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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The truth has a sense of revealing itself, soon and very soon, the truth would grace the public half....leave half...

We waiting on Jagdeo-hoe to have the last laugh.


Let him speak.  But he cannot speak on anything since he cannot justify the saving and he cannot excuse and wipe away Varsha.


These criminal, Ash-nee turn up every sunday morning at contractor house when their wife praying to collect the brown bag of notes.


These criminals have permeated every sector.


Center For Guyana's Progress


Fround this on FB


David Patterson
General Secretary
Alliance for Change
c/o Alliance House

April 8, 2014


Dear Mr. General Secretary:


Resignation from the Management Committee and the Alliance for Change


I hereby tender my resignation from the Alliance for Change with immediate effect for personal reasons.


I take this opportunity to wish the Alliance for Change successes as it seeks to lead our people out of underdevelopment and away from the politics of nepotism, crony capitalism and pettiness.

I will re-enter active politics in Guyana when the opportunity for remigration to my homeland presents itself, which I hope would be sooner than later.


I would like to thank the leadership of the AFC for its guidance and for having offered me the opportunity to serve the party and the people of Guyana.


Wishing the people of Guyana the courage of convictions to “make the right turn” and to vote out of office the corrupt and immoral politicians who continue to dominate the political landscape of Guyana.




Sasenarine Singh

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    George Bobb The most fitting thing to do!But please continue to offer your sound advise to the AFC! I do admire the Team spirit of the AFC. I always see the AFC as the Catalyst of removing the PPP from office!
    47 mins Â· Like Â· 1
    Runrun White Sase's incisive analytical perspectives will be missed. I hope he stays active in some ancilliary type of grouping.
    42 mins Â· Edited Â· Like Â· 1
    Sasenarine Singh Thank you all. I have been reflecting on this position for over a year now, this is no hurry up decision. I am finding it very difficult to continue to serve from this far. Once day I will return to my motherland and will re-commence the struggle. I still thing the AFC is the best collection of political leaders in Guyana.
    38 mins Â· Like
  • Sasenarine Singh
    The way I read this letter, the man choose to walk away.
    Does he not have the right to do that?

Sasenarine Singh resigns; AFC welcomes new Region 6 councillor

Posted By Staff Writer On April 9, 2014 @ 5:18 am In Local News | No Comments

The Alliance For Change announced that Sasenarine Singh has resigned from the party. Singh, an economist, was an AFC candidate at the 2011 elections and later migrated to the United States, remaining a member of the AFC’s management committee.

Singh cited personal reasons for his decision to withdraw from active politics in Guyana, in his letter to the party. He lauded the AFC’s fight against what he described as “the politics of nepotism, crony capitalism and pettiness.”

Singh thanked the leadership of the AFC for its guidance and expressed the wish that the people

Sasenarine Singh

Sasenarine Singh

would vote out of office “the corrupt and immoral politicians who continue to dominate the political landscape of Guyana,” the AFC said in a release.

AFC General Secretary, David Patterson also acknowledged the resignation saying that Singh worked hard for the party especially during the 2011 elections. He said that Singh’s knowledge and understanding of financial matters especially was well respected and relied on.

Patterson took the opportunity to thank him for his service to the party and to convey the party’s best wishes in the future. He said that the party looks forward to the time when Singh will remigrate to continue the struggle for a better Guyana.

Patterson said that the members of the party and Singh will remain friends outside of the political arena.

AFC also announced the appointment of Devin Sookraj, a well-known Berbice businessman, and owner of a hardware store in New Amsterdam, as its new regional councillor on the Region 6 RDC, to replace Mohamed Muksha who died earlier this year.

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Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by albert:

I could have sworn that as the alternatives to the 'PPP devils' the people in the opposition are supposed to be setting the example. Instead what we have being proffered is that the repeated rape and brutalization of 4 underage girls by CN Sharma and Sasenarine Singh inflicting a severe beating on his wife and son is being excused by supporters of the oppostion because 'Varshnie claimed Jagdeo locked her out the beadroom'

Please provide the published evidence of CN Sharma and Sasenarine Singh condemned for these act, or else your words shall be deemed as heresay.


We have published evidence of Jagdeo and Varshanie.


Until them please you play with your LOLO.



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