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This story is developing and will be updated.

 Chief Election Officer, Keith Lowenfield today delivered his report to GECOM Chair Claudette Singh with the tabulations for the 10 electoral districts and a summary of the controversial observation reports that had been raised by APNU+AFC agents during the 33-day recount of votes from the March 2nd general elections.


This report will be deliberated on by GECOM after which it is expected to invite Lowenfield to present the final report for certification.

How Lowenfield treats with the discredited APNU+AFC complaints will be of great interest as would be the Chair’s response to them.

The CARICOM observer team is also expected to submit its report on the recount shortly.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PNC member, Lowenfield, has submitted his report to the GECOM chair, another PNC appointed person.

What kind of result do you expect?

As I understood it, Lolofeel is only authorized to give a summary of the observation report and the numbers for each region, etc. The GECOM chairman, Clawdeath will have to deal with the rest.

@Former Member posted:

As I understood it, Lolofeel is only authorized to give a summary of the observation report and the numbers for each region, etc. The GECOM chairman, Clawdeath will have to deal with the rest.

Skelly, as an outstanding person in your community, I am disappointed that you decided to call people names. I am sure you know that negativism feeds negativism, with possible no end in sight.

We all did this at one time in the heat of discussion, but some of us feel it no longer has any benefit.  

@Tola posted:

Skelly, as an outstanding person in your community, I am disappointed that you decided to call people names. I am sure you know that negativism feeds negativism, with possible no end in sight.

We all did this at one time in the heat of discussion, but some of us feel it no longer has any benefit.  

Tola, I do have a very negative opinion of the GECOM chairwoman. She should have been an independent decision-maker. Instead, she decided to support and show bias for the wrong side. I have seen PNC supporters call Jagdeo and Ali the vilest names you can think of. Calling the lady "clawdeath" is mild. We see some of the same negativism expressed here towards the PPP officials too.
I sounded her praises when she was nominated. She fooled all of us. I despise dishonest people. I am not perfect but I try my best to be as honest as possible at all times. This has to do with growing up poor and realizing that as we alleviate ourselves, we change for the good of all. People call me a racist. This is far from the truth. I despise individuals in every race who try to oppress the poor and unfortunate. I have expressed my opinions about Indians, Chinese and every race.


Flash Back.

The certified elections recount documents for all 10 districts have been delivered to Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield.

He must now tabulate those results and submit the final totals – along with a summary of the observations that were made during the recount process – to the GECOM Commission for the final declaration to be made on or before June 16.

Here’s a look at the results which have been generated for each region in the general elections:

@Former Member posted:

Tola, I do have a very negative opinion of the GECOM chairwoman. She should have been an independent decision-maker. Instead, she decided to support and show bias for the wrong side. I have seen PNC supporters call Jagdeo and Ali the vilest names you can think of. Calling the lady "clawdeath" is mild. We see some of the same negativism expressed here towards the PPP officials too.
I sounded her praises when she was nominated. She fooled all of us. I despise dishonest people. I am not perfect but I try my best to be as honest as possible at all times. This has to do with growing up poor and realizing that as we alleviate ourselves, we change for the good of all. People call me a racist. This is far from the truth. I despise individuals in every race who try to oppress the poor and unfortunate. I have expressed my opinions about Indians, Chinese and every race.

Skelly, it is also obvious that I have some negative opinions of some from  the last PPP administration, mainly based on our experience in Guyana. This went all the way to the President's office who did nothing to resolve the situation and others were left to pick up the pieces. Some ended tragically and many of us were very upset at the PPP. These cases were not only Africans, but mainly Indians.  

During my years on GNI where I was very harsh regarding the PPP, I later realize an important thing about world issues and dealing with people.  We all make mistakes, but if we continue to dwell on the mistakes and pout negativism, it makes for a much worse community, the world  and it degrades others.

From personal experience  I see Guyana as a very troubled place, that could become much worse for everyone, especially the poor if a solution is not found. I believe this solution could start with me, in the work we do and what I write on GNI, that I know the youth in Guyana is reading. I do know ex-pats actions influence them and they act out the same with each other.

So whether its GNI, or when  I talk to the youth in Guyana, I am very careful of my language, because I know they will repeat the same to their friends.  We all have choices and this is what I choose to do.

But sadly, one of the young teacher women in our group is getting married in Guyana and we cannot attend to celebrate with her. She was a school dropout who almost took her life, but graduated from UG and become a teacher, who now also mentor new students.         

@Former Member posted:

 For those who say 33 is not greater than 32.

New political parties: 9,096
APNU+AFC: 217,920
PPP/C: 233,336
Therefore; 9,096 + 217,920 = 227,016

227,016 is the total for APNU+AFC combined with the new parties and is less than the PPP/C 233,336.

Bear in mind that not all the mini parties will share a parliamentary seat. Only the 3 rejoinder parties whose total votes amount to less than  9,096.


Priya Manichand wrote:

Just so you know, Lowenfield did not have to offer an opinion. He was merely to summarise the observations. Just so you also know Lowenfield was responsible for hiring and training all the staff and running off the elections. Seems he was anxious to parrot the APNU/AFC line. You are free to therefore form and hold you own opinion about this dastardly behaviour. This morning I said I expected he would be decent and would do the right thing, be a patriot. What decency? What patriot?


If the elections are declared null and void then new elections will held with in three months and that does not give Gecom enough time to fix the electoral list.   They have a list of all migrants, it doesn't take rocket scientist to delete the names.  If they are in Guyana, then they have to be re-register to vote.  Of course dead men cannot vote. 


 Lowenfield may be acting under much political duress to discredit the recount results as being far from credible based on claims of fraud by the coalition..The claims and lists of alleged fraudulent activities by the PPPC were sent to the Chair of Gecom but to date there are no reports of any evidence provided..To discredit the recount would bring Lowenfield's position and Gecom into disrepute. Interesting times ahead. I believe the Chair will declare PPPC the winner as she knows her credibility is on the line after receiving that phone call... I say no more on this.. stay tune.


Just to be clear Lowenfield has no legal authority to pronounce on the credibility of elections ... that is exclusively the domain of a Court after a declaration of the winner is made of the party which receives the highest number of votes, in this case the PPPC. Lowenfield's opinion emanating from Congress Place is meaningless according to the law and he is therefore ALSO a mere utensil. Worry not and fear not ... the game is over and GECOM has no choice but to declare the PPPC the winner of the election at the appropriate time.


Dear Friends,
You are entitled to be annoyed with and upset at Lowenfield's behaviour. You are entitled to form a low opinion of him.
I would say with ease though, that Lowenfield has no jurisdiction in law to decide on the validity of an election. Nor does the Commission. Any question about validity and whether an election is credible and such matters is solely for the High Court to decide AFTER a declaration about a winner has been made. The stage we are at is that the Commission must study the numbers of people that voted for each party, and we all know what those are,(PPP/C: 233,336; APNU/AFC 217,920) and must make a declaration accordingl


Statement from the People’s Progressive Party

The Chief Elections Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Keith Lowenfield, has submitted Matrices for the recount of the 10 Electoral Districts and a Summary of the Observation Reports for each district, along with required attachments, pursuant to the gazette Order made by GECOM, under which the national recount of ballots were done.

The relevant portions of the Order reads:

β€œThe matrices for the recount of the ten (10) Electoral Districts shall then be tabulated by the Chief Election Officer and be submitted in a report, together with a summary of the observation reports for each District, to the Commission on or before 13th day of June 2020.”

It is clear from the above that Lowenfield has no power or authority or any mandate to offer a view, opinion or judgement of any type, either in the Observation Report or the Matrices to be tabulated. As regards the Observation Report, his singular duty was to summarize the various Observation Reports and in respect of the Matrices, his sole duty was to aggregate the totals in the Matrices.

In a clear and blatant violation of the Order, Lowenfield arrogated unto himself the role of an investigator, Judge and executioner and made conclusive findings, in respect of the wild, reckless and baseless allegations made by APNU+AFC and rendered a judgement on them, concluding that they were established, without doing any investigations, hearing no one affected and applying principles only known to himself.

Undoubtedly, in one swipe, Lowenfield has acted ultra vires, in excess of and without authority, in violation of natural justice, in abrogation of the separation of powers doctrine, unlawfully, unconstitutionally and the pronouncements that he has made are certainly null, void and of no effect. That his pronouncements and tabulations bear a striking resemblance to the contentions and calculations of the APNU+AFC have not gone unnoticed. He would make an excellent witness for the APNU+AFC at the trial of an Election Petition.

Worse yet, Lowenfield has indicted his own elections of which he was the Chief Elections Officer (CEO) and has in effect, conceded that he has committed Misfeasance in Public Office, an issued which will be pursued at another time. In so doing, he has also thrown under the bus thousands of Guyanese, who have worked diligently in the electoral machinery, all because he wants to satisfy the agenda of his political masters at Congress Place. Lowenfield has also rendered the entire Commission complicit in and culpable of spending approximately $8B of taxpayers’ dollars in holding elections that were not credible. This is same Lowenfield, who had prepared a Report on Mingo’s fraudulent declarations and was ready to submit it to the Commission.

It is clear that GECOM is enjoined by the law and the Constitution to ignore every aspects of Lowenfield’s Report, other than the General Elections Recount Totals and the Regional Elections Recount Totals. We recall the Chairperson of GECOM public statements, published on the frontpage of the Guyana Chronicle on the 3rd day of March 2020, that the elections were free, fair and credible.

We will keep the nation updated as events unfold.

@Former Member posted:

Indian kids, I know the parents, their father is a candidate for  APNU,  I now believe these doc is from the garbage bags thrown out by Mingo assistance... bada bing bada bang... thanks for sharing. 

Dave is a typical PPP apologist.  Look how e know dem pickney and wey dem get dem papa . Look like  Nandlall teach da man Dave how fe lie.


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