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BREAKING NEWS!!!! The report of the Honorable Ombudsman on the investigation into the macilious, vindictive, wrongful charges against then NBS CEO, Director Secretary Maurice Lincoln Arjoon, Operations Manager Kent Nicholas Vincent and Mortgage Manager Kissoon Baldeo is out! And, oh, what shocking revelations!!!! 
We will later post contents of the entire complaint and Ombudsman’s report (dozens of pages) but for now leave this to the media to report. 
The Ombudsman has sent copies of the report to HE President Donald Ramotar; Cabinet Secretary Roger Luncheon, (Hon?) Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh, (Hon?) Minister of Legal Affairs, AG Mohabir Anil Nandlall and (Hon?) Minister of Labour Dr Nanda Gopaul, with copies to be given to each Member of Parliament. Unfortunately, because the President has Prorogued Parliament we do not know when this matter will be debated In interim, we ask everyone, pls share on your wall and echo Maurice Arjoon's call made in his statement to the media (under comment below)
But note that this investigation pertains to those under the Ombudsman’s jusrisdiction only so there MUST/WILL be calls for additional investigation of the other perpetrators in this Evil Injustice. For now, we ask everyone to also echo our call for the following:
- That DPP Shalimar Hack, NBS Chairman Moennudin Mohamed Mc doom, then NBS VC & Minister of Labour Dr Nanda Kishore Gopaul, Dep CEO Nizamodeen Mohamed, Attorney General Anil Nandlall, Min of Finance Dr Ashni Singh, Prosecutor Hookumchand, Judge B.S. Roy, Ch. Carl Singh, Account holder Bibi Shamila Khan & her husband Dr Zinool Safi, and ALL the other perpetrators in this EVIL INJUSTICE, whether involved directly or indirectly, be removed from their positions to allow for an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION INTO THEIR ACTIONS – DIRECTLY &/or INDIRECTLY, in this matter, and be prosecuted accordingly 
- That the calls of the Guyana Human Rights Association and the Alliance for Change be adhered to including for an investigation at the NBS also and for Messrs. Arjoon, Vincent and Baldeo be immediately paid ststutory payments and legally due pension/.benefits – they should not have to go to the courts to right for their entitements especially when steps have been taken to delay the civil matter also. 
We will continue to report on this matter but for now repeat that we will forever be grateful to the Hon. Ombudsman and ret’d Asst. Comm of Police who helped in this Independent Investigation and for the damning revelations!

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This case is a classic example of how the PPP and specifically jagdeo uses unbridled power to victimize indians in Guyana.


Racists like Caribny need to read this and educate themselves about this hideous government which is anti human.


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