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Former Member

Breaking news!! No confidence motion carried… Court must decide on legality, Charrandass conduct

Speaker tells Govt. MPs, as Opposition boycotts sitting

Jan 03, 2019 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...charrandass-conduct/

Speaker of the House, Dr. Barton Scotland, in the absence of the Opposition today, has declined to rule on whether the December 21st no confidence motion was illegal.

Speaker of the House, Dr. Barton Scotland

Rather, he has referred the matter to the courts for rulings. At issue is where the 33-32 vote in favour of the no-confidence motion filed by the Opposition was legal.

The Coalition Government is arguing that it needed a majority of 34 votes for the motion filed by Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, to be carried.

Following that historic December 21, 2018 vote, the Government wrote the Speaker asking for a review and a ruling.

They also complained that there is evidence of misconduct by MP Charrandass Persaud, who decided to join with the People’s Progressive Party on the vote. The police are investigating whether he was paid off, citing the case as one of national security.

Constitutionally, once a vote of no confidence is passed, the Government of the day has to resign and call elections within three months. The caretaker government can stay longer if there is a two-thirds majority agreement.

The vote has divided the House with Guyana paying close attention.

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Constitutionally, once a vote of no confidence is passed, the Government of the day has to resign and call elections within three months. The caretaker government can stay longer if there is a two-thirds majority agreement.

 PNC poster on GNI please read what the speaker said.

kp posted:

Constitutionally, once a vote of no confidence is passed, the Government of the day has to resign and call elections within three months. The caretaker government can stay longer if there is a two-thirds majority agreement.

 PNC poster on GNI please read what the speaker said.

The speaker quoted Article 106 (7) read it.

Last edited by Django

FULL STATEMENT | Speaker of the National Assembly Full Statement on the No Confidence Vote

Published on Jan 3, 2019
Referring to the No-Confidence vote on December 21, 2018, the speaker opined that the issues require final determination, and as such, wants "full, final and complete" settlement by a court of competent jurisdiction. January 3, 2019.

FULL STATEMENT | Speaker of the National Assembly Full Statement on the No Confidence Vote

In the speech, the Speaker specifically stated that elections MUST be held within three months or as approved for a longer period by at least two-thirds of the MPs.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

A bunch of dunces. Article 106{6} is relevant to No Confidence, 106{7} only applies to general election.  That is correct because of the Constitution.

Banna watch  the video, the speaker read article 106 (7) starting with "notwithstanding" listen to what was mentioned.

Last edited by Django
kp posted:

Constitutionally, once a vote of no confidence is passed, the Government of the day has to resign and call elections within three months. The caretaker government can stay longer if there is a two-thirds majority agreement.

 PNC poster on GNI please read what the speaker said.

The Speaker said he is not in this and referred it to the courts.  So I wouldn't be beating your tassa drum yet if I were you.  The courts might find some obscure reference that doesnt provide the result that you would like. Or someone can be convinced to show a paper trail indicating who paid out the Judas money.

Its also about time people stop focusing on winning and started to focus on governing. If Guyana remains a tribal nation governing is going to be problematic.

kp posted:

A bunch of dunces. Article 106{6} is relevant to No Confidence, 106{7} only applies to general election.  That is correct because of the Constitution.

Explain to us how 106.7 has anything to do with General Elections if it is a continuation of 106.6 and it also says that the government shall hold an election within three months. Within three months of what? Within three months of losing a No Confidence Vote, Jackass.




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At this point it makes no sense debating about the NC until the courts have rendered their decision.  This will be based on the issues that were raised by the Speaker and no doubt the Coalition will come armed with their rationale behind their thinking of the NC being invalid.

We can continue however with our usual "ahwe/ahbe pan tap" and think that Guyana will move forward.  Until PPP supporters learn to respect those who dont vote for them and to figure out how to calm their anxieties then Guyana cannot sustain development. 

I put the onus on the PPP on GNI because this is what the majority of the posters here are.  They live in their Indian bubbles and are really ignorant of the fact that opinions are expressed elsewhere as vehemently and filled with ethnic panic as we see here.   Yes they hate and fear the PNC and its violence and others hate the PPP and its Colombian cartel connected violence with equal vehemence.

Funny on both sides they scream about what "Guyanese" want, fooling themselves that their reactions aren't tribal.  Vish M runs around RH and then talks to 2 blacks and then opines about "Guyanese". The folks in Brooklyn do the same, also using comments made by their 2 Indian friends as validation that their views aren't tribal.

Now I know how PPP supporters love white people so I suggest that they track down and read that article written by that US analyst that suggested that developing strategies to ensure that ALL PERCEIVE that they will be included and treated fairly, or Guyana will have issues.  Its not about what Indians think that blacks should think. Its about how blacks themselves think. And in the same vein blacks cannot tell Indians how to think or perceive the PNC.

I suggest that people like Ray stop fooling themselves that we dont have a racial problem. I suggest that others note that all of their screams on this side are replicated by screams on FB pages populated by blacks.  I note on those pages people, who just a few mornings ago were highly critical of the Coalition, some resolving never to support them again based on their incompetence and arrogance, have now lined up again as they see an Indian conspiracy to exclude blacks.

Feel free to ignore their perspectives as they themselves also ignore yours. As I am bashed and ridiculed on this Indian site for offering views that most here dont like, so too I see Indians on those pages bashed on ridiculed.

Also blacks will no more ignore the economic dominance of the Indian ELITE and how this impacts their lives than Indians will ignore that a mainly African civil service, when operating within the context of an African dominated gov't also impacts their lives. 

One cannot claim that blacks shouldn't bother about dominance of the Indian ELITE and yet scream that dominance by a black political ELITE presents challenges to Indians.


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