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yuji22 posted:

Bucks like you are dumb. Indos are intelligent and very smart. They want to protect their country from radical islamist terrorists.

Kudos to Trump.

I am proud to be Indian.

You are demonstrating precisely that cutting edge mental acuity! You can be a proud indian but most Indians are not proud of dummies.


Where is there evidence that Hillary is under 270?  Your link shows 268 and she isn't going to lose every battle ground state. She needs to win only one battleground state.

While the black vote might be down the Latin vote is surging, and that will definitely help in FL (the Puerto Rican vote) and NV.

It appears as if the Indo KKK, drunk with Jagdeo/Trump racism have lost all of their brain cells.

Having said this as I tell Kari it will depend on who turns out.  Beware of a Midwest surprise.

Zed posted:

CNN is ALWAYS playing a rating game because it is the ratings that bring in the advertising bucks. 


I cannot not understand how over 40 percent of American voters see trump as a national leader.

Counting the inches is always an american game not a CNN game. The reality is from sensible people as these polls have always normalized with trump breaking 40% and Hillary in the 45 % zone. These are the traditional numbers but these are national levels to gauge sentiment and does not play out the same way in the states. There we have traditionally red/blue states depending on how heavily gerrymandered t hey are by republican legislatures. They divide district to water down ethnic vote locally ( state houses are almost Lilly white even if there are large minority populations). 

I do not worry about the 40 for trump. I worry what makes the 2 percent asians, the 9 percent blacks and the 15 percent latins follow a racist who surround himself with people who openly advocate against them. Check the five or six members here and interrogate them for their views. It is the ambiance of his business accumen ( failures galore notwithstanding), the fakery that he is wealthy, the carney tricks that he will help them and the complete blindness to the fact he is a consummate liar and a crook. White people follow him because he represents them. The rest because they are plainly out of their minds.

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:



I cannot not understand how over 40 percent of American voters see trump as a national leader.

Even Obama is nervous which is why he is spending way more time campaigning than virtually any other 2nd term president has.

At this time he should be looking to exit, write his memoire, make millions of dollars making speeches, and planning his library.  And being glad that in a few months who wouldn't have to deal with the clowns in Congress, or FOX TV.

He is worried because he knows fully well that the media has focused on Hillary's email issue, and has said virtually nothing about how incompetent Trump is. And I mean as a businessman.

Many will vote for Trump, knowing that he is flawed, but thinking that, as a successful businessman, he can create the types of jobs that will secure them financially.  The media hasn't spoken to the fact that Trump is a failure, his businesses are subpar, and as a result many aren't his, but operate on license.

So many will vote based on ignorance.   Bill Maher said that he doesn't want to hear that Hillary has it in the bag.  The former governor of Michigan is concerned that the authoritarianism of Trump isn't something that people are focusing on that.

So Kari and Danyael can already start drinking their champagne, while those knowledgeable of what is happening on the ground are worried. This because of how uninformed and cynical many voters are, and how determined the GOP is to rig the election by voter suppression.

Danyael posted:
Zed posted:

CNN is ALWAYS playing a rating game because it is the ratings that bring in the advertising bucks. 


I cannot not understand how over 40 percent of American voters see trump as a national leader.

Counting the inches is always an american game not a CNN game. The reality is from sensible people as these polls have always normalized with trump breaking 40% and Hillary in the 45 % zone.

1. Many people who have been suffering for the past 9 years aren't like you who boast how successful you have been. Income inequality has soared to levels not seen since the Roaring Twenties.   Labor force participation rates among men in the 40s and 50s is down. Until this past year most job growth were in low wage areas, with the middle tier jobs that don't require a college education disappearing.

So here we have Trump. An obnoxious bigoted pig. But he comes with the myth of being a successful business man who will create successful jobs.

The men who used to make $80k, who now make $30k, are more interested in making $80k once again than anything that you will invent. So desperate they are that they follow a despot who promises to "bring back jobs".  They see him as being able to chat with his fellow tycoons to achieve this, so they don't even care that Trump never outlined how he will so this.  And they buy his lie that it is the intellectual liberal elites, the blacks and non white immigrants, and "foreigners" who are to blame, as they have always had this bigotry.

2.  40% + 45% = 85%.  These are the votes that we can count which is why we know that TX will stay Trump, and NY will stay Hillary.  This because the dominant party in each of these states will win 65%.  But what of other states where neither are cracking the 50% mark?   This is where your Midwest Trump surprise might happen, and he only needs one of the bigger states (he already has OH). That is if he grabs FL and NC.


I suggest that you watch Bill Maher.  In fact, despite being a comedian who discusses political issues that CNN doesn't, as that ridiculous station focuses on emails and whether Hillary is dishonest, saying nothing about Trump.  This week they are biting their nails in fear that Americans don't understand that if they vote Trump, they vote for their incarceration.

I don't know which poll you have that has Trump with 9% black support. Most show him more in the 2% range, in other words at the same level that David Duke enjoys.  There are still one or two blacks who yearn for massa's love.


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