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The High Court has ruled this afternoon that Government Ministers Keith Scott and Winston Felix cannot sit as Technocratic Ministers in Parliament.

PPP member Desmond Morian had moved to the court seeking to bar the APNU+AFC members from sitting in the National Assembly unless their names are extracted from their Coalition’s list.

Felix, the Minister of Citizenship and Scott, Minister with responsibility for Labour are sitting in the National Assembly as technocratic members of the Assembly. The Opposition PPP/C had however challenged this.

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Winston Felix's name was #18 on APNU+AFC List of Candidates. Keith Scott's name was #60. See

As technocrat MPs, Felix and Scott cannot vote on motions or bills. APNU+AFC has 33 voting MPs as per election results. The early PPP regime had technocrat MPs too. Former Attorney-General Doodnauth Singh was one of them. Mr Singh's name was not on the PPP List of Candidates. Neither was Foreign Affairs Minister Rudy Insanally, a technocrat.

Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:

the ruling is on a silly technicality

little of substance here

See, now you being foolish with your "technicality". 

The talk in the town is that Felix might be the point man who might be able to rig future elections for the PNC. 

VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

the ruling is on a silly technicality

little of substance here

See, now you being foolish with your "technicality". 

The talk in the town is that Felix might be the point man who might be able to rig future elections for the PNC. 

idiot! calm yuhself and listen lil to the ignar, incoherent bilge u 'responding' with here

pollutant! Felix doesn't need to be a minister to do that

redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

the ruling is on a silly technicality

little of substance here

See, now you being foolish with your "technicality". 

The talk in the town is that Felix might be the point man who might be able to rig future elections for the PNC. 

idiot! calm yuhself and listen lil to the ignar, incoherent bilge u 'responding' with here

pollutant! Felix doesn't need to be a minister to do that

Like you rass vex too bad!

randolph posted:

The High Court has ruled this afternoon that Government Ministers Keith Scott and Winston Felix cannot sit as Technocratic Ministers in Parliament.

PPP member Desmond Morian had moved to the court seeking to bar the APNU+AFC members from sitting in the National Assembly unless their names are extracted from their Coalition’s list.

Felix, the Minister of Citizenship and Scott, Minister with responsibility for Labour are sitting in the National Assembly as technocratic members of the Assembly. The Opposition PPP/C had however challenged this.

If this is true, this is a major development.  So what will we do with FELIX NOW?

One of the AFC backbenchers will have to be ejected.  There goes the 60:40 ratio.

Pointblank posted:

At least we can now say that the courts and media are free from bias since the APNU/AFC government took office.

Yes, you can say....but watch the attacks thats being made on Chang as a PPP stooge. 

Pointblank posted:

At least we can now say that the courts and media are free from bias since the APNU/AFC government took office.

What nonsense, you people have to depths to you shame.  Who can say what?  The fact that these incompetents and losing all around just means they are clueless, nothing to do with the courts.  They courts are just doing their job!!

Georgie posted:
randolph posted:

The High Court has ruled this afternoon that Government Ministers Keith Scott and Winston Felix cannot sit as Technocratic Ministers in Parliament.

PPP member Desmond Morian had moved to the court seeking to bar the APNU+AFC members from sitting in the National Assembly unless their names are extracted from their Coalition’s list.

Felix, the Minister of Citizenship and Scott, Minister with responsibility for Labour are sitting in the National Assembly as technocratic members of the Assembly. The Opposition PPP/C had however challenged this.

If this is true, this is a major development.  So what will we do with FELIX NOW?

One of the AFC backbenchers will have to be ejected.  There goes the 60:40 ratio.

Does a non-voting member affect the 60/40?  If so, then that toilet-paper Cummingsburg [dis] accord was faceated even before it was signed.  Did alyuh lil men wear a perfumed face mask at the signing ceremony to pretend all's nice and dandy!!


On May 11, all 75 names on the APNU+AFC List of Candidates were electable. The elections results gave APNU+AFC 33 seats and so 33 names were selected from its List and approved by GECOM. Consequently, the remaining 75 - 33 = 42 names were no longer electable. President Granger chose Felix and Scott from the un-electable portion of his List. 

As I pointed out before, there is precedence in the National Assembly regarding technocrat MPs. The governments of Burnham, Hoyte and Jagan had them. 

And, remember, with or without Felix and Scott in the House, only 33 MPs on the government side can vote on bills, motions, resolutions etc.

The government is in order to appeal Justice Chang's decision.


I respect Chang.  He was my brother's best friend.  I think he used too much of a literal interpretation of the Constitution here.  I was once told that there is "reason in the law."  I cannot see why you shouldn't be allowed to sit as a non-voting technocrat in parliament  even if your name was on the list.  The fact is there are much more names on the list than can possibly be extracted.  I think the list had 90+ names for both major parties.

SN has an extensive description on the ruling.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

On May 11, all 75 names on the APNU+AFC List of Candidates were electable. The elections results gave APNU+AFC 33 seats and so 33 names were selected from its List and approved by GECOM. Consequently, the remaining 75 - 33 = 42 names were no longer electable. President Granger chose Felix and Scott from the un-electable portion of his List. 

As I pointed out before, there is precedence in the National Assembly regarding technocrat MPs. The governments of Burnham, Hoyte and Jagan had them. 

And, remember, with or without Felix and Scott in the House, only 33 MPs on the government side can vote on bills, motions, resolutions etc.

The government is in order to appeal Justice Chang's decision.

I don't think any of the technocrats before was on a list, so there is no real precedent.

VVP posted:

I respect Chang.  He was my brother's best friend.  I think he used too much of a literal interpretation of the Constitution here.  I was once told that there is "reason in the law."  I cannot see why you shouldn't be allowed to sit as a non-voting technocrat in parliament  even if your name was on the list.  The fact is there are much more names on the list than can possibly be extracted.  I think the list had 90+ names for both major parties.

PPP/C List = 93 names

APNU+AFC List = 75 names

susan posted:
Nehru posted:


With Bibi as his running mate! 

Hmmmm.  This could happen yes.  And I promise me and the First Lady won't be only talking about fashion and makeup and our fabulous alma mater while we are running the country in the President's absence.

We will fulfill the responsibilities of the constitution in fine style and mek Nagamootoo look like a stupidy!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

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