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@Spugum posted:

i never argued that lowenfield or mingo were innocent. i believe there were cheating on both sides in the 2020 general election dubbed "the mother of all elections".

that we ended up with a narrative that only one side cheated is unfortunate and dangerous

i happen to sympathise with the view that mingo probably "try a thing" because he knew from the numbers in region 4 (and other regions) that the ppp had found a way to cheat, he just didn't know how. it would later be revealed at the recount how the ppp went about cheating. mingo, lowenfield and others will get their say at the trial and when the case is over - for now they have to be silent

hope this clarifies my position

my question to you is: do you accept the ppp has cheat at general elections?


Guana man made a statement and were challenged to point to a single post where y’all acknowledged irregularities with Lowenfeld and Mingo. All the rambling about what you believe Mingo attempt rigging is in response to, or what you think he was thinking or believed is irrelevant bullshit. The fact none cannot be found because none exists.

You asking me if I accept the PPP cheated. That’s  a no brainer, the  OAS, CARICOM and others were task to find out exactly that via their observers mission and the recount. Why did CARICOM, OAS, EU, ABC etc release statement to the press that the election was free and fair? Just like how they stopped Granger swearing in based on Mingo bedsheet declaration, they had the power to nullify the elections if they found [according to you]PPP tampered with the ballot boxes. Why didn’t they? You should direct that query to them, why they didn’t they use their nullified power if according to you damning evidence of rigging were found.

Y'all need need to come the realization that y’all rigging days are over and move on â€Ķhahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@Spugum posted:

the so-called confession can't stand up in court. the pictures tell a different story

who is behind the attempt to cover up what happened?

I read something earlier the case was cracked and it was found to be arson. I don't ever recall any dam case being cracked by these guys in years, but there we have it, Operation "Warped" Speed tarasss.

Last edited by cain

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