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Former Minister of Home  Affairs, Ronald Gajraj died on Saturday at the Woodlands Hospital where he was rushed earlier in the day, former President of Guyana, Donald Ramotar said.

Gajraj was 65 years old.

It was unclear what was the cause of death, but sources indicated that most likely he suffered a heart attack. He served as Home Affairs Minister from 1999 until his resignation in 2005 as a result of then opposition political pressure.

Ramotar said Gajraj’s passing was a “great loss” to Guyana and all its peace-loving people as he had played a major role in fighting violent criminal gangs who had been holed up in Buxton.

“He was a very dedicated man who made a tremendous contribution to this country, particularly in the area of crime fighting,” said Ramotar a long-serving executive member of the now opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

The former Guyanese leader, in paying tribute, recalled that Gajraj, a former military officer and Attorney-at-Law, had almost battled the 2002-2012 crime spree of murders, robbers, kidnappings and disappearances despite not receiving full support by then former top police and military officers.

“Some of the people, who were supposed to be fighting crime, we  see where they are now and this confirms that the criminals had received political support to protect them in Buxton,” said Ramotar.

The former President noted that those senior security officials “were not totally loyal”.

During a great part of the crime spree, the Police Commissioner was Winston Felix and then Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force was Brigadier Eddie Collins; the latter being an adviser and the former now a Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.

In turn, the then opposition People’s National Congress Reform had spearheaded a campaign against Gajraj in 2004 on the grounds that he had approved gun licences for a death squad that had been responsible for killing several persons.

A Commission of Inquiry had failed to establish that there had been credible evidence that Gajraj had been linked to a state-sponsored death squad. In addition to the revocation of his American visas, the Western diplomatic community at the time had frowned on his reinstatement as Minister of Home Affairs.

Following his resignation in 2005, he had been appointed Guyana’s High Commissioner to India, a position he had held until 2015 when the PNCR-dominated coalition won the general elections.

President David Granger has long promised to hold a Commission of Inquiry into the killing of at least 400 persons during that period he often describes as “the troubles”.

Phone records at that time had shown that he had been in constant contact with Axel Williams for whom he had approved a firearm licence. Williams, who was subsequently killed, had been widely believed to have been behind the gunning down of five men at Light and Robb Streets in November, 2002.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A great man is now with the ancestors.  Every East Indian Guyanese owe this great man a debt that can never be repaid. He saved his brothers and sisters from race hate extermination. For this reason, he will always be in the hearts of many.


Ronald Gajraj

December 15 2018

Former Minister of Home Affairs Ronald Gajraj, who also served as Guyana’s High Commissioner to India and Bangladesh died suddenly today.

He was 65.

He was pronounced dead at a city hospital shortly after noon. He had been rushed there after his collapse.

Former President Donald Ramotar confirmed his death and said he was saddened by his sudden passing.

“This is tragic and I am deeply saddened. I want to give my condolences to his wife, children, brothers and all his loved ones. I think it is a big blow to the country because he led the fight against crime. He fought against crime during a terrible time. Yet he was able, under his leadership, control the crime levels and that is something this nation must always be grateful for,” he said.

Gajraj served as Minister of Home Affairs from January, 1999 to May, 2005, when he was forced to resign after local and international pressure was applied to the Bharrat Jagdeo administration due to allegations linking the minister to the activities of a death squad.

A presidential commission of inquiry cleared Gajraj of any involvement in the activities although it raised concern about his associations.

He was shortly after appointed High Commissioner to India by Jagdeo and kept a low profile thereafter. In April of 2015, just one month short of the General Elections, Gajraj was also appointed as High Commissioner to Bangladesh.

He resigned when the APNU+AFC won the elections in May 2015 and returned home and had been living here with his family.

Mr.T posted:

Why was Gajraj allowed to escape justice? It will be a stain on the PNC government for not prosecuting him for crimes against humanity.

It was not a crime against humanity. It was protecting a nation.

Mr.T posted:

Why was Gajraj allowed to escape justice? It will be a stain on the PNC government for not prosecuting him for crimes against humanity.

 Rather the PNC should have been prosecuted for their racist crimes against the Indos. Grainger called the period the 'Troubles' but who were the architect of all the mayhem and troubles. It was the PNC who gave the criminal element they dubbed 'freedom fightas' political support, aided and abetted by the hierarchy of the PNC some in the Govt. now. Imagine Pacuma, Willie who shared out guns. The cat Felix, et al. THANKS RON FOR SAVING A LOT OF INDO LIVES.  We owe you big time.

Mr.T posted:

Why was Gajraj allowed to escape justice? It will be a stain on the PNC government for not prosecuting him for crimes against humanity.


Leonora posted:

Can someone tell me which village he was from? I remember my Cha-chee (Dad's brother's wife) used to say they were siblings. 

He was born and raised in Helena, Mahaica.  Your cha-chee is wrong.  He did not have any sisters.  He is one of eleven brothers.

Bibi Haniffa
Prashad posted:

A great man is now with the ancestors.  Every East Indian Guyanese owe this great man a debt that can never be repaid. He saved his brothers and sisters from race hate extermination. For this reason, he will always be in the hearts of many.

What did dis banna do to deserve this tribute you bestowed upon him???

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Can someone tell me which village he was from? I remember my Cha-chee (Dad's brother's wife) used to say they were siblings. 

He was born and raised in Helena, Mahaica.  Your cha-chee is wrong.  He did not have any sisters.  He is one of eleven brothers.

Are you sure ? Leonora chachee maybe related to the Gajraj patriarch from Dehoop, Mahaica.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Can someone tell me which village he was from? I remember my Cha-chee (Dad's brother's wife) used to say they were siblings. 

He was born and raised in Helena, Mahaica.  Your cha-chee is wrong.  He did not have any sisters.  He is one of eleven brothers.

Are you sure ? Leonora chachee probably related to the Gajraj patriarch from Dehoop, Mahaica.

I'm sure.  Sibling in this case mean brother and sister.  Ronald doesn't have any sisters. His father was born in DeHoop, Mahaica.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

"The former Guyanese leader, in paying tribute, recalled that Gajraj, a former military officer and Attorney-at-Law, had almost battled the 2002-2012 crime spree of murders, robbers, kidnappings and disappearances despite not receiving full support by then former top police and military officers."

“Some of the people, who were supposed to be fighting crime, we  see where they are now and this confirms that the criminals had received political support to protect them in Buxton,” said Ramotar.


If this was the case, then why did this President or Jagdeo not take actions to remove the people who run the military and police if those people were dragging their feet....and why not call on the Americans to help.....and so on

...why allow Gajraj (I think Ramotar quote left out "single handedly") to fight this battle on his own, and why allow his image to be tainted with supposedly illegal actions on his (Gajraj) part?

Django posted:

Are you sure ? Leonora chachee maybe related to the Gajraj patriarch from Dehoop, Mahaica.

My Chachee was probably speaking about Ron's Dad from Dehoop. Call my Chachee's son living near you and ask him. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Can someone tell me which village he was from? I remember my Cha-chee (Dad's brother's wife) used to say they were siblings. 

He was born and raised in Helena, Mahaica.  Your cha-chee is wrong.  He did not have any sisters.  He is one of eleven brothers.

Are you sure ? Leonora chachee probably related to the Gajraj patriarch from Dehoop, Mahaica.

I'm sure.  Sibling in this case mean brother and sister.  Ronald doesn't have any sisters. His father was born in DeHoop, Mahaica.  

There are some relatives in my neck of the woods, will find out the relation. The relation maybe between Gagraj father and Leonora Cha-chee,hence the mention of siblings.

Last edited by Django
Leonora posted:
Django posted:

Are you sure ? Leonora chachee maybe related to the Gajraj patriarch from Dehoop, Mahaica.

My Chachee was probably speaking about Ron's Dad from Dehoop. Call my Chachee's son living near you and ask him. 

Will find out, lost his number when my phone was stolen.

Mr.T posted:

Why was Gajraj allowed to escape justice? It will be a stain on the PNC government for not prosecuting him for crimes against humanity.

I dont think he escaped justice....he was made Ambassador to India, I think, then he returned to live in Guyana.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Can someone tell me which village he was from? I remember my Cha-chee (Dad's brother's wife) used to say they were siblings. 

He was born and raised in Helena, Mahaica.  Your cha-chee is wrong.  He did not have any sisters.  He is one of eleven brothers.

Are you sure ? Leonora chachee probably related to the Gajraj patriarch from Dehoop, Mahaica.

I'm sure.  Sibling in this case mean brother and sister.  Ronald doesn't have any sisters. His father was born in DeHoop, Mahaica.  

There are some relatives in my neck of the woods, will find out the relation. The relation maybe between Gagraj father and Leonora Cha-chee.

Yes some cousins live in your neck of the woods.  Ronald's father and their mother is brother and sister.  No relation to Leonora.

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:

"The former Guyanese leader, in paying tribute, recalled that Gajraj, a former military officer and Attorney-at-Law, had almost battled the 2002-2012 crime spree of murders, robbers, kidnappings and disappearances despite not receiving full support by then former top police and military officers."

“Some of the people, who were supposed to be fighting crime, we  see where they are now and this confirms that the criminals had received political support to protect them in Buxton,” said Ramotar.


If this was the case, then why did this President or Jagdeo not take actions to remove the people who run the military and police if those people were dragging their feet....and why not call on the Americans to help.....and so on

...why allow Gajraj (I think Ramotar quote left out "single handedly") to fight this battle on his own, and why allow his image to be tainted with supposedly illegal actions on his (Gajraj) part?

They are digging the hole deeper, aligning themselves with drug lords to stem the Crime Wave was illegal.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"The former Guyanese leader, in paying tribute, recalled that Gajraj, a former military officer and Attorney-at-Law, had almost battled the 2002-2012 crime spree of murders, robbers, kidnappings and disappearances despite not receiving full support by then former top police and military officers."

“Some of the people, who were supposed to be fighting crime, we  see where they are now and this confirms that the criminals had received political support to protect them in Buxton,” said Ramotar.


If this was the case, then why did this President or Jagdeo not take actions to remove the people who run the military and police if those people were dragging their feet....and why not call on the Americans to help.....and so on

...why allow Gajraj (I think Ramotar quote left out "single handedly") to fight this battle on his own, and why allow his image to be tainted with supposedly illegal actions on his (Gajraj) part?

They are digging the hole deeper, aligning themselves with drug lords to stem the Crime Wave was illegal.

You always put the nation first.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

There are some relatives in my neck of the woods, will find out the relation. The relation maybe between Gagraj father and Leonora Cha-chee.

Yes some cousins live in your neck of the woods.  Ronald's father and their mother is brother and sister.  No relation to Leonora.

Well it's jine family.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"The former Guyanese leader, in paying tribute, recalled that Gajraj, a former military officer and Attorney-at-Law, had almost battled the 2002-2012 crime spree of murders, robbers, kidnappings and disappearances despite not receiving full support by then former top police and military officers."

“Some of the people, who were supposed to be fighting crime, we  see where they are now and this confirms that the criminals had received political support to protect them in Buxton,” said Ramotar.


If this was the case, then why did this President or Jagdeo not take actions to remove the people who run the military and police if those people were dragging their feet....and why not call on the Americans to help.....and so on

...why allow Gajraj (I think Ramotar quote left out "single handedly") to fight this battle on his own, and why allow his image to be tainted with supposedly illegal actions on his (Gajraj) part?

They are digging the hole deeper, aligning themselves with drug lords to stem the Crime Wave was illegal.

You always put the nation first.

Not by illegal means. The gov't could have seek assistance from Caricom or ABC countries.

Chief posted:

This is the man who created an illegal death squad that executed people whom the PPP deemed as criminals.

Well his time is up on this earthly world. 



He saved countless lives like yours.  You could've been one of those Berbicians whose lives were snuffed out by PNC supported criminals.  

Be grateful.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Can someone tell me which village he was from? I remember my Cha-chee (Dad's brother's wife) used to say they were siblings. 

He was born and raised in Helena, Mahaica.  Your cha-chee is wrong.  He did not have any sisters.  He is one of eleven brothers.

Are you sure ? Leonora chachee probably related to the Gajraj patriarch from Dehoop, Mahaica.

I'm sure.  Sibling in this case mean brother and sister.  Ronald doesn't have any sisters. His father was born in DeHoop, Mahaica.  

There are some relatives in my neck of the woods, will find out the relation. The relation maybe between Gagraj father and Leonora Cha-chee.

Yes some cousins live in your neck of the woods.  Ronald's father and their mother is brother and sister.  No relation to Leonora.

How come you always know who related to who, who ain’t gatt no relation to who, and you related to everyone with lil name recognition, and you never knew you were closely related to my mechanic friend in Queens.  Is it because he don’t carry a big title in front or behind his chatree name?

Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

Why was Gajraj allowed to escape justice? It will be a stain on the PNC government for not prosecuting him for crimes against humanity.

You is one jokey mofo, de pnc put lash pun you family rass when they try to setup oil refinery. Now yuh deh hey asking stupidie questions. If Granger dig into the alleged 400 deaths by phantomizing, pnc will invariably be implicated as the intellectual authors of many of the killings in Guyana. They gave lip service and yall rass like lil children run after the pied piper. 

Chief posted:

This is the man who created an illegal death squad that executed people whom the PPP deemed as criminals.

Well his time is up on this earthly world. 



Shut yuh rass bannas,  your taste for aubergine noir cloud your judgement. The berenhenna must have caused you brain damage to not understand the dynamics behind phantomizing and who was behind the freedom fighters killing off innocent folks. 

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Can someone tell me which village he was from? I remember my Cha-chee (Dad's brother's wife) used to say they were siblings. 

He was born and raised in Helena, Mahaica.  Your cha-chee is wrong.  He did not have any sisters.  He is one of eleven brothers.

Are you sure ? Leonora chachee probably related to the Gajraj patriarch from Dehoop, Mahaica.

I'm sure.  Sibling in this case mean brother and sister.  Ronald doesn't have any sisters. His father was born in DeHoop, Mahaica.  

There are some relatives in my neck of the woods, will find out the relation. The relation maybe between Gagraj father and Leonora Cha-chee.

Yes some cousins live in your neck of the woods.  Ronald's father and their mother is brother and sister.  No relation to Leonora.

How come you always know who related to who, who ain’t gatt no relation to who, and you related to everyone with lil name recognition, and you never knew you were closely related to my mechanic friend in Queens.  Is it because he don’t carry a big title in front or behind his chatree name?

Same way how I know Burnham send your father to Africa to learn to plant coconut trees.  Ask Tola, he can verify that information.

Bibi Haniffa
Chief posted:

This is the man who created an illegal death squad that executed people whom the PPP deemed as criminals.

Well his time is up on this earthly world. 



Shut your 


RIP. Hey hey article expose dem social cohesion one lovers. Hey hey hey...Granger ge two criminal mastermind big wuk in he govt. Hey hey hey...anyhow dem doan have de ability foh get wuk without dem racial mattie givin dem lil wuk. Hey hey hey...

Prashad posted:

A great man is now with the ancestors.  Every East Indian Guyanese owe this great man a debt that can never be repaid. He saved his brothers and sisters from race hate extermination. For this reason, he will always be in the hearts of many.

In the history of Guyana, he was the only man as Minister of Home Affairs that actualyy did his job-he fought the criminals on their turf.

Souls are peaceful, and his, is at peace.

seignet posted:
Prashad posted:

A great man is now with the ancestors.  Every East Indian Guyanese owe this great man a debt that can never be repaid. He saved his brothers and sisters from race hate extermination. For this reason, he will always be in the hearts of many.

In the history of Guyana, he was the only man as Minister of Home Affairs that actualyy did his job-he fought the criminals on their turf.

Souls are peaceful, and his, is at peace.

Look like yuh Nigerian dead man spell went wrong. Hold de garlic in yuh right hand and scratch yuh beetie wid yuh leff hand next time.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yes some cousins live in your neck of the woods.  Ronald's father and their mother is brother and sister.  No relation to Leonora.

How come you always know who related to who, who ain’t gatt no relation to who, and you related to everyone with lil name recognition, and you never knew you were closely related to my mechanic friend in Queens.  Is it because he don’t carry a big title in front or behind his chatree name?

Same way how I know Burnham send your father to Africa to learn to plant coconut trees.  Ask Tola, he can verify that information.

You don't have to ask Tola or anyone about my dad's contribution to Guyana.  These are family stories I told YOU about when we were belly-to-belly.  Nigeria was the school covering the Caribbean for the USAID, the people who sponsored him.

And why you drag my late Dad's name here?  Answer for yourself!  I don't drag your family into any discussion here!  It's about YOU!

Shameless little WITCH!!  And forgive the misspelling!

Last edited by Former Member

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