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BREAKING: Guyana closes airports to all incoming international flights

Director-General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) Egbert Field, moments ago, announced that Guyana will be closing its airports to all incoming international flights commencing from midnight on Wednesday, March 18.

Field made the announcement at an ongoing press conference with members of the Presidential Task Force to tackle the countryโ€™s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

He explained that the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) and Eugene F Correira International Airport would not be facilitating incoming international passenger flights. However, he noted that outgoing flights, cargo flights, MEDIVAC, technical flights and flights with special exceptions would be accommodated.

The shut down is expected to last for 14 days or as determined by the Task Force.

More details in the Wednesday, March 18, 2020, edition of the Guyana Times. 

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@Mitwah I may be mistaken but earlier today weren't you calling for the US to send in the Marines?  In any case why would the US or any other country want to invade another country to negate a free and fair election.  GECOM's results indicate a win for the Coalition.  It should proceed to declare the results and swear in Pres. Granger.  If anyone believes there was violation of election laws they could file an election petition.   


@Totaram In any case why would the US or any other country want to invade another country to negate a free and fair election.  GECOM's results indicate a win for the Coalition.

Did you attend school in Sophia? Did you ever ask yourself that if everybody is saying this is wrong and you are the only idiot fool dancing Kali Mai incoherently saying "I am right", that you must have been a resident of Berbice Mad House?


LMAO @ local and foreign Guyanese who thinks the United States is that invested in Guyana to issue nationwide sanctions.

Jagdeo's $34 million to Mercury LLC is what bought him a platform and access to the US government, which can only mean that a Trump's  presidency and government can be bought.

But trust and believe, Trump has way too many issues on the table to worry about "third-world Gee-ahna". 

Amazed that Pompeo can't even pronounce our country correctly. 


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