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Former Member

Early tomorrow morning Ramotar will offer to Immediately form a Unity Govt with the PNC & Granger.

It is not likely to materialize because APNU Partners are against any cooperation with this corrupt PPP Govt.


Also.....News about a plot on a Contract Hit being placed on Nagamootoo is circulating.

The Hitman is a senior member of the Roger Khan Phantom Gang.

The plan is to get him before he get to parliament tomorrow.



As the Resident PNC Hydro-Seed Engineer would say...

"Interesting times ahead.... Tomorrow"

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10 WORDS: "That this National Assembly has no confidence in the government". These 10 words have shaken the Jagdeo-Ramotar regime. They appear on the Order Paper for tomorrow's sitting (Nov 10) of the National Assembly, and I am ready to move this motion in defiance of cowardly threats to prorogue parliament, as the PPP prepares Guyana for extra-parliamentary dictatorship. Time for unity. Time for action! Those in support, say "yea"!



"PPP's Strategy, November 2014 - July 2015:

1) Prorogue Parliament, going ahead with full PR blitz on why it is necessary and offers opportunity for dialogue.
2) Stagger the Because We Care distribution through December.
3) Offer a repulsive 'olive branch' to the opposition, APNU in particular, which they will have no choice but to reject, and stick to their promise of protests.
4) Send out overwhelming numbers of policemen to monitor said protests.
5) Plant agent provocateurs in the midst of growing protests to trigger an incident.
6) Use the same tactic used in Linden, tear gas at dusk for obscurity, followed by a few fatal shootings; claim they were fired upon.
7) Use state media to sell the story about being fired upon, conflating the 'revelations' of the Rodney inquiry, Granger's military background, and the gunfire incident at Congress place.

8) Seek to reconvene Parliament just in time to seek to present a pork-barrel budget, including the second year of the Because We Care grant.
9) When the opposition refuse to cooperate, initiate snap elections.
10) Use the ensuing protests by APNU to sell the race protection racket to their bottomhouse congregation.
11) Illegally access the Consolidated Fund on the pretext of emergency appropriation, and mix the funds with donor contributions, including strategic 'investments' from Chinese, Indian and Brazilian companies to fund electioneering."

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Early tomorrow morning Ramotar will offer to Immediately form a Unity Govt with the PNC & Granger.

It is not likely to materialize because APNU Partners are against any cooperation with this corrupt PPP Govt.


Also.....News about a plot on a Contract Hit being placed on Nagamootoo is circulating.

The Hitman is a senior member of the Roger Khan Phantom Gang.

The plan is to get him before he get to parliament tomorrow.



As the Resident PNC Hydro-Seed Engineer would say...

"Interesting times ahead.... Tomorrow"

What is your source of this information? If you cannot identify it stop spreading rumours.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


"PPP's Strategy, November 2014 - July 2015:

1) Prorogue Parliament, going ahead with full PR blitz on why it is necessary and offers opportunity for dialogue.
2) Stagger the Because We Care distribution through December.
3) Offer a repulsive 'olive branch' to the opposition, APNU in particular, which they will have no choice but to reject, and stick to their promise of protests.
4) Send out overwhelming numbers of policemen to monitor said protests.
5) Plant agent provocateurs in the midst of growing protests to trigger an incident.
6) Use the same tactic used in Linden, tear gas at dusk for obscurity, followed by a few fatal shootings; claim they were fired upon.
7) Use state media to sell the story about being fired upon, conflating the 'revelations' of the Rodney inquiry, Granger's military background, and the gunfire incident at Congress place.

8) Seek to reconvene Parliament just in time to seek to present a pork-barrel budget, including the second year of the Because We Care grant.
9) When the opposition refuse to cooperate, initiate snap elections.
10) Use the ensuing protests by APNU to sell the race protection racket to their bottomhouse congregation.
11) Illegally access the Consolidated Fund on the pretext of emergency appropriation, and mix the funds with donor contributions, including strategic 'investments' from Chinese, Indian and Brazilian companies to fund electioneering."

Ruel forgot the most potent PPP black arts weapon . . . ARSON!


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