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Former Member
told that they are already registered in the truncated house-to-house registration exercise

Earlier today, Chief Elections Scrutineer of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Zulfikar Mustapha, in an interview, confirmed that the PPP have been receiving reports that person who turn up to register at various Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Registration Centers are being turned away by staff. “These persons are being told that they cannot re-registered because their names are on the list compiled with the data garnered from the recently truncated house-to-house registration exercise,” Mustapha stated.

According to Mustapha, “At the Diamond GECOM Registration Center six (6) persons have been turned away; at the Church Street Center (Prime Time Building) seven (7) persons were turned away; at the Eccles Center another one (1) person was turned away.”

Mustapha also stated that the staff are telling persons that they have been so “instructed”.

Notably, Mustapha informed this new agency that he raised the matter with the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, and that Lowenfield informed him that no such decision was ever made and that no such instruction was given to staff.

Further, PPP-nominated GECOM Commissioner, Bibi Shadick, stated that she received reports also that persons were being turned away from registration center for the same reason. According to Shadick, “At the Parafaite Harmony Registration Center four (4) persons were turned away.” She further explained that at the last statutory meeting of GECOM, she raised the matter at the level of the Commission and Lowenfield informed the Commission that no such decision was made, and no such instruction was given to the staff.

As a result, both Mustapha and Shadick are urging the intervention of GECOM Chairperson, Justice Ret’d Claudette Singh and Lowenfield.

Claims and Objections will be ending on the 11th November 2019, with Claims ending on the 4th November 2019, and Objections running until the 11th November 2019.

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Classic PNC playbook. Skive off a few presumed PPP persons here and there and everywhere eventually adds up to a significant number of disenfranchised citizens. That's only one method in the PNC playbook. Another method will be implemented on Election Day at each polling station. Voters will turn up to discover their names crossed out on the final list and they'll be told that they voted already. That's what happened to me in 1973 at Uitvlugt Scots School. 

Gilbakka posted:

Classic PNC playbook. Skive off a few presumed PPP persons here and there and everywhere eventually adds up to a significant number of disenfranchised citizens. That's only one method in the PNC playbook. Another method will be implemented on Election Day at each polling station. Voters will turn up to discover their names crossed out on the final list and they'll be told that they voted already. That's what happened to me in 1973 at Uitvlugt Scots School. 

Bai Gil. We have all the signs of a rigged election. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. 
Very sad that every time the PNC governs, people have to fight against the rape of democracy and rigging. 
It’s a part of PNC DNA.

Last edited by Former Member

Hey hey hey...dem one love bais fightin voter suppression in USA and sayin who white man suppress dem vote. But dem busy suppressin de coolie vote in Guyana...hey hey hey. One lovers...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dem one love bais fightin voter suppression in USA and sayin who white man suppress dem vote. But dem busy suppressin de coolie vote in Guyana...hey hey hey. One lovers...hey hey hey.

Oye Labba , on the side line ,Darsh is a bright boy , notice he got a business in my home state.


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