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Former Member



The CARICOM team which scrutinised the national vote recount has said nothing prevents the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission from declaring the results of the recount which has shown a victory for the People’s Progressive Party.

“We are…of the unshakeable belief that the people of Guyana expressed their will at the ballot box and as a result, the 3 person CARICOM Observer Group concludes that the recount results are completely acceptable,” the report presented to GECOM and political leaders states.

It added: “The national recount process then, despite some of its minor flaws, is not an indictment of the 2020 polls and the team categorically rejects the concerted public efforts to discredit the 2020 polls up to the disastrous Region 4 tabulation.

“Despite our concerns, nothing that we witnessed warrants a challenge to the inescapable conclusion that the recount results are acceptable and should constitute the basis of the declaration of the results of the March 02, 2020 elections. Any aggrieved political party has been afforded the right to seek redress before the courts in the form of an elections petition.”

It further added: “Overall, while we acknowledged that there were some defects in the recount of the March 02, 2020 votes cast for the General and Regional Elections, the team did not witness anything which would render the recount and by extension, the casting of the ballot on March 02, so grievously deficient procedural or technically (despite some irregularities) or sufficiently deficient to have thwarted the will of the people and subsequently prevent the elections results and its declaration by GECOM from reflecting the will of the voters. The actual count of the vote was indeed transparent.”

The team stated that the imprudent public utterances of some GECOM Commissioners and others about migrant voting, phantom voting, and implied impersonation sounded an ominous tone for the elections.

“The recounting of the votes was conducted with as much precision as possible and with absolutely no hint of bias on the part of the GECOM station workers. Their impartiality with respect to the vote recount was outstanding.

“The constant references to irregularities made by GECOM Commissioners, for instance, could not but have a deleterious impact on the body of which they were part of” and the GECOM Commissioner were therefore complicit in the assault on the legitimacy and the independence of the institution.

As such, the team has recommended a political audit to be conducted of the operations and behaviour of GECOM, both of the Commission and the Secretariat.

The report stated: The Team notes that there were some irregularities at the 2020 elections which were revealed through the very transparent national recount, but none of these irregularities and shortcomings are sufficient not substantial cause to call the 2020 elections into question.

“Yes, the recount suggests that the poll was far from perfect but the imperfections cannot deny that the elections and therefore the recount were reasonably credible.”Source

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The process was properly carried out in accordance with the constitution and it reflects the will of the people then that seals the deal for a declaration of the recount results.


Hip hip hip! Hooray!!

Thanks a million to the CARICOM Observer Team for a fair and credible report of the recount. Granger had said that he would rely heavily on the said report. Time for him to concede and recede. Claudette Singh will stand on solid ground to vote with the three PPP/C Commissioners and declare PPP/C winner. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Heavy police presence at HQ. Final commissioners meeting in 30 mins. before tomorrows declaration..Tense mood over the next 36 hours...

Image may contain: outdoor

Where do you see heavy police presence?

Last edited by Django

Let's see if there are ladies and gentlemen in APNU+AFC who will urge Brigadier Granger to accept the recount results and begin the peaceful process of transitioning to the new PPP/C regime.

Last edited by Former Member

Not one of the group of observers said that the recount was not credible.  This is only coming from APNU/AFC and Lowenfield.  If Claudette does not do the right thing and declare the PPP the winner this country will be pushed into a crisis worse than the sixties.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

They have acknowledged several matters that are worth noting:

1. That there were missing documents that need to be investigated; 

2. That there were irregularities; and

3. That the recount does not in itself decide the outcome of the elections. Here are their words, verbatim:

"...It therefore behooves whichever political party emerges victorious from these elections to initiate an immediate political audit..."

Hang tight, PPP/C.

Last edited by Rochelle

No matter how much facts are presented to show that the recount was  fair to all parties APNU/AFC keeps coming with all sorts of lame excuses.  APNU/AFC lost the elections and does not want to leave office.  This is unacceptable.  The PPP left office peacefully in 2015 and APNU/AFC should do the same.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
@Rochelle posted:

So in reality the CARICOM observers are saying BOTH the March 2, 2020 election tabulations and the recount tabulations are sufficient.

Inconclusive, indeed.

No lady...they are saying that the coalition attempted a massive rigging in the Ashmin building and the recount is simply saying that the results corraborated with the actual SOPs (which the coalition has in their possession). Lets see how your coalition government wiggle their way out of this one...

AND tell dem people who now praying and invoking Christ in Guyana not to encourage people to protest and engage in hooliganism....after all, the gangsta caretaka pressi said he will abide by (CARICOM and) GECOM decision. Yall start planning for 2025...


This will all lead to one declaration:

Inconclusive. Both GECOM Secretariat/CEO and the CARICOM Observers are of different opinions.

Ms. Claudette Singh cannot favor an OBSERVER's report over that of her very own independent body, as required under Guyana's Constitution.

The March 2, 2020 elections will be declared as null and void. 


The situation is very tense folks and its expected so. We have closed our stores in GT and pull off our delivery trucks and so is many of our associates, just in case a declaration is done later today, no one is caught passing through Buxton in the East Coast, Agricolla on the East Bank.

@Former Member posted:

The situation is very tense folks and its expected so. We have closed our stores in GT and pull off our delivery trucks and so is many of our associates, just in case a declaration is done later today, no one is caught passing through Buxton in the East Coast, Agricolla on the East Bank.

Who is "we", or rather, where is the source for this quote? 

@Rochelle posted:

This will all lead to one declaration:

Inconclusive. Both GECOM Secretariat/CEO and the CARICOM Observers are of different opinions.

Ms. Claudette Singh cannot favor an OBSERVER's report over that of her very own independent body, as required under Guyana's Constitution.

The March 2, 2020 elections will be declared as null and void. 

what you drinking today?  gimme some, because it look like it really having an effect...

@Rochelle posted:

They have acknowledged several matters that are worth noting:

1. That there were missing documents that need to be investigated; 

2. That there were irregularities; and

3. That the recount does not in itself decide the outcome of the elections. Here are their words, verbatim:

"...It therefore behooves whichever political party emerges victorious from these elections to initiate an immediate political audit..."

Hang tight, PPP/C.

Deloitte affiliate in Guyana has already been contacted regarding a professional audit!

If there is to be an audit, let it go through a petition.  Run the audit from the London or NY with local participation. Let the Audit Report come out of London or NY. 

@Former Member posted:

The situation is very tense folks and its expected so. We have closed our stores in GT and pull off our delivery trucks and so is many of our associates, just in case a declaration is done later today, no one is caught passing through Buxton in the East Coast, Agricolla on the East Bank.

Jus came off the phone with the mother inlaw. Situation is tense. Everybody waiting. Nobody knows what exactly to expect. 

@VishMahabir posted:

what you drinking today?  gimme some, because it look like it really having an effect...

Do understand that the same CARICOM that provided an audit report for the 1997 elections that PPP/C subsequently discarded is now the same CARICOM that all PPP/C party members and supporters are lauding as truth in the 2020 general and regional elections.

CARICOM is an observer. Their opinions cannot have legal bearing on the Chair's declaration. Claudette Singh is still limited by, and can only be guided by the CEO.

I suspect everyone will be going back to the polls, and more importantly, that CARICOM's OBSERVATION report will be relied upon to make serious electoral changes in Guyana.

Last edited by Rochelle
@Former Member posted:

The situation is very tense folks and its expected so. We have closed our stores in GT and pull off our delivery trucks and so is many of our associates, just in case a declaration is done later today, no one is caught passing through Buxton in the East Coast, Agricolla on the East Bank.

Leave it to the hoodlums, America will become like this!

@Rochelle posted:

Do understand that the same CARICOM that provided an audit report for the 1997 elections that PPP/C subsequently discarded is now the same CARICOM that all PPP/C party members and supporters are lauding as truth in the 2020 general and regional elections.

CARICOM is an observer. Their opinions cannot have legal bearing on the Chair's declaration. Claudette Singh is still limited by, and can only be guided by the CEO.

I suspect everyone will be going back to the polls, and more importantly, that CARICOM's OBSERVATION report will be relied upon to make serious electoral changes in Guyana.

Let’s see. The PNC today have less friends and allies than Hitler’s Germany in 1939.

@Rochelle posted:

CARICOM is an observer.

Their opinions cannot have legal bearing on the Chair's declaration.

Claudette Singh is still limited by, and can only be guided by the CEO.

Claudette Singh has the ultimate authority to make decisions for GECOM.

The CEO is a member of the organization who indeed provides his views and opinions on GECOM matters. He does not in any way, shape or form limit the actions/decisions for/of the Chairman of GECOM.


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