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Sithe Global pulls out of Amaila

August 9, 2013 · By Stabroek editor · 0 Comments    8 mins agoNext Article »


Sithe Global has pulled out of the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, Head of NICIL Winston Brassington, has confirmed to Stabroek News.

According to sources, Sithe Global has informed the President of Guyana Donald Ramotar of its decision. The President is expected to make a statement on Sithe’s walking away from the project.

Sithe Global’s President Brian Kubeck said that the company will be making at statement in the press on Sunday. In an email to this newspaper, Kubeck said that his company’s position remained the same – that the project was too large to continue without national consensus.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I wonder how the AFC can tell Guyanese that they are a serious party, when after mounting strenuous opposition to this project, they suddenly cave when it is made public that two senior AFC officials are involved.


Pity as we now see that the AFC is no better than either the PPP or the PNC.

Originally Posted by Prince:

It take you long enough to see the true color of the AFC.   You also bought the notion that AFC was the lord and savior?   

HEHEHEHE  Mr bin ah tell dem bout Ramjhaaaaaatan, GR and N=Moses BUT dem haad ears.

Originally Posted by Prince:

It take you long enough to see the true color of the AFC.   You also bought the notion that AFC was the lord and savior?   

Sorry never thought highly of the AFC. Even Gerhard used to tell me to stop being so hard on them.  Baseman said that I was a PPP soup licker.  That is before he began to drink PPP soup only because it was the only one with curry in it.

Originally Posted by God:

Good riddance. They were charging double the price for the plant anyway with high interest rates.


Now, the Government can find another developer to build the plant for US$500 mil.

Sithe didnt want to give PPP folks any of the proceeds.   They told the PPP that the PNC and AFC people also need to drink their soup.  Apparently the PPP told them no way will any PNC person drink from that trough.


So Sithe walked.


China will build it.  saddle Guyana with I$ billion in debt, that is on top of the $150M after they finish with that big airport with eight EMPTY jetways.

Originally Posted by caribny:

I wonder how the AFC can tell Guyanese that they are a serious party, when after mounting strenuous opposition to this project, they suddenly cave when it is made public that two senior AFC officials are involved.


Pity as we now see that the AFC is no better than either the PPP or the PNC.

CaribJ I can understand you are upset that the AFC did not tie bundle with the PNC to vote against the Amaila project....

But ....the AFC did the right thing.....they do what is right for Guyana....rolling up with the PNC is not right for Guyana.... this is not your love for the PNC or my hate for the PPP or is what is right.


Guyana needs Hydro....but like this and every contract signed by Jagdeo we need the best deal....and cut out the thiefing.


CaribJ stop exposing your true PNC colors by claiming  AFC let you down because they don't support the PNC or Vote with them on every issue.


CaribJ please tell us what Cathy or Nigel Hughes or the AFC did wrong.


Guyana will get Hydro Power thanks to the AFC......and at the right price....what is wrong with that??????

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It may be a blessing in disguise. Now the Chinese may have to finish the Job. Or Donald can beg India for Help.

It is a Blessing in disguise......Guyana will get Hydro Power thanks to the AFC......and at the right price....what is wrong with that??????

Originally Posted by Prince:

I done see you will suffer a heart attack like Nigel. Keep posting crap like the world just ended for the Amaila project.


I wonder how the AFC can tell Guyanese that they are a serious party, when after mounting strenuous opposition to this project, they suddenly cave when it is made public that two senior AFC officials are involved.


Pity as we now see that the AFC is no better than either the PPP or the PNC.



It take you long enough to see the true color of the AFC.   You also bought the notion that AFC was the lord and savior?   




Both of you get skin-up......Nehru is Right....It is a Blessing in disguise......Guyana will get Hydro Power thanks to the AFC......and at the right price....what is wrong with that??????



US company pulls out of Amaila Falls hydro project- Brassington

  • Friday, 09 August 2013 18:26

US company pulls out of Amaila Falls hydro project- Brassington


Two days after Guyana’s National Assembly failed to reach consensus on key-related legislative arrangements to support the more than US$800 million Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, a key American investor has pulled out.
Head of the National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), Winston Brassington said the New York-based Sithe Global has formally advised the government of its decision.
“I feel a deep sense of loss,” he said, adding that Guyana’s investment climate has suffered severe damage. Brassington, who was a key negotiator for the deal, said Sithe Global has already closed its Guyana offices after investing at least U$16 million on preparatory work for the project.
“It sends a shock to anyone else who is looking to contemplate investing in Guyana. Investor confidence is very much affected by this,” he said.
President Donald Ramotar, however, held out a glimmer of hope in brief remarks to state media operatives at State House, his official residence on Main Street. Ramotar said he was ready to hold further talks with the opposition to save the project.
Sithe Global declined to say whether it has decided to pull out of the project until Sunday but at the same time insisted that all political parties should support the project before its continued involvement. “In the meantime, our position remains unchanged.  A public-private partnership of this magnitude requires a national consensus in order for us to proceed further,” Sithe Global told Demerara Waves Online News (
While the Alliance For Change (AFC) last Wednesday voted in favour of increasing the debt ceiling from GUY $1B to GUY$50 billion, government had hoped for a GUY$130 billion ceiling. The AFC has said that it would review its position in another three months depending on an assessment by the Inter American Development Bank (IDB). A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has opposed an increase in the debt ceiling that would guarantee payments to Amaila Falls Hydropower Inc (AFHI) should the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) find itself hamstrung to buy the power.
“At this point, there is no other investor. Amaila is dead as it’s structured,” said Brassington who lamented APNU’s no-vote twice on July 18 and August 7.
Sithe Global officials flew into Guyana two weeks ago in the hope of persuading the opposition to vote in favour of the project.
The Guyana government has spent more than US$12 million to build a road to access the hydropower site.
The government has said that based on an estimated 20 percent reduction in electricity tariff from the start of Amaila’s operation residential consumers save approximately $208.7 million monthly or $2.5 billion annually.

The PPP/C government has to accept full responsibility for this latest fiasco.

I am repeating what I said earlier this week: the PPP must take a reality check, humble itself, and recognize it can no longer walk the path of deception, cuss down and arrogance.

All Guyana owe a debt of gratitude to educated and perceptive professional analysts like Christopher Ram, Dr Clive Thomas, Ramon Gaskin and Anand Goolsarran; these four men studied the government's Amaila propaganda, asked the right questions, made comparisons, pointed out possible myths in the government's promises. Based on their analyses, opposition parliamentarians forced the government to reveal information that was withheld initially.

This regrettable setback should serve as an object lesson; the PPP/C must endeavor to come clean and transparent in future if it wants multi-party support on important projects.

Originally Posted by caribny:

I wonder how the AFC can tell Guyanese that they are a serious party, when after mounting strenuous opposition to this project, they suddenly cave when it is made public that two senior AFC officials are involved.


Pity as we now see that the AFC is no better than either the PPP or the PNC.

I think I agree with you wholeheartedly. AFC has shown its weakness.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by caribny:

I wonder how the AFC can tell Guyanese that they are a serious party, when after mounting strenuous opposition to this project, they suddenly cave when it is made public that two senior AFC officials are involved.


Pity as we now see that the AFC is no better than either the PPP or the PNC.

I think I agree with you wholeheartedly. AFC has shown its weakness.

Let us Blame the AFC now.....

But the truth is PPP & PNC agree to disagree

Originally Posted by JB:

Now they can make a hydro at a good price for the people.

It might not be possible at all given the terrain, cost of financing and the cost of construction being demanded by these foreign firms. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:

CaribJ please tell us what Cathy or Nigel Hughes or the AFC did wrong.


If the AFC thought that the project was viable why did they waste a lot of time blocking it?


Its ironic that you babble about corruption within the PPP when we are now seeing that the AFC is no different.


Telling Guyanese that the project was not properly put together, not transparent, and potentially burdensome.  Then as soon as the public was told that the Highes were involved the p[roject is now viable.


So if the project was always viable than why did the AFC not only block it, but were even more vocal about potential crony corruption than the PNC was?


As an AFC supporters this should worry you.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by JB:

Now they can make a hydro at a good price for the people.

It might not be possible at all given the terrain, cost of financing and the cost of construction being demanded by these foreign firms. 

Once the Hughes family make their commission who cares.


Tell you what any future attempts by the AFC to paint the PPP as corrupt will be met with laughter.  They are no different, and indeed what Nigel Hughes will do to make a buck is quite disturbing for a political personality.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It may be a blessing in disguise. Now the Chinese may have to finish the Job. Or Donald can beg India for Help. might be on to something here. Let's suppose Sithe's withdrawal was orchestrated. The Chinese come in and sub-contract out to a local Guyanese outfit. Guess who will have majority ownership in that Guyanese contractor? Some choreography that smells like the Oligarchy in Russia as the State's properties were part of a private Monopoly game. So Pavi, you're not far off in your thinking.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by caribny:

I wonder how the AFC can tell Guyanese that they are a serious party, when after mounting strenuous opposition to this project, they suddenly cave when it is made public that two senior AFC officials are involved.


Pity as we now see that the AFC is no better than either the PPP or the PNC.

I think I agree with you wholeheartedly. AFC has shown its weakness.

They AFC has lost all credibility at this point.


They yelled and screamed and said that they couldnt support the project unless it was verified as being viable by a credible source.


Now we hear that the Hughes are involved then a sudden turn about.


Why is this project suddenly so wonderful?  Because Hughes threatened them to do as he said or else?  And they have no one else who they think ha sany probability of helping them get black support?


The AFC needs to tell us if there is no problem with Amaila why didnt they vote to support the project before.


Clearly this is an ambulance chasing party out to make a lot of noise, but they lack any conviction when the personal interests of their leaders are involved.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It may be a blessing in disguise. Now the Chinese may have to finish the Job. Or Donald can beg India for Help. might be on to something here. Let's suppose Sithe's withdrawal was orchestrated. The Chinese come in and sub-contract out to a local Guyanese outfit. .

The Chinese NEVER subcontract anything to any one.  Not even the unskilled labor.  They know full well that Guyanese will not put up with the treatment that they subject unskilled Chinese laborers to.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It may be a blessing in disguise. Now the Chinese may have to finish the Job. Or Donald can beg India for Help.

I spoke to my contact in the OP.  They are not in favor of the Chinese getting more involved.  The GoG wanted to spread the contracts around to not allow any single stakeholder to have too much leverage.  As for the Indians, they are too screwed up and lack strategy, they are of no help.


The PPP needs to clean up their act and regain respect.  Do you know the IMF and WB has removed their offices from GT to TT.  The PPP's bare face corruption is not going without notice.  Their arrogance and not willing to build national consensus are obvious.  Amelia was a litmus test for the Govt and both the PNC and international community wanted to send a message.  The PPP shooting themselves in the foot.


how can the AFC SHOW WEAKNESS  when this  is the party that force the local government election maybe nigil tell them that this deal is falling through so they make a deal with the ppp and get what the guyanese was fighting for  the last 19 yrs teh AFC get the last laugh 

Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to clean up their act and regain respect.  Do you know the IMF and WB has removed their offices from GT to TT.  The PPP's bare face corruption is not going without notice.  Their arrogance and not willing to build national consensus are obvious.  Amelia was a litmus test for the Govt and both the PNC and international community wanted to send a message.  The PPP shooting themselves in the foot.

And the tragedy fr Guyana is that the AFC had screamed that they are different from the two larger parties.  Not filled with corrupt crony capitalists.


Yet after screaming that they will refuse to approve Amaila until further evidence was provided that the project was viable and its contracts will be transparent the suddenly change their tune when the confiict of interest with the Hughes family was made public.


The AFC unfortunately has now lost the moral high ground in condeming corruption in the PPP and the PNC when we see they are now equally guilty.


Guyana is a joke and has a sordid reputation internationally.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to clean up their act and regain respect.  Do you know the IMF and WB has removed their offices from GT to TT.  The PPP's bare face corruption is not going without notice.  Their arrogance and not willing to build national consensus are obvious.  Amelia was a litmus test for the Govt and both the PNC and international community wanted to send a message.  The PPP shooting themselves in the foot.

And the tragedy fr Guyana is that the AFC had screamed that they are different from the two larger parties.  Not filled with corrupt crony capitalists.


Yet after screaming that they will refuse to approve Amaila until further evidence was provided that the project was viable and its contracts will be transparent the suddenly change their tune when the confiict of interest with the Hughes family was made public.


The AFC unfortunately has now lost the moral high ground in condeming corruption in the PPP and the PNC when we see they are now equally guilty.


Guyana is a joke and has a sordid reputation internationally.

Guyana is a sad state of affairs, very dysfunctional at the Governmental level.  I have friends and relatives there who are now considering leaving as the future does not look bright for their kids.  These are well educated well-to-do families.  They blame all three parties, the PPP for their arrogance, selfishness and corruption, the AFC for poisoning the political atmosphere creating more divisions, and the PNC for racism and keeping the old PNC image alive.  They mistrust the PNC more than they dislike the PPP.


Guyana lacks leadership and statesmanship, what we have is brinkmanship and one-up-manship.  No one cares about the people regardless of race.  Neither the PPP nor PNC will work together on a political solution allaying the fears of both communities and in the interest of the masses.  They are both despotic in their mindset and are interested in the people only to masquerade as "representatives".


No one represent the "people", these are just individuals called "leaders" representing themselves.  The AFC are a group of over-bloated but hurt egos and, as displayed by Mr Hughes, interested in getting their hands on the til. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to clean up their act and regain respect.  Do you know the IMF and WB has removed their offices from GT to TT.  The PPP's bare face corruption is not going without notice.  Their arrogance and not willing to build national consensus are obvious.  Amelia was a litmus test for the Govt and both the PNC and international community wanted to send a message.  The PPP shooting themselves in the foot.

And the tragedy fr Guyana is that the AFC had screamed that they are different from the two larger parties.  Not filled with corrupt crony capitalists.


Yet after screaming that they will refuse to approve Amaila until further evidence was provided that the project was viable and its contracts will be transparent the suddenly change their tune when the confiict of interest with the Hughes family was made public.


The AFC unfortunately has now lost the moral high ground in condeming corruption in the PPP and the PNC when we see they are now equally guilty.


Guyana is a joke and has a sordid reputation internationally.

Guyana is a sad state of affairs, very dysfunctional at the Governmental level.  I have friends and relatives there who are now considering leaving as the future does not look bright for their kids.  These are well educated well-to-do families.  They blame all three parties, the PPP for their arrogance, selfishness and corruption, the AFC for poisoning the political atmosphere creating more divisions, and the PNC for racism and keeping the old PNC image alive.  They mistrust the PNC more than they dislike the PPP.


Guyana lacks leadership and statesmanship, what we have is brinkmanship and one-up-manship.  No one cares about the people regardless of race.  Neither the PPP nor PNC will work together on a political solution allaying the fears of both communities and in the interest of the masses.  They are both despotic in their mindset and are interested in the people only to masquerade as "representatives".


No one represent the "people", these are just individuals called "leaders" representing themselves.  The AFC are a group of over-bloated but hurt egos and, as displayed by Mr Hughes, interested in getting their hands on the til. 

Great insight.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to clean up their act and regain respect.  Do you know the IMF and WB has removed their offices from GT to TT.  The PPP's bare face corruption is not going without notice.  Their arrogance and not willing to build national consensus are obvious.  Amelia was a litmus test for the Govt and both the PNC and international community wanted to send a message.  The PPP shooting themselves in the foot.

And the tragedy fr Guyana is that the AFC had screamed that they are different from the two larger parties.  Not filled with corrupt crony capitalists.


Yet after screaming that they will refuse to approve Amaila until further evidence was provided that the project was viable and its contracts will be transparent the suddenly change their tune when the confiict of interest with the Hughes family was made public.


The AFC unfortunately has now lost the moral high ground in condeming corruption in the PPP and the PNC when we see they are now equally guilty.


Guyana is a joke and has a sordid reputation internationally.

My friend Carib J is representing Burnham, the House of Isreal and PNC's interest very well.

First he rolls up PNC and PPP in a Big Ball of Corruption.....

then he throw a lasso around Nehru and Baseman....

and after harnessing them he speaks for them....

and Nehru & Baseman is eating the PNC House of Isreal $hit now....


Same way.... Kit Nascimento & Kwame McCoy.....

have been given the Authority now.......

to speak for Jagdeo & Ramotar Today.....


Now let us Examine what these .....

Black PNC House of Isreal thugs are saying about AFC.....


#1.....AFC should not support the Hydro Electric Project in Guyana.


#2.....No AFC member or supporter must be involved in the running of the Hydro Electric Project in Guyana.....because the House of Isreal thugs are not comfortable with the AFC around.


If the AFC was wrong to support this project ....

why Either Jagdeo or Ramotar do not come out and say so.....

why they have the Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs as their spokesmen....

Either side can answer this question....

(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or

(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....



If Cathy Hughes or Nigel Hughes was wrong to working on this project ....

why Either Jagdeo or Ramotar do not come out and say so.....

Let them tell us why.....

 AFC executives or members......

should not be involved in the management or....

over site of this massive investment

by the Guyana Govt who we are told is representing all Guyanese.


Either side can answer this question....

(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or

(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....






The CGX Contract was awarded by Jagdeo & Ramotar....

and some of the Most Senior Members of the PNC are major parties in this CGX Contract....

How come Carib J, Kwame McCoy or Kit Nascimento ......

don't see this as a conflict of Interest????


Either side can answer this question....

(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or

(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....




The Omai Gold Mines ......

was set up by Desmond Hoyte & The PNC Boys....


and some of the Most Senior Members of the PNC are major parties in the Omai Gold Operations....along with Donald Ramotar who has been receiving  a hefty monthly US Dollar check (for over 20 years)


How come Carib J, Kwame McCoy or Kit Nascimento ......


don't see this as a conflict of Interest????




Either side can answer this question....


(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or


(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....


Carib J .....I must give you Credit....

for the way you rope-in Nehru and Baseman......

to the Black House of Isreal line of thinking...


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to clean up their act and regain respect.  Do you know the IMF and WB has removed their offices from GT to TT.  The PPP's bare face corruption is not going without notice.  Their arrogance and not willing to build national consensus are obvious.  Amelia was a litmus test for the Govt and both the PNC and international community wanted to send a message.  The PPP shooting themselves in the foot.

And the tragedy fr Guyana is that the AFC had screamed that they are different from the two larger parties.  Not filled with corrupt crony capitalists.


Yet after screaming that they will refuse to approve Amaila until further evidence was provided that the project was viable and its contracts will be transparent the suddenly change their tune when the confiict of interest with the Hughes family was made public.


The AFC unfortunately has now lost the moral high ground in condeming corruption in the PPP and the PNC when we see they are now equally guilty.


Guyana is a joke and has a sordid reputation internationally.

My friend Carib J is representing Burnham, the House of Isreal and PNC's interest very well.

First he rolls up PNC and PPP in a Big Ball of Corruption.....

then he throw a lasso around Nehru and Baseman....

and after harnessing them he speaks for them....

and Nehru & Baseman is eating the PNC House of Isreal $hit now....


Same way.... Kit Nascimento & Kwame McCoy.....

have been given the Authority now.......

to speak for Jagdeo & Ramotar Today.....


Now let us Examine what these .....

Black PNC House of Isreal thugs are saying about AFC.....


#1.....AFC should not support the Hydro Electric Project in Guyana.


#2.....No AFC member or supporter must be involved in the running of the Hydro Electric Project in Guyana.....because the House of Isreal thugs are not comfortable with the AFC around.


If the AFC was wrong to support this project ....

why Either Jagdeo or Ramotar do not come out and say so.....

why they have the Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs as their spokesmen....

Either side can answer this question....

(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or

(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....



If Cathy Hughes or Nigel Hughes was wrong to working on this project ....

why Either Jagdeo or Ramotar do not come out and say so.....

Let them tell us why.....

 AFC executives or members......

should not be involved in the management or....

over site of this massive investment

by the Guyana Govt who we are told is representing all Guyanese.


Either side can answer this question....

(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or

(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....






The CGX Contract was awarded by Jagdeo & Ramotar....

and some of the Most Senior Members of the PNC are major parties in this CGX Contract....

How come Carib J, Kwame McCoy or Kit Nascimento ......

don't see this as a conflict of Interest????


Either side can answer this question....

(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or

(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....




The Omai Gold Mines ......

was set up by Desmond Hoyte & The PNC Boys....


and some of the Most Senior Members of the PNC are major parties in the Omai Gold Operations....along with Donald Ramotar who has been receiving  a hefty monthly US Dollar check (for over 20 years)


How come Carib J, Kwame McCoy or Kit Nascimento ......


don't see this as a conflict of Interest????




Either side can answer this question....


(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or


(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....


Carib J .....I must give you Credit....

for the way you rope-in Nehru and Baseman......

to the Black House of Isreal line of thinking...


Keep on braying for AFC.  You are the odd man out.  No one will like what I said because I take no sides and tell the truth.  All three parties are into themselves, not the people.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Guyana is a sad state of affairs, very dysfunctional at the Governmental level.  I have friends and relatives there who are now considering leaving as the future does not look bright for their kids.  These are well educated well-to-do families.  They blame all three parties, the PPP for their arrogance, selfishness and corruption, the AFC for poisoning the political atmosphere creating more divisions, and the PNC for racism and keeping the old PNC image alive.  They mistrust the PNC more than they dislike the PPP.


Guyana lacks leadership and statesmanship, what we have is brinkmanship and one-up-manship.  No one cares about the people regardless of race.  Neither the PPP nor PNC will work together on a political solution allaying the fears of both communities and in the interest of the masses.  They are both despotic in their mindset and are interested in the people only to masquerade as "representatives".


No one represent the "people", these are just individuals called "leaders" representing themselves.  The AFC are a group of over-bloated but hurt egos and, as displayed by Mr Hughes, interested in getting their hands on the til. 

Clearly your friends are Indians as the PNC is no more racist than is the PPP.  Being Indians they however chose to ignore the fact that Indo racism and ethnic insecurity has been just as poisonous as that from blacks.  And Guyanese need to hold THEMSELVES responsible for this.


You see in most parts of the Caribbean no political party can assume that it will always win, based on an ethnically based vote.  And no party can assume that it will do well enough to be a powerful opposition party, despite being completely inept when it comes to providing a vision, and adequalely defending its supporters and the population at large from he rapacious and arrogant attitudes of the ruling party.  Indeed in Grenada the the party in power not only lost the last elections, but failed to win any seats.


Even T&T which resembles Guyana in having two almost equal ethic groups is different.  Neither the UNC nor the PNM can assume that they will always win elections.  This is because there is a larger % of the population who will vote based on which party they see as being better, and not just on the basis of race.   Note that Jack Warner, a black man, bashed Kamla in a majority Indian district.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

My friend Carib J is representing Burnham,

Either side can answer this question....


(1) The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs .....or


(2) Jagdeo & Ramotar dutty floor cloth fools.....


Carib J .....I must give you Credit....

for the way you rope-in Nehru and Baseman......

to the Black House of Isreal line of thinking...


i see that you reveal that you are a typical black hating PPPite.  You currently have a beef with them, most likely due to some PERSONAL dispute that you had with Jagdeo and/or Ramotar.  So you PRETEND to support the AFC.  As soon as you resolve your fire rage tantrum with the PPP you will go bcak to them.


Every mention that I make of Burnham is negative, starting with the fact that he destroyed AfroGuyanese.


Yet you brand me a Burnhamite.  This is how PPP racists talk.


You see sir you have no respect for AfroGuyanese, unless they are some soup licking stooge begging you for a free beer and a roti.  Unless we jump when you say jump you call us Burnham lovers, even when there is clear evidence to the contrary.   You like stupid black people, and all others you brand as Burnhamites, seeking to undermine their credibility.


I suggest that you call Baseman and Chief Burnham lovers because they are always incensed when I say that Burnham destroyed Guyana, and especially blacks.



The truth Jalil is that the AFC told Guyanese that it would not support Amaila until it got third party verification that the project was feasible, being implemented efficiently and that the debt incurred will be adequately serviced, based on the project's viability.


Yet now they jump and UNCRITICALLY support Amaila?


Not a coincidence after we hear that Nigel Hughes and his wife are in this project.


Jalil you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  This is the type of spinelessness which has Guyana in a mess.  The PPP, APNU, and now we see the AFC, are populated with leaders who lack the smallest amount of integrity, and will sacrific a much punished nation at the alter of their petty ambitions. 


They are content to have Guyana remain as the laughing stock of the Caribbean.  A nation with by far the best resource base, yet its people so desperate that they whine when some tiny mountrain top like Nevis refuses to admit them to take away work from the locals.



Jalil the PNC left Guyana bankrupt, and now it appears as if the PPP has similar goals.  Skeldon, Providence, Marriott, and now EIGHT jetways at GEO and a hydro project already mired in inefficiency and waste, even before construction has begun.


The AFC said that it would protect Guyana from this, but because its leadership have a stake in the project they abandon this position!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Guyana is a sad state of affairs, very dysfunctional at the Governmental level.  I have friends and relatives there who are now considering leaving as the future does not look bright for their kids.  These are well educated well-to-do families.  They blame all three parties, the PPP for their arrogance, selfishness and corruption, the AFC for poisoning the political atmosphere creating more divisions, and the PNC for racism and keeping the old PNC image alive.  They mistrust the PNC more than they dislike the PPP.


Guyana lacks leadership and statesmanship, what we have is brinkmanship and one-up-manship.  No one cares about the people regardless of race.  Neither the PPP nor PNC will work together on a political solution allaying the fears of both communities and in the interest of the masses.  They are both despotic in their mindset and are interested in the people only to masquerade as "representatives".


No one represent the "people", these are just individuals called "leaders" representing themselves.  The AFC are a group of over-bloated but hurt egos and, as displayed by Mr Hughes, interested in getting their hands on the til. 

Clearly your friends are Indians as the PNC is no more racist than is the PPP.  Being Indians they however chose to ignore the fact that Indo racism and ethnic insecurity has been just as poisonous as that from blacks.  And Guyanese need to hold THEMSELVES responsible for this.


You see in most parts of the Caribbean no political party can assume that it will always win, based on an ethnically based vote.  And no party can assume that it will do well enough to be a powerful opposition party, despite being completely inept when it comes to providing a vision, and adequalely defending its supporters and the population at large from he rapacious and arrogant attitudes of the ruling party.  Indeed in Grenada the the party in power not only lost the last elections, but failed to win any seats.


Even T&T which resembles Guyana in having two almost equal ethic groups is different.  Neither the UNC nor the PNM can assume that they will always win elections.  This is because there is a larger % of the population who will vote based on which party they see as being better, and not just on the basis of race.   Note that Jack Warner, a black man, bashed Kamla in a majority Indian district.

T&T has a different history.  It also proved that Afros are the trow power hungry racists.  TT have a decisive Afro majority so they won any election fair and square.  In Guyana Afros needed to suppress, bludgeoned, and obliterate Indians dreams to hang onto power.  One can only theorize, if TT have a similar mix as Guyana, the situation would have been the same.


The Indians are not racists, they heard the chants and shouts of Afros in 2011 and wondered and fear a re-institution of PNC quasi Apartheid.  It was clear that they were conned, regardless how the shameless katahars chose to excuse it away.

Originally Posted by baseman:



The Indians are not racists, they heard the chants and shouts of Afros in 2011 and wondered and fear a re-institution of PNC quasi Apartheid.

Oh I forgot that I am attempting to dialogue with a man who has a deep seated hatred for AfroGuyanese,  And for blacks in general.  Who thinks that we are filthy, uneducated, criminal, lazy and useless and so ought to accept what ever subordinated poistion that Indians force on them.


Now were you not a bigot you would know that there are enough racists and power hungry people on BOTH sides.  You fool yourself if you think that the PPP really wishes to share power with any one, or that there arent many members of the Indo elite who feel  its "ahbe time now, black man time done".


The PPP is no less power hungry than the PNC was under Forbes Burnham.  And racist screams are just a part of the PPP rant, between 1961 and 1964 and again after 1992, as they were part of the PNC rant between 1964 and 1992.


But as you hate blacks and think that we ought to shut up and be grateful you will never understand this.

Originally Posted by baseman:

T&T has a different history.  It also proved that Afros are the trow power hungry racists.  TT have a decisive Afro majority so they won any election fair and square. .

And by the way in 2000 Trinidad was 40% Indian and 38% African.  Guyana was 43% Indian and 30% African.


In neither country do either of the dominant ethnic groups have a majority.  The reality is that for what ever reason T&T manages theuir ethnic problems better than we do.


Note that its the black dominated PNM which set the stage as T&T moved towards independence.  In Guyana it was the INDIAN dominated PPP.  Now some might suggest that racist behaviors in the PNC between 1964-92 were a reaction to what AfroGuyanese suffered under the PPP, especially between 1961-64.  Janet was an ogress and is hated almost unaimously by older blacks who suffered under her tyranny. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:



The Indians are not racists, they heard the chants and shouts of Afros in 2011 and wondered and fear a re-institution of PNC quasi Apartheid.

Oh I forgot that I am attempting to dialogue with a man who has a deep seated hatred for AfroGuyanese,  And for blacks in general.

Absolutely not.  Baseman have great admiration for Afros who take the bull by the horn.  Guy like Larry Elders are what the Afro community needs.  I always told you, if there is constitutional safeguards against the PNC co-opting the GDF to form a deadly binary combination to steal the people's rights to infinity, baseman will look at the PNC as a good alternative.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Absolutely not.  Baseman have great admiration for Afros who take the bull by the horn.  Guy like Larry Elders are what the Afro community needs.  I always told you, if there is constitutional safeguards against the PNC co-opting the GDF to form a deadly binary combination to steal the people's rights to infinity, baseman will look at the PNC as a good alternative.

 The police and soldiers have been involved in killing black people under PPP rule, so this rant that they are controlled by the PNC looks silly.  Indeed the PNC screams about how these entities have abused black people and its people like you and the PPP who run to their defense. 


Look at your comments about Lindo Creek, where black miners were killed, and Linden where the facts are that the killings were the sole fault of the police.  This being the findings of the Commission who claimed that there was no evidence available to suggest that others had been involved in the murders and assaults.



Larry Elders is an idiot who hates blacks as much as you do, so no wonder you like him.  Every day when he sees his face he screams and smashes the mirror. Poor thing though.  His white masters only allow him to whine about blacks.  He is not allowed to talk on any other subject.


If baseman had respect for AfroGuyanese he would observe that, despite the skepticism that many have of the PNC, they refuse to vote for the PPP as they see that party as being racist, and corrupt, and incompetent.  In other words they behave as do Indians who are skeptical of the PPP< but vote for them as they consider the PNC to be corrupt, racist and incompetent.


So why then are Indians more valid in their behaviors than are blacks?


As I keep on telling you there are racists in both camps, power hungry and greedy people in both camps, and there are people who fear the oppression of the other race (and with good reason given the 28 years of BOTH PPP and PNC rule).


But you do not respect AfroGuyanese so you scream at them that what they think must be wrong and that only Ihe Indian perspective has any validity.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Absolutely not.  Baseman have great admiration for Afros who take the bull by the horn.  Guy like Larry Elders are what the Afro community needs.  I always told you, if there is constitutional safeguards against the PNC co-opting the GDF to form a deadly binary combination to steal the people's rights to infinity, baseman will look at the PNC as a good alternative.

 The police and soldiers have been involved in killing black people under PPP rule, so this rant that they are controlled by the PNC looks silly.  Indeed the PNC screams about how these entities have abused black people and its people like you and the PPP who run to their defense. 


Look at your comments about Lindo Creek, where black miners were killed, and Linden where the facts are that the killings were the sole fault of the police.  This being the findings of the Commission who claimed that there was no evidence available to suggest that others had been involved in the murders and assaults.



Larry Elders is an idiot who hates blacks as much as you do, so no wonder you like him.  Every day when he sees his face he screams and smashes the mirror. Poor thing though.  His white masters only allow him to whine about blacks.  He is not allowed to talk on any other subject.


If baseman had respect for AfroGuyanese he would observe that, despite the skepticism that many have of the PNC, they refuse to vote for the PPP as they see that party as being racist, and corrupt, and incompetent.  In other words they behave as do Indians who are skeptical of the PPP< but vote for them as they consider the PNC to be corrupt, racist and incompetent.


So why then are Indians more valid in their behaviors than are blacks?


As I keep on telling you there are racists in both camps, power hungry and greedy people in both camps, and there are people who fear the oppression of the other race (and with good reason given the 28 years of BOTH PPP and PNC rule).


But you do not respect AfroGuyanese so you scream at them that what they think must be wrong and that only Ihe Indian perspective has any validity.

I understand, everyone has their "race bias", but I tell you, a moderate and less military-leaning PNC would be a viable alternative for enough Indians to make a difference in electoral outcomes.


The con of the last election made many Indian very skeptical about the PNC and Afros in general.


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