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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny you seem consumed with Black vs Indian.



  I see the PPP got rid of Sam Hinds, and the AFC wants only Indians to be the presidential candidate, despite its promise to rotate its candidates.  That is fine by me, but don't pretend as if the AFC isn't making ethnic calculations by reneging on its promise to ensure that an African candidate would have been selected, given that an Indian was chosen last time.


Turns out that the AFC is obsessed with Indians and DOES NOT WANT the black vote, so don't care if they are seen as an Indian party given that we hear only from Nagamootoo and Ramjattan!


I see you are a die hard PPP so you can't help yourself in thinking that blacks shouldn't be involved in leadership!


the AFC couldn't give a damn about how they appear to Afro Guyanese so clearly think that they don't need their support!  So run off and split the Indian vote.  APNU is very happy with this strategy.

Caribny you'd be surprised how many young Blacks of both sex like Jagdeo. To them he changed things and they feel they have an opportunity.

That kick-ass banna Jagdeo will be back in power in GT.  Alyuh watch.


You are in a different planet Baseman a different planet.


The only place Jagdeo will be is right where he is today. The PPP will also implode if they end up as a minority govt again.


This time the pressure will be increased on them because the opposition more than likely won't allow the govt to live beyond 2 years.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are in a different planet Baseman a different planet.


The only place Jagdeo will be is right where he is today. The PPP will also implode if they end up as a minority govt again.


This time the pressure will be increased on them because the opposition more than likely won't allow the govt to live beyond 2 years.

Blacks and katahars been saying that for 20+ years, the PPP will implode.  They underestimate the resilience of the Indian spirit.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny you'd be surprised how many young Blacks of both sex like Jagdeo. To them he changed things and they feel they have an opportunity.

And yet they didn't vote PPP. Why is that if they so loved Jagdeo?


Blacks are 30% of the population. Even in the disastrous 2006 the PNC got 34% of the votes.  They normally get around 40%.  Very consistent and obviously a cap. How can they get this when they get very few Indian and Amerindian votes.  Obviously they get most of the black and even the mixed vote.


Rest assured that your buddy Nagamootoo isn't that admired by blacks other than the role he played in weakening the PPP.  Yes they love Indo party II battling with Indo party I.  And indeed party is must be when HM Redux screams how selfish Trotman, Hughes and other AFC black leaders were.   Its interesting that he singled out leadership by RACE!

Originally Posted by seignet:

I suspect the AFC thinking is, Blacks are never going to come over from the PNC in vast numbers. However, they are gambling on the fact that Nagamootoo has a significant grassroot following from his PPP days. And hoping they give him their votes.


The AFC perhaps doan want a clear majority for any politcal party. This way, hopefully good governance could be achieved. That is a mistake in thinking. Whether PPP or PNC, these ppl have no intentions of provoding the coitizens with good goverance.


On the Black and Indian thing on the Presidential Candidate -that is a sickness we have in Guyana. How it started could be traced to several incidents in our history. If that is norm we have to deal with in our existence, then it should be structured.

And all that is fine but people shouldn't be hypocritical and pretend as if Nagamootoo was selected as he was the "best person?.  No he was selected as he was the best person to bring over more rural Indian votes and thus weaken the PPP.  That is a valid strategy and EVERY one in Guyana knows this.  So why pretend otherwise.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:

Opportunity to do what..get a passport and leave?

What is interesting as the huge explosion of Guyanese, especially Indo Guyanese, arriving in the Islands began after 2000 when Jagdeo was president.

If Granger keeps selling out to the PPP and being bought by the PPP to oppress lindeners and other Guyanese we will continue to see Guyanese of all ilk fleeing to the islands.


How many people fleeing Guyana because they see no hope in the failed Granger?


How much money has the PPP paid to the PNC elite over the past 15 years? You got that number CariBT?


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