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Political Opposition reacts with shock at Prorogation of Parliament

November 10, 2014 3:50 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Opposition Leader, David Granger joins protesters outside of Parliament. [iNews' Photo]

Opposition Leader, David Granger joins protesters outside of Parliament. [iNews' Photo]

[] – Opposition Leader David Granger says that President Donald Ramotar should step down as Head of State following his [Ramotar] decision to prorogue Parliament.

In addressing protesters outside Parliament building today, Monday November 10, Granger said that President Ramotar has betrayed the Guyanese people.


Granger accused the President of being anti-democratic and that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration ran scared of the No Confidence Motion, since they have significantly lost their support base.


It is this reason why a definite date still remains to be set for Local Government Elections, he stressed.

He assured his supporters that his Partnership will do all it can to ensure that democracy is not further eroded. Granger also reaffirmed his position not to hold talks with the President over his decision to prorogue.


The APNU Leader also promised his supporters to update them later on the way forward in this matter and reminded them to join him on Friday at the square at the revolution to protest against the PPP’s dictatorship approach to situation.


Meanwhile, AFC Executive, Moses Nagamootoo said the President is “holding a dagger at the back of the Parliament” since it wants to control all arms of Government.

AFC's Moses Nagamootoo addresses the protesters. [iNews' Photo]

AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo addresses the protesters. [iNews' Photo]

He added that the President’s decision to prorogue Parliament speaks loudly of his action, since he does not want the democratic process to work and has totally disregarded the majority.

Nagamootoo emphasized that it is now up to the people to decide which direction they want to take Guyana in and not allow the PPP to continue to dictate their destiny.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There is absolutely no reason for them to be shocked. THEY WERE WARNED IN ADVANCE in no uncertain terms. If they did not understand, they should have hired real Attorneys to explain things to them.


Also, they both have a RIGHT to talk to their supporters.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger accused the President of being anti-democratic and that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).


Mr. Granger, the democracy that the PNC gave us?????? 

HAHAHA  PNC and Democracy in the same sentence, well dat is interesting.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger accused the President of being anti-democratic and that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).


Mr. Granger, the democracy that the PNC gave us?????? 

HAHAHA  PNC and Democracy in the same sentence, well dat is interesting.

It's a real shame when Granger standing in front Guyana's parliament talking about democracy? Granger never had it this good.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

In addressing protesters outside Parliament building today, Monday November 10, Granger said that President Ramotar has betrayed the Guyanese people.


Granger accused the President of being anti-democratic and that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration ran scared of the No Confidence Motion, since they have significantly lost their support base.


Opposition Leader, David Granger joins protesters outside of Parliament. [iNews' Photo]

Opposition Leader, David Granger joins

protesters outside of Parliament.

[iNews' Photo]


Political Opposition reacts with shock at Prorogation of Parliament, November 10, 2014 3:50 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-, By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Usual uncoordinated and rambling statements of the Opposition Leader.


Simple matter ... Parliament is prorogued which paves the way for elections which must be held within ninety days.


Government running from parliament so the low breeds can continue to thief.


Regardless of what the Minister of Legal Affairs is contending, Greenidge said that a financial irregularity has occurred and it is one which attracts punishment and as such, Nandlall should be made to feel the full extent of the law.
“His statement and the confusion it causes should be rejected,” The APNU member asserted.
In support of Greenidge’s position, Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan stated that the AG would have to prove under what circumstances or basis the money was granted.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Government running from parliament so the low breeds can continue to thief.


Regardless of what the Minister of Legal Affairs is contending, Greenidge said that a financial irregularity has occurred and it is one which attracts punishment and as such, Nandlall should be made to feel the full extent of the law.
“His statement and the confusion it causes should be rejected,” The APNU member asserted.
In support of Greenidge’s position, Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan stated that the AG would have to prove under what circumstances or basis the money was granted.

Look who is talking. The man made Guyana a beggar. They stole EVERYTHING.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger accused the President of being anti-democratic and that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).


Mr. Granger, the democracy that the PNC gave us?????? 

HAHAHA  PNC and Democracy in the same sentence, well dat is interesting.

It's a real shame when Granger standing in front Guyana's parliament talking about democracy? Granger never had it this good.

TRUE DAT!!!    AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!




* Now those wankers are claiming to be shocked.


* Those fools never expected the prorogue that's why they are shocked.



* That bloke is the biggest fool of all.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Government running from parliament so the low breeds can continue to thief.


Regardless of what the Minister of Legal Affairs is contending, Greenidge said that a financial irregularity has occurred and it is one which attracts punishment and as such, Nandlall should be made to feel the full extent of the law.
“His statement and the confusion it causes should be rejected,” The APNU member asserted.
In support of Greenidge’s position, Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan stated that the AG would have to prove under what circumstances or basis the money was granted.

Look who is talking. The man made Guyana a beggar. They stole EVERYTHING.

It was PNC's Carl "Grenade" Greendige who Burgered and ruined Guyana's economy.

It is the same old PNC. Who are they trying to fool ? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Government running from parliament so the low breeds can continue to thief.


Regardless of what the Minister of Legal Affairs is contending, Greenidge said that a financial irregularity has occurred and it is one which attracts punishment and as such, Nandlall should be made to feel the full extent of the law.
“His statement and the confusion it causes should be rejected,” The APNU member asserted.
In support of Greenidge’s position, Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan stated that the AG would have to prove under what circumstances or basis the money was granted.

Look who is talking. The man made Guyana a beggar. They stole EVERYTHING.

It was PNC's Carl "Grenade" Greendige who Burgered and ruined Guyana's economy.

It is the same old PNC. Who are they trying to fool ? 

The man gat danky cart economic policies. He gat his degree thru the mail. Wah you expeck?

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Now those wankers are claiming to be shocked.


* Those fools never expected the prorogue that's why they are shocked.



* That bloke is the biggest fool of all.




Moses was last seen cussing up in front of parliament. 


Rammo taught the fools in the AFC the biggest political lesson of their lives.


This is one of the funniest moments in life to see Moses in shock and awe.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses was last seen cussing up in front of parliament. 


Rammo taught the fools in the AFC the biggest political lesson of their lives.


This is one of the funniest moments in life to see Moses in shock and awe.


* Moses has been bragging for months that he will lead the charge to bring down the PPP government via a no confidence vote.


* That dumb buffoon apparently did not read the Guyana constitution or if he did he did not comprehend the President's power to prorogue parliament.




* And let's now forget the wankers on GNI----they were super excited about the no confidence vote. Today they are pissing mad.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Now those wankers are claiming to be shocked.


* Those fools never expected the prorogue that's why they are shocked.



* That bloke is the biggest fool of all.




Moses was last seen cussing up in front of parliament. 


Rammo taught the fools in the AFC the biggest political lesson of their lives.


This is one of the funniest moments in life to see Moses in shock and awe.

Moses, Khemraj, Nigel and Trotty are out looking to buy grammazone. Th end is near. Moon pass pan AFC. Grainja days done.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Moses was last seen cussing up in front of parliament. 


Rammo taught the fools in the AFC the biggest political lesson of their lives.


This is one of the funniest moments in life to see Moses in shock and awe.


* Moses has been bragging for months that he will lead the charge to bring down the PPP government via a no confidence vote.


* That dumb buffoon apparently did not read the Guyana constitution or if he did he did not comprehend the President's power to prorogue parliament.




* And let's now forget the wankers on GNI----they were super excited about the no confidence vote. Today they are pissing mad.




Moses will go down in Guyana's history as a loser and the biggest laughing stock.


Moses will also be responsible for the downfall of the AFC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Now those wankers are claiming to be shocked.


* Those fools never expected the prorogue that's why they are shocked.



* That bloke is the biggest fool of all.




Moses was last seen cussing up in front of parliament. 


Rammo taught the fools in the AFC the biggest political lesson of their lives.


This is one of the funniest moments in life to see Moses in shock and awe.

Moses, Khemraj, Nigel and Trotty are out looking to buy grammazone. Th end is near. Moon pass pan AFC. Grainja days done.


Dem opposition bubble burst.


Ha ha !

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Moses, Khemraj, Nigel and Trotty are out looking to buy grammazone. Th end is near. Moon pass pan AFC. Grainja days done.


* PNC supporters ought to lynch Granger for allowing himself to be hoodwinked by those 2 buffoons in the AFC, Beavis and Butthead, Moses and Khemraj.




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