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alena06 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Early Election Day Results: Clinton Leads Florida, Ohio — Races Look Tight

The large Cuban population in Miami will help 'ring it in' for Hillary. 

The million dollar question is what happens to the Senate and the House.

Cubans in Florida are traditionally Republican voters. Hispanics from South America and Puerto Rico will more likely vote for Hillary.

Mars posted:
alena06 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Early Election Day Results: Clinton Leads Florida, Ohio — Races Look Tight

The large Cuban population in Miami will help 'ring it in' for Hillary. 

The million dollar question is what happens to the Senate and the House.

Cubans in Florida are traditionally Republican voters. Hispanics from South America and Puerto Rico will more likely vote for Hillary.

Yup traditionally, but there could be a shift this year, every little vote matters.


alena06 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Early Election Day Results: Clinton Leads Florida, Ohio — Races Look Tight

The large Cuban population in Miami will help 'ring it in' for Hillary. 

The million dollar question is what happens to the Senate and the House.

Cubans are probably the only vote in MIA that Trump will get. He will win just over 50% as the older exile wave is very against Obama's dÃĐtente with Castro.   Other Latinos, blacks, Jews and transplants go Hillary.

caribny posted:
alena06 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Early Election Day Results: Clinton Leads Florida, Ohio — Races Look Tight

The large Cuban population in Miami will help 'ring it in' for Hillary. 

The million dollar question is what happens to the Senate and the House.

Cubans are probably the only vote in MIA that Trump will get. He will win just over 50% as the older exile wave is very against Obama's dÃĐtente with Castro.   Other Latinos, blacks, Jews and transplants go Hillary.

Cubans lost out on their Federal perks when Obama made overtures to the Castro boys. No more free money-Obama turned off the tap of free money.

seignet posted:

Cubans lost out on their Federal perks when Obama made overtures to the Castro boys. No more free money-Obama turned off the tap of free money.

And the older exiles are angry.

Doesn't matter though as every one else is going Hillary.

Don't count out FL yet as many of the uncounted votes are in Palm, and Broward, both solid Democratic areas with their strong black, Jewish and transplant populations.


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