribny:

They think that this is Brazil where they can discriminate against blacks, but deny being racist because they like to have sex with black women,

That will never happen in Guyana or in India.  Afros are treated with dignity and respect like anyone else.  Indians only treat other Indians bad.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

They think that this is Brazil where they can discriminate against blacks, but deny being racist because they like to have sex with black women,

That will never happen in Guyana or in India.  Afros are treated with dignity and respect like anyone else.  Indians only treat other Indians bad.

If that were true if would be because there is no much difference between Afros and Indians. Sometimes you cannot tell them apart.


I find it hilarious when a dark-skinned man discriminate another dark-skinned man, however it actually happens. Indians in reality discriminate other races except their white anglo masters. Indians hate other Asians because their skin is fairer, for similar reasons they hate black Americans, or hate the Indian diaspora.


But again, Indians are very confused about their racial identity. Many Indians claim they are white as the basis to discriminate other Indians or other Asians. How ridiculous is that?

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

They think that this is Brazil where they can discriminate against blacks, but deny being racist because they like to have sex with black women,

That will never happen in Guyana or in India.  Afros are treated with dignity and respect like anyone else.  Indians only treat other Indians bad.

If that were true if would be because there is no much difference between Afros and Indians. Sometimes you cannot tell them apart.


I find it hilarious when a dark-skinned man discriminate another dark-skinned man, however it actually happens. Indians in reality discriminate other races except their white anglo masters. Indians hate other Asians because their skin is fairer, for similar reasons they hate black Americans, or hate the Indian diaspora.


But again, Indians are very confused about their racial identity. Many Indians claim they are white as the basis to discriminate other Indians or other Asians. How ridiculous is that?

Why does Afros like to rob and prey off Indians who did nothing to them.  Why you talk as though Indians are the racists when blacks are known to h=be the most racists group around.  Just look at their behavior over here with Obama.  They behave just like how Afros in Guyana behave towards LFSB.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

They think that this is Brazil where they can discriminate against blacks, but deny being racist because they like to have sex with black women,

That will never happen in Guyana or in India.  Afros are treated with dignity and respect like anyone else.

Baseman you think that blacks are slaves so will tell yourself that they are treated well in Guyana.


AfroGuyanese and others of part African ancestry have a completely different opinion.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Why does Afros like to rob and prey off Indians who did nothing to them.  .

Because Indian elites give them guns to be their mercenaries (including some police and soldiers) and then let them do what they wish when their services are not required.  And despite your claims blacks are also victimized by criminals, but then blacks lives do not interest you so you dont care.


Why dont you ask yourself how come impoverished young black (and Indian) boys have so many guns and who gives it to them?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Why does Afros like to rob and prey off Indians who did nothing to them.  .

Because Indian elites give them guns to be their mercenaries (including some police and soldiers) and then let them do what they wish when their services are not required.

This has been going on since the 60's-90's when PNC give alyuh everything then some.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Why does Afros like to rob and prey off Indians who did nothing to them.  .

Because Indian elites give them guns to be their mercenaries (including some police and soldiers) and then let them do what they wish when their services are not required.

This has been going on since the 60's-90's when PNC give alyuh everything then some.

I see you are going bcak to the days when you demonized the ENTIRE African community as criminals.  Not just the small group who actually commit crimes, working in concert with Indo business men who arm them and who buy stolen items from them. 


 It was well known that those Indo jewellers in Stabroek Market used to buy stolen jewelry from them, knowing fully well that Indians were usually the victims.


But you refuse to acknowledge the Indian role in this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Why does Afros like to rob and prey off Indians who did nothing to them.  .

Because Indian elites give them guns to be their mercenaries (including some police and soldiers) and then let them do what they wish when their services are not required.

This has been going on since the 60's-90's when PNC give alyuh everything then some.

I see you are going bcak to the days when you demonized the ENTIRE African community as criminals.  Not just the small group who actually commit crimes, working in concert with Indo business men who arm them and who buy stolen items from them. 


 It was well known that those Indo jewellers in Stabroek Market used to buy stolen jewelry from them, knowing fully well that Indians were usually the victims.


But you refuse to acknowledge the Indian role in this.

I always said it was a small group, but a much larger group (like you) who aided, abetted and provided tacit support, or at best indifference.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I always said it was a small group, but a much larger group (like you) who aided, abetted and provided tacit support, or at best indifference.

Your idea of our supporting them is because we condemn Indo Nazi behavior by you and your PPP.  Given that blacks are also victims of black criminals (note several killings in Agricola, Buxton, Gtwn, New Amsterdam and elsewhere) you must be really simple if you think that the majority of blacks will support criminals........that is unless you believe us to be criminals...which you in fact do.


Baseman you cannot condemn Burnham and then engage in the same racist behavior.


Also you seem silent on the role of Indo bandits and the scourge that they have been to fishermen and other Indians.   And of course we have the Indo drug dealers who peddle their poison to vulnerable young Indians.  And those who traffic young Indo girls to Gtwn and to other countries.


You see its OK in your world for Indos to illtreat blacks and abuse poor Indians.


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