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Former Member

'Grey Boy' charged

with Crum-Ewing's murder

  • Friday, 07 August 2015 16:49


Regan 'Grey Boy' Rodrigues Regan 'Grey Boy' Rodrigues


After several weeks of intense grilling,
the man police believed
shot dead political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing
was Friday afternoon charged with murder.

He is 37-year old Regan 'Grey Boy' Rodrigues
of Riverview, Ruimveldt.

He is acuused of the murder of Crum-Ewing
on March 10,2015 at Diamond , East Bank Demerara.

Rodrigues was not required to plea to the indictable charge
after it was read to him by City Magistrate Fabayo Azore.

He was remanded to prison until August 21.

Rodrigues was fingered in the offence
after ballistic tests on a gand gun found in his possession
allegedly proved that it was the same weapon
that was used to kill Crum-Ewing.

At the time,
he had been on bull horn
encouraging residents
to go out and vote in the May 11, 2015 general elections
for the APNU+AFC Coalition.

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“Grey Boy” charged for

Courtney Crum-Ewing’s execution; Implicates others"

“Grey Boy” charged for Courtney Crum-Ewing’s execution; Implicates others

Thirty-seven year old Reagan Rodrigues aka “Grey Boy”

was this afternoon (August 7, 2015) charged for the murder

of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing.


He appeared in court and

was not required to enter a plea to the indictable charge.


Dressed in a t-shirt and jeans,

the man stood emotionless

as the charge was read to him

that on the 10th March, 2015 in the Diamond community,

he shot and killed the political activist.


Rodrigues shouted out

that the real persons responsible

for the Crum-Ewing murder are still walking free.


He accused a man

by the name of “Caesar” and “Rajput”

as the persons behind the execution.



Rajput Narine is the former bodyguard

for the former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall.

He was held for questioning

in connection with the execution

but was released on station bail.

He still has to report to the police frequently.


Courtney Crum-Ewing was shot five times

as he used a loud hailer

to encourage people in the Diamond community

to vote against the PPP Civic at the recent elections.


Three of the shots were close range shots to his head

while the other two shots were to his body.


Rodrigues was held for the murder

after the police arrested him

in connection with another investigation

and the gun found on him,

matched the gun that was used to kill Crum-Ewing.


The accused has long been fingered

in a number of execution type murders.  


He will return to court later this month.


Breaking News:

Regan Rodrigues charged

with Crum-Ewing murder


Regan Rodrigues, the suspected triggerman in the slaying of Courtney Crum-Ewing, was charged this afternoon with the political activist’s murder.


The charge against Rodrigues, 37, called “Grey Boy,” stated that on March 10th, 2015, at Diamond, East Bank Demerara, he murdered Crum-Ewing. He was not required to plead to the indictable charge, which was read to him by Magistrate Fabayo Azore in a Georgetown court.


“In this country, once money pass

nobody don’t care nothing.

I know they had the real man

fuh this murder but they loose he,”

Rodrigues, however, said.


Regan Rodrigues, called

Regan Rodrigues,

called “Grey Boy”


The unrepresented Rodrigues

 was remanded to prison until August 21st.


Police investigators made a breakthrough in the case

just over three weeks ago

when ballistic tests done

on an illegal .32-calibre gun found

at Rodrigues’ Georgetown residence

was linked to the murder scene.


Rodrigues was previously charged

with the possession of the weapon after surrendering to cops,

who he had managed to elude before his home was searched.


Rajput Narine, an ex-bodyguard

of former Attorney General Anil Nandlall,

was subsequently taken into custody

and questioned but was released without charge.


His lawyer had said that although police told Narine

 he was being arrested in connection

with the Crum-Ewing investigation,

while in police custody he was never questioned about it.


There was, however,

a confrontation between

Rodrigues and Narine.


Previously, at least eight persons

had been arrested in connection with the probe

but police were unable

to find any concrete evidence against them.

Surveillance footage had also produced naught.


Shortly after his death,

Crum-Ewing’s relatives had told the media

that two senior members of the former government

had made threats to his life

and these threats were reported 

to the Brickdam Police Station.


The police have never disclosed clearly

if those two persons were ever

contacted and questioned about the reports.

Courtney Crum-Ewing

Courtney Crum-Ewing



Crum-Ewing was shot dead on the evening of March 10th

at Diamond, East Bank Demerara,

where he was urging residents

to vote against the incumbent PPP/C

at the May 11th elections.


He was shot five times,

including three times to the head.


For weeks prior to his death,

he had held one man protest outside

the office of the then Attorney General Nandlall,

calling for his resignation

over controversial statements

he made during a telephone conversation

with a Kaieteur News reporter that was made public.

Last edited by Former Member


‘Grey boy’ charged

for Crum-Ewing murder

August 7, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– professes innocence, claims cop,

former bodyguard are the real killers  

Riverview resident Regan Rodrigues, also called ‘Grey Boy, has been charged with the murder of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing, who was gunned down in Diamond Housing Scheme on March 10, 2015.

Assassinated: Courtney E-Wing and Regan Rodrigues who was charged with murder earlier today.

Assassinated: Courtney E-Wing and Regan Rodrigues who was charged with murder earlier today.



Rodrigues appeared before Magistrate Fabio Azore 

yesterday and was remanded,

but not before proclaiming his innocence

and alleging that a policeman

and a former bodyguard had committed the act.


Police had said that they had recovered

the firearm which was used in Crum-Ewing’s assassination.


During the course of their investigation,

police had also detained Rajput Narine,

an ex-bodyguard of former Attorney General

and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall,

in connection with the crime.


Crum-Ewing was riddled with bullets

while carrying a bull-horn and

urging residents to vote for the

A Partnership for National Unit (APNU)

and Alliance for Change coalition.


He had also staged several protests

outside office of the then Attorney General

and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall,

in an effort to force him to resign

over inflammatory statements

he made to a Kaieteur News journalist.


Regan Rodrigues, alias ‘Grey Boy

Regan Rodrigues, alias ‘Grey Boy

Grey Boy remanded for murder of ex-soldier Courtney Crum-Ewing


MONTHS after being charged for

unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition

and for escape from lawful custody,

37-year-old Regan Rodrigues

of Riverview, Ruimveldt, Georgetown

was yesterday charged with the execution

of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing.


Rodrigues, alias ‘Gray Boy’,

appeared before City Magistrate Fabayo Azore

and was not required to plead to the indictable charge

alleging that on May 10, 2015, at Diamond, East Bank Demerara,

he murdered ex-solider Courtney Crum-Ewing.

Courtney: Slain former soldier Courtney Crum-Ewing

Courtney: Slain former soldier Courtney Crum-Ewing



Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones explained

that police investigations are still ongoing,

while advice still has to be sought

from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)

regarding certain aspects of the charge.


Moreover, the .32 pistol which was found

in Rodrigues’s possession was sent for ballistics testing

while he was on remand,

and the test proved that the same gun

was used to execute the ex-soldier.



The unrepresented ‘Gray Boy’ explained

that he was being victimised

by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP),

because everybody is labelling him

a murdered and a cold-blooded killer

who wanted to execute an innocent man. 


The magistrate had to remind Rodrigues

of his right to remain silent,

although he told her that he would like to

“reason with the court”.


In his “reasoning”,

he implicated Rajput Naraine,

a former bodyguard

of former Attorney General and

People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C)

Executive Member Anil Nandlall,

and a high ranked police officer

whom he named as ‘Creaser’.


Naraine and Creaser,

Rodrigues noted,

were the ones who had offered him money

to execute Courtney Crum-Ewing,

but he said he had refused the offer because he was a

supporter of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).


He said he had gone to the police,

who instead held him for the crime,

because “once money pass, nobody cares”.



Rodrigues explained that

he was never interrogated by the police,

but was surprisingly being brought

before the court to answer

to a charge of which he has no knowledge.


After Rodrigues had finished his “reasoning”,

the magistrate informed him that

he was being remanded until August 21,

when he would appear before Magistrate Ann McLennan.


Political activist Crum-Ewing

was gunned down on March 10, 2015

while encouraging residents of

Diamond New Housing Scheme

to cast their votes in the May 11

General and Regional Elections against the PPP.


The former soldier had come to the public’s attention

after he had held a one-man demonstration for 80 days

in front of the office of the then Legal Affairs Minister

and Attorney General Anil Nandlall,

following revelations of a taped conversation

between that official

and a senior reporter of the Kaieteur News.


He was shot five times –

thrice to the head,

once to the back of the neck,

and once under one of his arms.

All the bullets were fired from behind his person

and at close range,

except the one that hit him under his arm

and exited through his shoulder.


Rodrigues was charged a few weeks ago

for possession of illegal arms

and for escaping from lawful custody.


The charges against the suspect

were read on Wednesday last

at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.


It is alleged that on July 13

at Riverview, Ruimveldt,

while in the custody of Constable 2041 Thomas

pending criminal charges

for unlawful possession of a firearm

and unlawful possession of ammunition,

Rodrigues escaped from lawful custody.


It is also alleged that, on the same date,

he had in his possession one Taurus pistol

and 14 live rounds of ammunition

without being a licensed firearm holder.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

I need apologies from all the PNC dirty Indians who accused the PPP of the crime.

are you high!?


where in the charge is there language that exonerates the "PPP"?


in fact, "grey boy" is quite firm in insisting that "Rajput" is a key conspirator . . . are u sober enough to UNDERSTAND what that means?


when basic intelligence was being allocated, i suspect u were in the long, long line with fellow sheep being fitted for frilly kneepads



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

I need apologies from all the PNC dirty Indians who accused the PPP of the crime.

are you high!?


where in the charge is there language that exonerates the "PPP"?


in fact, "grey boy" is quite firm in insisting that "Rajput" is a key conspirator . . . are u sober enough to UNDERSTAND what that means?


when basic intelligence was being allocated, i suspect u were in the long, long line with fellow sheep being fitted for frilly kneepads



You didn't apologized.   You sounded ignorant and stupid.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

I need apologies from all the PNC dirty Indians who accused the PPP of the crime.

are you high!?


where in the charge is there language that exonerates the "PPP"?


in fact, "grey boy" is quite firm in insisting that "Rajput" is a key conspirator . . . are u sober enough to UNDERSTAND what that means?


when basic intelligence was being allocated, i suspect u were in the long, long line with fellow sheep being fitted for frilly kneepads



You didn't apologized.   You sounded ignorant and stupid.

HEHEHE  Go easy on Kanta Professor.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

I need apologies from all the PNC dirty Indians who accused the PPP of the crime.

are you high!?


where in the charge is there language that exonerates the "PPP"?


in fact, "grey boy" is quite firm in insisting that "Rajput" is a key conspirator . . . are u sober enough to UNDERSTAND what that means?


when basic intelligence was being allocated, i suspect u were in the long, long line with fellow sheep being fitted for frilly kneepads



You didn't apologized.   You sounded ignorant and stupid.

HEHEHE  Go easy on Kanta Professor.

I have to teach that jackass a lesson.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

I need apologies from all the PNC dirty Indians who accused the PPP of the crime.

are you high!?


where in the charge is there language that exonerates the "PPP"?


in fact, "grey boy" is quite firm in insisting that "Rajput" is a key conspirator . . . are u sober enough to UNDERSTAND what that means?


when basic intelligence was being allocated, i suspect u were in the long, long line with fellow sheep being fitted for frilly kneepads



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

I need apologies from all the PNC dirty Indians who accused the PPP of the crime.

are you high!?


where in the charge is there language that exonerates the "PPP"?


in fact, "grey boy" is quite firm in insisting that "Rajput" is a key conspirator . . . are u sober enough to UNDERSTAND what that means?


when basic intelligence was being allocated, i suspect u were in the long, long line with fellow sheep being fitted for frilly kneepads




Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

I need apologies from all the PNC dirty Indians who accused the PPP of the crime.

are you high!?


where in the charge is there language that exonerates the "PPP"?


in fact, "grey boy" is quite firm in insisting that "Rajput" is a key conspirator . . . are u sober enough to UNDERSTAND what that means?


when basic intelligence was being allocated, i suspect u were in the long, long line with fellow sheep being fitted for frilly kneepads




there are 3 questions . . . answer even one nah





A long time ago I disconnected my cable TV and saved a whole bunch of cash.  Now I come on GNI and be entertained just the same,  til me stomach hurts.


One caution though, I don't read with a mouthful of wine anymore, because I already replaced one keyboard and I would rather buy more wine, instead of another keyboard.

You guys carry on hea, like something I don't know.  


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