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Brazilian Embassy clears air as AFC protest Governor’s actions

November 9, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

AFC representatives protesting in front of the Brazilian Embassy yesterday.

The Brazilian Embassy says that the visit of the Governor of the State of Roraima, José de Anchieta Junior to Lethem, last weekend, was in no way to campaign for the incumbent Peoples’ Progressive Party/Civic.

This was in reaction to concerns expressed by the Alliance for Change (AFC) who had upped the ante on their protest of the Brazilian Governor, on this occasion taking their action in front of the Brazilian Embassy at 309 Church Street, Queenstown yesterday. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) had also voiced its concern at the development.

The Embassy in a statement said the “Brazilian Government expresses its total neutrality and impartiality in the development of the electoral process in Guyana and expresses its best wishes and confidence in a successful outcome, as by all expected.”

It was further noted by the embassy that the Governor learned about President Jagdeo’s visit to Lethem, and he took the opportunity to visit him in order to discuss subjects related to the border as well as the integration between Roraima and Guyana.

“Governor Anchieta also had the chance to meet Donald Ramotar at a courtesy meeting. The Governor took the initiative to salute the community attending the meeting, residents of both Lethem and Bonfim,” the statement further said.

The Diplomatic Embassy further reiterated its “well known and traditional position of the Brazilian Government in favour of the principles of non-intervention and self-determination”.

“Therefore, the Brazilian Government understands that Guyana – as well as any country – is entitled to choose their representatives in an independent, free and transparent way. Following this principle, the presence of a Brazilian authority to salute the communities at the above-mentioned meeting should not be construed as a support for any of the political parties contesting the forthcoming elections,” the Embassy stated.

Prior to the statement, AFC representatives who were present at the protest collectively stated that the Governor’s actions were “violating Guyana’s sovereignty.”

Executive member Dominic Gaskin said that it appeared as if the Governor was campaigning on the platform of the incumbent Peoples’ Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on Saturday.

Other than calling on the Brazilian Embassy to issue a statement pertaining to the issue (which was done), Gaskin opined that the actions of the Governor shows support for the PPP and is partial.

“And I don’t think the Brazilian Government would approve of that, I am not sure if he was fully briefed or even knew what he was doing,” Gaskin asserted. “They need to let the Guyanese public know what their intentions are in the elections season.”

Another protestor said that the Governor should give an apology pertaining to his actions, since he should not have meddled with politics here.

The AFC expressed concern about the political motive behind the Governor’s move since him speaking at a political rally in another country is a clear violation of protocol, and international laws and conventions.

The incumbent party said that prior to the public meetings, the Governor had official talks with President Jagdeo, Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and Region Nine officials on improving relation and cross-border trade.

“The meeting was held on Sunday as it was convenient for President Jagdeo’s schedule,” the PPP stated. Critics have said that this move is the convenient use of state resources for political campaigning.

The PPP said that the Governor merely used the platform to bring greetings from the neighbouring state to the residents of Region Nine.

The incumbent PPP/C yesterday accused APNU and AFC of distracting the public from the overwhelming support for the PPP/C public meeting in Lethem, Rupunnuni.

According to PPP Executive Member, Robert Persaud, the joint protest of the APNU and AFC yesterday outside the Brazilian Embassy further confirms the growing alliance between the two opposition parties.

He said both the PPP/C and the Government of Brazil have clarified the role of the Governor of Roraima visit to Lethem having nothing to do with campaigning for the PPP/C.

“But devoid of real issues to discuss during the elections, the APNU/AFC alliance is latching on to another extraneous matter hoping to gain some political traction and relevance with a very discerning electorate.”

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“But devoid of real issues to discuss during the elections, the APNU/AFC alliance is latching on to another extraneous matter hoping to gain some political traction and relevance with a very discerning electorate.”


It was further noted by the embassy that the Governor learned about President Jagdeo’s visit to Lethem, and he took the opportunity to visit him in order to discuss subjects related to the border as well as the integration between Roraima and Guyana.

“Governor Anchieta also had the chance to meet Donald Ramotar at a courtesy meeting. The Governor took the initiative to salute the community attending the meeting, residents of both Lethem and Bonfim,” the statement further said.

The Diplomatic Embassy further reiterated its “well known and traditional position of the Brazilian Government in favour of the principles of non-intervention and self-determination”.

Here is another assinine comment. The two parties see what's going on,they are against it and they express themselves. So where does this bimbo get the idea they are huggin up mattie as the PPP is doing with the HOI guys and others from the PNC?

(Quote by Robert Persaud) According to PPP Executive Member, Robert Persaud, the joint protest of the APNU and AFC yesterday outside the Brazilian Embassy further confirms the growing alliance between the two opposition parties. (Quote)
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Brazilian Embassy clears air as AFC protest Governor’s actions

November 9, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

AFC representatives protesting in front of the Brazilian Embassy yesterday.

The Brazilian Embassy says that the visit of the Governor of the State of Roraima, José de Anchieta Junior to Lethem, last weekend, was in no way to campaign for the incumbent Peoples’ Progressive Party/Civic.

This was in reaction to concerns expressed by the Alliance for Change (AFC) who had upped the ante on their protest of the Brazilian Governor, on this occasion taking their action in front of the Brazilian Embassy at 309 Church Street, Queenstown yesterday. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) had also voiced its concern at the development.

The Embassy in a statement said the “Brazilian Government expresses its total neutrality and impartiality in the development of the electoral process in Guyana and expresses its best wishes and confidence in a successful outcome, as by all expected.”

It was further noted by the embassy that the Governor learned about President Jagdeo’s visit to Lethem, and he took the opportunity to visit him in order to discuss subjects related to the border as well as the integration between Roraima and Guyana.

“Governor Anchieta also had the chance to meet Donald Ramotar at a courtesy meeting. The Governor took the initiative to salute the community attending the meeting, residents of both Lethem and Bonfim,” the statement further said.

The Diplomatic Embassy further reiterated its “well known and traditional position of the Brazilian Government in favour of the principles of non-intervention and self-determination”.

“Therefore, the Brazilian Government understands that Guyana – as well as any country – is entitled to choose their representatives in an independent, free and transparent way. Following this principle, the presence of a Brazilian authority to salute the communities at the above-mentioned meeting should not be construed as a support for any of the political parties contesting the forthcoming elections,” the Embassy stated.

Prior to the statement, AFC representatives who were present at the protest collectively stated that the Governor’s actions were “violating Guyana’s sovereignty.”

Executive member Dominic Gaskin said that it appeared as if the Governor was campaigning on the platform of the incumbent Peoples’ Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on Saturday.

Other than calling on the Brazilian Embassy to issue a statement pertaining to the issue (which was done), Gaskin opined that the actions of the Governor shows support for the PPP and is partial.

“And I don’t think the Brazilian Government would approve of that, I am not sure if he was fully briefed or even knew what he was doing,” Gaskin asserted. “They need to let the Guyanese public know what their intentions are in the elections season.”

Another protestor said that the Governor should give an apology pertaining to his actions, since he should not have meddled with politics here.

The AFC expressed concern about the political motive behind the Governor’s move since him speaking at a political rally in another country is a clear violation of protocol, and international laws and conventions.

The incumbent party said that prior to the public meetings, the Governor had official talks with President Jagdeo, Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and Region Nine officials on improving relation and cross-border trade.

“The meeting was held on Sunday as it was convenient for President Jagdeo’s schedule,” the PPP stated. Critics have said that this move is the convenient use of state resources for political campaigning.

The PPP said that the Governor merely used the platform to bring greetings from the neighbouring state to the residents of Region Nine.

The incumbent PPP/C yesterday accused APNU and AFC of distracting the public from the overwhelming support for the PPP/C public meeting in Lethem, Rupunnuni.

According to PPP Executive Member, Robert Persaud, the joint protest of the APNU and AFC yesterday outside the Brazilian Embassy further confirms the growing alliance between the two opposition parties.

He said both the PPP/C and the Government of Brazil have clarified the role of the Governor of Roraima visit to Lethem having nothing to do with campaigning for the PPP/C.

“But devoid of real issues to discuss during the elections, the APNU/AFC alliance is latching on to another extraneous matter hoping to gain some political traction and relevance with a very discerning electorate.”

I don't agree that foreign governments should interfer in our elections. However, who installed the PNC dictatorship, in collusion with local puppets and the unions; the American CIA. The opposition to the PPP at the time supported the intervention

During the PNC dictatorship when the actions of Caribbean countries would support the PNC no one said a word.

So all of you should shut ya damn mouths.
nice one Mara Big Grin
well what's new about the AFC...this is what they are known for in Guyana...protest...bitching ...whining...complaining and running all over the world looking for attention and failed to make their case to the voters in Guyana....they did a good job in NA but sad to say those people cannot vote so...the Guyanese people sees them for what they are and come Nov 28 the voters will reject them as they did as see in the attendance at their public meetings...5 and 6 baddy show up whiles we pushing them in the thousands rass...PPP all the way...ah good cut ass in themaking fu the KFC rejects on the 29...drinks on mee cheers
[QUOTE]Originally posted by marlon:
During the PNC dictatorship when the actions of Caribbean countries would support the PNC no one said a word.


What support did CARICOM countries give Burnham that they do not also give Jagdeo? Jagdeo being as evil a man as Burnham was....much more petty and vicious too!!!
Originally posted by caribj:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by marlon:
During the PNC dictatorship when the actions of Caribbean countries would support the PNC no one said a word.


What support did CARICOM countries give Burnham that they do not also give Jagdeo? Jagdeo being as evil a man as Burnham was....much more petty and vicious too!!!

shut it ....the honorable Dr Jagdeo is one of the best leader caricom has ever seen...stop fraffing cheers partybanana yippie
Originally posted by marlon:
During the PNC dictatorship when the actions of Caribbean countries would support the PNC no one said a word.

So all of you should shut ya damn mouths.

I missed that. . . which Caribbean Gov't official(s) gave open support at PNC election rallies??

That's what you're saying, right?

Be specific bai

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