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BREAKING: “I am not illegal” – Harmon defends possible return to Parliament

State Minister Joseph Harmon says he will not give up his foreign citizenship for now but will continue to serve as a Member of Parliament (MP) until the ruling by Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

Harmon, during a post cabinet press briefing, maintained that he is not illegal, and that all government parliamentarians with dual citizenship will return to the National Assembly at the next sitting which is scheduled for April 11.

“I will say that this matter is still engaging the attention and Cabinet has not made a ruling on it. In that regard, it is contemplated that on April 11th, 2019 when the National Assembly sits, that all the members of the Government side will be there,” Harmon said.

He subsequently stated: “I see nothing duplicitous about it. The fact of the matter is that that Court of Appeal has dealt with the matter and the matter is now under appeal at another level. In so far as we are concerned, the Court of Appeal has made a determination on all of the matters before it and so we will abide by what the Court of Appeal has said. If at the level of the CCJ these matters are dealt with and they are definitively pronounced upon then certainly we will abide by what the Court says.”

Article 155 (1) of the Constitution of Guyana states that “No person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who (a) is, by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire, in her rulings earlier this year, also made it clear that by swearing allegiance to another State, a dual citizen is not qualified to be elected to serve in the National Assembly.

This ruling was upheld by the Court of Appeal.

More details in the Saturday, March 30, 2019 edition of the Guyana Times.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

State Minister Joseph Harmon says he will not give up his foreign citizenship for now but will continue to serve as a Member of Parliament (MP) until the ruling by Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

That's fine. He can sit in the building and twiddle his fingers. The Opposition already said that they are not returning to Parliament and I don't think the 33 members of the Coalition meets the quorum threshold needed to pass any bills.


Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire, in her rulings earlier this year, also made it clear that by swearing allegiance to another State, a dual citizen is not qualified to be elected to serve in the National Assembly.

These fools choose to pick PARTS of the ruling that suits them, other parts that affects them are discarded. How convenient!!


Even when Desmond Hoyte stole 85% of the votes in the 1985 general elections the PNC claimed they were legal and democratic.  It's a culture of illegality and corruption in that party.  Don't expect better from them. They are playing games and the game playing will continue until they are booted from office.

Billy Ram Balgobin

What is wrong with these PNC skonts that they would vehemently object to something they don't care to abide by. 

That has always been the bombast of the PNC which has fashioned while I can never support them. Maybe after they have spent forever in perdition, they may be redeemed enough for being considered worthy.


Blame Basil Williams.

Those Parliamentarians,who hold dual citizenship and are refusing to resign their seat in the National Assembly because of the ruling by the Chief Justice and the Courts of Appeal to uphold the relevant provisions of the Guyana Constitution, should place the blame squarely on the their pal, Basil Williams, the Attorney General. This Attorney General wanted to get rid of them through the Courts, because David Granger would never do it. Harmon, Grenidge, Volda and Williams were against each other vying for the leadership of the PNC to replace Granger. Volta won, but Williams saw the two losers as his enemy. He wanted to get them out of his way and so he moved to the Courts after NCM and ask the Court rule on the Constitutionality of whether dual citizens were entitled to sit in Parliament. Basil Williams had all the resources at his disposal as others AGs had regarding the constitutionality of Parliamentarians with dual Citizenship not occupying seats in Parliament, but said nothing.Basil, like a snake was waiting in the bush to strike and struck he did, taking not only his enemies, Harmon and Carl but others as well including from the PPP.

So I would think that Harmon and Greenidge should go after Williams. 

Last edited by Former Member

The leadership of the Opposition should move to the Courts to get a ruling that any laws or decision made by the Coalition in the National Assembly should be deemed invalid after March 21,They should, if necessary, file a Contempt of Court against the Government, and the dual citizens who return to the National Assembly to take up their seats illegally.

Drugb posted:

Apparently the pnc can do no wrong. They continue to flex their muscles politically without any consequences. Seems like they are above the law. 

They have always behaved lawlessly.

Dondadda posted:

The leadership of the Opposition should move to the Courts to get a ruling that any laws or decision made by the Coalition in the National Assembly should be deemed invalid after March 21,They should, if necessary, file a Contempt of Court against the Government, and the dual citizens who return to the National Assembly to take up their seats illegally.

You in lala land buddy, the courts are manned by pnc operatives. They will rule in pnc favor all the time.

Drugb posted:
Dondadda posted:

The leadership of the Opposition should move to the Courts to get a ruling that any laws or decision made by the Coalition in the National Assembly should be deemed invalid after March 21,They should, if necessary, file a Contempt of Court against the Government, and the dual citizens who return to the National Assembly to take up their seats illegally.

You in lala land buddy, the courts are manned by pnc operatives. They will rule in pnc favor all the time.

This is CCJ not Guyana court. Let's be fair and wait for an unbiased answer.

kp posted:
Drugb posted:
Dondadda posted:

The leadership of the Opposition should move to the Courts to get a ruling that any laws or decision made by the Coalition in the National Assembly should be deemed invalid after March 21,They should, if necessary, file a Contempt of Court against the Government, and the dual citizens who return to the National Assembly to take up their seats illegally.

You in lala land buddy, the courts are manned by pnc operatives. They will rule in pnc favor all the time.

This is CCJ not Guyana court. Let's be fair and wait for an unbiased answer.

what if you get an answer you dont like?

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:

This is CCJ not Guyana court. Let's be fair and wait for an unbiased answer.

what if you get an answer you dont like?

Some will definitely like the ruling while others will dislike it. It is only important that they issue the correct ruling which is that 33MPs represent the majority of the 65 MPs in Guyana's National Assembly and as a result, the Coalition government has fallen. And for good measure, rebuke those two judges for their audacity in illegally inserting a word into the constitution.

kp posted:
Drugb posted:
Dondadda posted:

The leadership of the Opposition should move to the Courts to get a ruling that any laws or decision made by the Coalition in the National Assembly should be deemed invalid after March 21,They should, if necessary, file a Contempt of Court against the Government, and the dual citizens who return to the National Assembly to take up their seats illegally.

You in lala land buddy, the courts are manned by pnc operatives. They will rule in pnc favor all the time.

This is CCJ not Guyana court. Let's be fair and wait for an unbiased answer.

CCJ not mentioned by Dondadda. Also black dominated CCJ has ruled in favor of PNC consistently, black supporting black. This is how it is in the Caribbean. The problem with folks like you is that you keep hoping that for acceptance, against the overwhelming odds of blacks fuh black mentality when it will never happen. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:
Dondadda posted:

The leadership of the Opposition should move to the Courts to get a ruling that any laws or decision made by the Coalition in the National Assembly should be deemed invalid after March 21,They should, if necessary, file a Contempt of Court against the Government, and the dual citizens who return to the National Assembly to take up their seats illegally.

You in lala land buddy, the courts are manned by pnc operatives. They will rule in pnc favor all the time.

This is CCJ not Guyana court. Let's be fair and wait for an unbiased answer.

CCJ not mentioned by Dondadda. Also black dominated CCJ has ruled in favor of PNC consistently, black supporting black. This is how it is in the Caribbean. The problem with folks like you is that you keep hoping that for acceptance, against the overwhelming odds of blacks fuh black mentality when it will never happen. 

Spoken like a true blackman. 


MoTP calls for retraction of Inews, Guyana Times articles

March 30 2019


THE Ministry of the Presidency has condemned and rejected as deliberately false and misleading, articles relating to Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, published by INews Guyana and Guyana Times, which misquoted the minister’s response to a question posed to him about serving members of the Government who hold dual citizenship, during his Post Cabinet Press Briefing Friday morning.

In the first and second paragraphs of the INews and Guyana Times articles published on Friday and titled, “Harmon says he will not give up his foreign citizenship” and “BREAKING: Harmon refuses to give up foreign citizenship” the news outfits stated that the State Minister said that he “will not give up his foreign citizenship but will continue to serve as a Member of Parliament (MP) until the ruling by Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).”

The articles further said that “Harmon, during a post cabinet press briefing, maintained that this move is not illegal, and that all government parliamentarians with dual citizenship will return to the National Assembly at the next sitting which is scheduled for April 11.”
“The Ministry of the Presidency would like to make it pellucid that no such utterances were made by the Minister of State. The Ministry further maintains that the assertions carried in the articles have no basis in fact and are clearly designed to mislead the public and create mischief. As such, the Ministry is calling for an immediate retraction from the publishers of INews Guyana and Guyana Times.” MoTP said.

In responding to a question posed to him by Prime News journalist, Ms. Nazima Raghubir, Minister Harmon said: “The question of dual citizenship, this is matter which is hot in the media right now and therefore, I believe it is important that we clarify this matter. I must say to you that this matter has engaged the attention of the High Court of Guyana, it has engaged the attention of the Court of Appeal and it is also a matter which has been appealed to the Caribbean Court of Justice as one of the grounds for appeal.

In that regard, the attorneys representing the State will advise the Government with respect to the situation with Members of the Government that are dual citizens so in that regard, I will say that this matter is still engaging the attention and Cabinet has not made a ruling on it. In that regard, it is contemplated that on April 11th, 2019 when the National Assembly sits, that all the members of the Government side will be there.”

Further, in response to a question posed by journalist, Mr. Neil Marks of News Room, who asked, “Sir, could you explain the Government’s reasoning for not wanting to uphold the Court’s decision on dual citizenship even though that is under appeal as is the passage of the No Confidence Motion?

The Opposition Leader has accused you of being duplicitous…”
Minister Harmon made it explicitly clear that while the matter is under appeal at the Caribbean Court of Justice, the Government will respect and honour the final decision of the Court. His verbatim response was, “Well you know the Opposition Leader has accused us of many things that he himself is guilty of, but I am not sure that those labels accurately describe us as an administration. I see nothing duplicitous about it.

The fact of the matter is that the Court of Appeal has dealt with the matter and the matter is now under appeal at another level. In so far as we are concerned, the Court of Appeal has made a determination on all of the matters before it and so we will abide by what the Court of Appeal has said. If at the level of the CCJ these matters are dealt with and they are definitively pronounced upon then certainly we will abide by what the Court says.”

It is also urging the members of the media corps to be guided by the tenets and principles of sound journalism and to desist from publishing false information. The Ministry also urges the Guyana Press Association to recognise its role as the body responsible for maintaining professional standards among its membership and to condemn this level of careless reporting.

The Ministry further notes that the Post Cabinet briefing was broadcast live via television, online and other communication platforms for the members of the public who can listen and form their own opinions. It is therefore urging all right-thinking Guyanese to view the presentation for themselves and not to be misled by half-truths and other falsehoods designed to manipulate them and destabilise the society.

While the Government of Guyana stands resolutely for the protection of freedom of speech and freedom of the press in Guyana, it condemns in the strongest possible terms, the publishing of untruths, dangerous propaganda and misleading information that could create unrest in the society by fostering resentment among citizens towards the legal sitting Government.


I agree that if those two media outlets did not report accurately what Harmon said, they should retract their reporting. That said, I am not aware that the matter of dual citizenship is being appealed at the CCJ. Dual citizenship was brought up by Basil Williams in an effort to disqualify Charrandas' vote on the NCM and while both courts in Guyana upheld Charrandas' vote as valid (based on the statute of limitation to object to him having dual citizenship being expired), both courts AGREED with Williams that the constitution prohibits dual citizens from being MPs. Since the PPP and the government both agree that dual citizens should not be MPs going forward, it is not included in the appeal to the CCJ. The only matter being appealed is the voodoo mathematics of those two judges who had the temerity to insert a word into the constitution so they can appease the PNC's argument. Harmon would also be aware that dual citizenship is not being appealed at the CCJ (unless Williams is appealing his own argument) so him saying that the government is waiting for the CCJ to rule before they make changes shows that once again, he as well as his PNC cohorts are intent on continuing their illegal behavior.

Django posted:

All dual citizens MP'S, should vacate there seats.

My friend, this should be the easiest correction for politicians in Guyana to make. No one is indisposable and there should be enough people in Guyana to fill 65 chairs in the National Assembly. Politicians are never willing to deny themselves that which they insist others do.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:

All dual citizens MP'S, should vacate there seats.

My friend, this should be the easiest correction for politicians in Guyana to make. No one is indisposable and there should be enough people in Guyana to fill 65 chairs in the National Assembly. Politicians are never willing to deny themselves that which they insist others do.

They all want to be on the gravy train.


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