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I read with absolute horror the news report that the Governor of a neighboring super power was invited to be present at and speak on the platform of one of the parties contesting the upcoming elections.

I cannot imagine a more dangerous assault on the Sovereignty of the Republic.

It is a long established law of international and diplomatic relations that foreign governments should not intervene in the internal affairs of any independent state, however to have a local political party, which professes to be national, invite a foreign government to endorse its election to office, is perilously close to treason.

If we were to even remotely contemplate venturing down the road of inviting foreign governments or agents to endorse domestic political parties we might as well place the country on the auction block.

Has the party upon whose platform the Governor sat and spoke, considered what the consequences would be if every party contesting the election were to solicit support and endorsements from its favorite foreign government. Our friends in Caracas cannot believe their good fortune.

I have no doubt that the well equipped foreign ministry, with its corps of outstanding diplomats, must have read the New York Times Article published on 4th instant entitled “Brazil’s Rising Influence meets Resistance”, immediately before the invitation to the Governor was issued.

The article opined “ Brazilian endeavors are being met with wariness in several countries. A proposal to build a road through Guyana’s jungles to its coast stalled because of fears that Brazil could overwhelm its small neighbor with migration and trade. In Argentina, officials suspended a large project by a Brazilian mining company, accusing it of failing to hire enough locals.”

Isn’t it ironic that the party of Comrade Cheddie Jagan who complained so bitterly about being removed from office by covert foreign intervention in the 1960s, has now begun a new race for the overt intervention of foreign governments in the elections of an independent and democratic Guyana.

Unless this grave assault is rectified immediately the resignation of a High Official from Takuba lodge would be a minimum starting point.

Our national poet Martin Carter perhaps said it best “No madness like this sanity”.

C.A. Nigel Hughes.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This PPP government is quite without class. Nowhere else would a citizenry allow a foreign dignitary on a campaign platform without serious consequences. These people just do not care. They think themselves above criticism. After all, they feel the own the place.
Originally posted by baseman:
It is a long established law of international and diplomatic relations that foreign governments should not intervene in the internal affairs of any independent state
That's what NGOs are for.
Originally posted by baseman:
It is a long established law of international and diplomatic relations that foreign governments should not intervene in the internal affairs of any independent state
May I assume then that you do not support the AFC's scheme to have the Brits take over Guyanese law enforcement?
Henry, [,

These Guys dont only speak from their mouths but also from their asses. Having said that, it was indeed a Dumb idea. Whoever is responsible should not be given such tasks in the future.

It is a long established law of international and diplomatic relations that foreign governments should not intervene in the internal affairs of any independent state[/QUOTE] May I assume then that you do not support the AFC's scheme to have the Brits take over Guyanese law enforcement?[/QUOTE]
Brazilian Embassy clears air as AFC protest Governor’s actions

November 9, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

The Brazilian Embassy says that the visit of the Governor of the State of Roraima, José de Anchieta Junior to Lethem, last weekend, was in no way to campaign for the incumbent Peoples’ Progressive Party/Civic.
This was in reaction to concerns expressed by the Alliance for Change (AFC) who had upped the ante on their protest of the Brazilian Governor, on this occasion taking their action in front of the Brazilian Embassy at 309 Church Street, Queenstown yesterday. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) had also voiced its concern at the development.

The Embassy in a statement said the “Brazilian Government expresses its total neutrality and impartiality in the development of the electoral process in Guyana and expresses its best wishes and confidence in a successful outcome, as by all expected.”
It was further noted by the embassy that the Governor learned about President Jagdeo’s visit to Lethem, and he took the opportunity to visit him in order to discuss subjects related to the border as well as the integration between Roraima and Guyana.
“Governor Anchieta also had the chance to meet Donald Ramotar at a courtesy meeting. The Governor took the initiative to salute the community attending the meeting, residents of both Lethem and Bonfim,” the statement further said.
The Diplomatic Embassy further reiterated its “well known and traditional position of the Brazilian Government in favour of the principles of non-intervention and self-determination”.
“Therefore, the Brazilian Government understands that Guyana – as well as any country – is entitled to choose their representatives in an independent, free and transparent way. Following this principle, the presence of a Brazilian authority to salute the communities at the above-mentioned meeting should not be construed as a support for any of the political parties contesting the forthcoming elections,” the Embassy stated.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Brazilian Embassy clears air as AFC protest Governor’s actions

November 9, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

The Brazilian Embassy says that the visit of the Governor of the State of Roraima, José de Anchieta Junior to Lethem, last weekend, was in no way to campaign for the incumbent Peoples’ Progressive Party/Civic.
This was in reaction to concerns expressed by the Alliance for Change (AFC) who had upped the ante on their protest of the Brazilian Governor, on this occasion taking their action in front of the Brazilian Embassy at 309 Church Street, Queenstown yesterday. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) had also voiced its concern at the development.

The Embassy in a statement said the “Brazilian Government expresses its total neutrality and impartiality in the development of the electoral process in Guyana and expresses its best wishes and confidence in a successful outcome, as by all expected.”
It was further noted by the embassy that the Governor learned about President Jagdeo’s visit to Lethem, and he took the opportunity to visit him in order to discuss subjects related to the border as well as the integration between Roraima and Guyana.
“Governor Anchieta also had the chance to meet Donald Ramotar at a courtesy meeting. The Governor took the initiative to salute the community attending the meeting, residents of both Lethem and Bonfim,” the statement further said.
The Diplomatic Embassy further reiterated its “well known and traditional position of the Brazilian Government in favour of the principles of non-intervention and self-determination”.
“Therefore, the Brazilian Government understands that Guyana – as well as any country – is entitled to choose their representatives in an independent, free and transparent way. Following this principle, the presence of a Brazilian authority to salute the communities at the above-mentioned meeting should not be construed as a support for any of the political parties contesting the forthcoming elections,” the Embassy stated.
His presence on a campaign stage was tactless and something he should not have done.
A major reason why the PPP was never overthrown by the GDF is because their officer corps know that the Brazilian armed forces will enter Guyana and reverse the coup. Ultimately it would mean either death or long prison terms for the GDF officers who led the coup. Also Brazil's presence in the region serves as a check to Venezula's expansionist agenda. So in a sense Brazil is vital to the survival of Guyana and the PPP government in power.
Originally posted by Wally:
A major reason why the PPP was never overthrown by the GDF is because their officer corps know that the Brazilian armed forces will enter Guyana and reverse the coup.

Pure nonsense on your part. Unless the UN authorises intervention Brazil would not be able to carry out any such act.
The United States will give Brazil the okay. As long as Chavez is in power and as long as the US does not want dictators in the western hemisphere there is no way that they will allow a coup in Guyana to be sucessful.
Originally posted by Wally:
The United States will give Brazil the okay. As long as Chavez is in power and as long as the US does not want dictators in the western hemisphere there is no way that they will allow a coup in Guyana to be sucessful.

The US has no say in the matter. Guyana is not Israel. The US has been backing military governments in South America for centuries.
Originally posted by Wally:
The US has no say in Guyana. Are you serious? The United States can remove this Guyana government in one day if they wanted to.

Them joking. US could remove almost any Govt they wish.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Wally:
The US has no say in Guyana. Are you serious? The United States can remove this Guyana government in one day if they wanted to.

Them joking. US could remove almost any Govt they wish.

True. They just awaiting instructions from the boss.

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