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May 25 ,2021


Guyana has placed an immediate ban on Haitian Nationals coming to this country. The ban takes immediate effect and was communicated to Commissioner of Police Nigel Hoppie by Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn early Tuesday Morning, May 25, 2021.

Haiti, as well as Guyana, are both Member States of CARICOM, the grouping of companies that make up the Caribbean Community.

It is unclear what is the reason behind the governmental ban at this time but according to what this publication was told, the instructions which the minister communicated to the Commissioner of Police was to be passed onto the Deputy Immigration Officer while the government was moving to inform airlines of Guyana’s position on Haitians coming into this country.

Last year, several Haitians including children were picked up by local law enforcement and taken to the Hugo Chavez Center in Region Five after the government claimed that they were victims of trafficking.

The Government back then arrived at the conclusion after claiming that the nationals who arrived here all provided the same address as their place of abode while in Guyana and that they were also children among the lot who were traveling without their parents.

The matter was taken to court and the government subsequently released the nationals. The court had ruled that the move by the government to have the Haitians deported and their detention were unlawful.

BIG Smith News Watch has been informed that on Monday, seventeen Haitian Nationals were placed into a holding facility at Ogle airport which has since been described by sources as inhumane. We were told that the nationals were placed in a small concrete room with no beds or anything to eat or drink. It was later in the day that the facility was outfitted with beds, fans and mattresses.

Today numerous efforts to clarify from Commissioner of Police Nigel Hoppie and Minister of Home Affairs the Government’s and the Central Immigration Department’s position on this new posture have been futile.

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No ban on Haitian nationals seeking to enter Guyana – Police


Statement from the Guyana Police Force

The Guyana Police Force emphatically states that it has not been directed by any authority, neither has the Commissioner of Police been instructed by the Minister of Home Affairs to ban Haitian Nationals from entering Guyana. There is no ban on Haitian Nationals seeking to enter Guyana.

The Police Force is categorically refuting such allegations which are being peddled on social media by irresponsible, mischievous and misleading media reporting.

In clarifying the issue, the Guyana Police Force states that between Sunday May 23 and Monday May 24, 2021, seventeen (17) out of a total of sixty-one (61) Haitian Nationals, who had arrived aboard Caribbean Airlines flights at the Eugene Correia International Airport at Ogle, were refused entry into the country because of the fact that they did not satisfy Immigration requirements.

Having not been landed, the 17 Haitians have been kept at the Airport awaiting a return flight to their Port of Embarkation for their journey to Guyana.

They have since departed aboard a Caribbean Airlines flight from the Eugene F. Correia International Airport, Ogle at 14:40 hours on today Tuesday May 25th, 2021.

The Airline, airport officials and the Ministry of Home Affairs assisted with feeding and accommodation for the affected persons during their stay at the airport.

@Django posted:

May 25 ,2021


Guyana has placed an immediate ban on Haitian Nationals coming to this country. The ban takes immediate effect and was communicated to Commissioner of Police Nigel Hoppie by Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn early Tuesday Morning, May 25, 2021.

Haiti, as well as Guyana, are both Member States of CARICOM, the grouping of companies that make up the Caribbean Community.

It is unclear what is the reason behind the governmental ban at this time but according to what this publication was told, the instructions which the minister communicated to the Commissioner of Police was to be passed onto the Deputy Immigration Officer while the government was moving to inform airlines of Guyana’s position on Haitians coming into this country.

Last year, several Haitians including children were picked up by local law enforcement and taken to the Hugo Chavez Center in Region Five after the government claimed that they were victims of trafficking.

The Government back then arrived at the conclusion after claiming that the nationals who arrived here all provided the same address as their place of abode while in Guyana and that they were also children among the lot who were traveling without their parents.

The matter was taken to court and the government subsequently released the nationals. The court had ruled that the move by the government to have the Haitians deported and their detention were unlawful.

BIG Smith News Watch has been informed that on Monday, seventeen Haitian Nationals were placed into a holding facility at Ogle airport which has since been described by sources as inhumane. We were told that the nationals were placed in a small concrete room with no beds or anything to eat or drink. It was later in the day that the facility was outfitted with beds, fans and mattresses.

Today numerous efforts to clarify from Commissioner of Police Nigel Hoppie and Minister of Home Affairs the Government’s and the Central Immigration Department’s position on this new posture have been futile.

Fake news


Wy de kunsarn, Mits? If dey impulmint de Kumpulsarry Nashunul Savinz Skeme, nobaddy gun waan mek trubbul becawz dem mattie gun klobbur dem, dey int waant no trubble cawsing dem fuh.looze dem haad urn savins tuh ennybaddy dem hait ar ennvee! Beehaiv yuh fing seff, fule! Dem gun bee demahkratic awl uv ah suddin! Evun de GPF an GDF! No mo riggin, eedur! Ar else!

No mo maachin ar protesin edur! Unliss yuh waant de.GDF an GPF maach yuh rass tuh de.berryul grung! De politishuns dem gun beehaiv dem seff in Paaryuhmint, too, unliss dem waant fuh bee chaagid fuh fuhmintin unrist! No mo ryutin, no mo lewtin ar bunnin dung bildin! Peese an kwiyet an evun ah.peece uv arze, two! Ar tree!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Guyana should get out of Caricom. They are not a part of the West Indies or the Caribbean.  We cannot allow lazy-minded people to migrate to Guyana.

You know they are lazy-minded, huh? Lazy-minded people do not migrate from.poor countries, kunt! Why, even you! But then again, you, probably, only migrated because the police must have been after you for PPP bribery and corruption! You were, probably, too lazy-minded then to work.for and probably found a way to get early retirement here!

Fake back injury? What, kunt?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You know they are lazy-minded, huh? Lazy-minded people do not migrate from.poor countries, kunt! Why, even you! But then again, you, probably, only migrated because the police must have been after you for PPP bribery and corruption! You were, probably, too lazy-minded then to work.for and probably found a way to get early retirement here!

Fake back injury? What, kunt?

The PNC police force was always corrupt. You are mistaken again. It was the PNC bribery and corruption.  I ran from the country because the Burnham Government was after me for not allowing Guyana Gajraj to steal the Tata buses. Guyana Gajraj was 51 % own by Burnham and company.

@Mitwah posted:

How would you control their presence in Prashadistan?

Guyana needs more people, but it can still be subject to bullying by Venezuela (proven) or Brazil (yet to come)! If even all of Caricom, and the others not presently included, were let in, Guyana couldn't stand on its own two feet and will have to seek help from other countries! They will own you!

Defence, of what you have, costs!

Watch your step carefully, Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

Guyanese of the six races must learn from the Tejanos of Texas and don't let racial infighting lead to them becoming a minority in their own country.

But Prash, de Indos dem in Guyanna dun mek blak maan a mynaritee inn Guyanna becawz dem mek two mush piknee! Whuh wrang wid lettin addur peepul inn fuh mek evreebaddy ah mynaritee naow! De too uv dem cud stap kwarlin an jine hans fuh.fite de apstaat nookummur!

@Mitwah posted:

I see an explosion of the Dougla population in Guyana.

Only if the incoming blaks good-looking as the Ghanian I met here months ago! This guy would beat any Hollywood or Bollywood star for looks, though he had very black skin and negro hair! Beauty attracts! Good nutrition has a lot to do with good looks! The Haitians are, many of them, malnourished! So, there would have to be a lot of raping!

And killing!


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