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Former Member

PPP to file private criminal charges against APNU+AFC coalition ministers
Posted by: Denis Chabrol in News, Politics February 13, 2017 15 Comments

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.

The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPPC) will be filing private criminal charges against top government officials including ministers for allegedly enriching themselves from the State’s coffers, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo announced on Monday.
Jadgeo gave few details to back his claims, but assured that legal experts were preparing papers to file charges against them. “We don’t do our business like how they (government) have been talking. We are not talking about going to jail and all of that. We are preparing the documents and this is why we have grave concerns about what would happen at the Integrity Commission,” he said.
He hinted that government has sent home all the staff of the Integrity Commission, leaving all the returns behind. “We know that many of them broke the law and did not file returns so we are worried that they could just stick these things in and they would tamper with the records,” said Jagdeo.
The former President said the PPP hopes to file private criminal charges against the estimated 50 percent salary increase that government gave its ministers. “The basis for which they are looking at the Pradoville issue is that people illegally transferred assets to themselves to enrich themselves… Then we can prove a case in court that they have taken financial assets of the State based on a Cabinet decision that they themselves made to give themselves an increase bigger than anyone else: that is enrichment also,” he said.
He said the private charges would also provide an opportunity to test the President’s immunity from prosecution.
His announcement comes against the background of the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) of the Guyana Police Force and the State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA) intensify their probes into alleged financial and other property crimes by ministers of the then PPP-led administration.
The Opposition Leader hoped that the British adviser here would help the PPP “prepare our case against individuals in government.”
Jagdeo said he suspects that government is hiding something but failing to take up his call to hire an international firm to “track and trace assets that people hold abroad.”
The former Guyanese leader, other then PPP ministers and top government officials have been under SOCU’s radar for several months now in connection with possibly acquiring large tracts of seaside housing lands at Sparendaam/ Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara at way below the market prices.


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  • bald_jagdeo-768x432

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jail those corrupt AFC/PNC alleged criminals.

Jagdeo is chasing these alleged AFC/PNC crooks with a cutlass.

All this talk about PPP corruption is BS. AFC/PNC cannot prove shyte about PPP but the PPP has evidence of AFC/PNC alleged theft and corruption.

Last edited by Former Member

This is a dangerous move. It is going against the unspoken rule between the PPP and PNC and leaves open the possibility that the other side will legally retaliate in kind sooner rather than later.

Last edited by Prashad

QUOTE: "The former President said the PPP hopes to file private criminal charges against the estimated 50 percent salary increase that government gave its ministers."

Gilbakka was against those increases from Day 1.

Now, Mr Jagdeo is walking on thin ice. APNU+AFC regime gave a bundle of increases simultaneously. PPP parliamentarians got increases too and they accepted the extra money. Mr Jagdeo would have had a pretty strong case if his opposition MPs didn't tek de money.

Prashad posted:

This is a dangerous move. It is going against the unspoken rule between the PPP and PNC and leaves open the possibility that the other side will legally retaliate in kind sooner rather than later.

"He said the private charges would also provide an opportunity to test the President’s immunity from prosecution."

Prash,I agree with you dangerous move,Jagdeo is saying cabinet decision to approve 50% increase is corruption and is the same as Prodoville 2,who is advising him?

The Pradoville 2 crew will face the music and he one of them,is he trying to test Presidential Immunity??

Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "The former President said the PPP hopes to file private criminal charges against the estimated 50 percent salary increase that government gave its ministers."

Gilbakka was against those increases from Day 1.

Now, Mr Jagdeo is walking on thin ice. APNU+AFC regime gave a bundle of increases simultaneously. PPP parliamentarians got increases too and they accepted the extra money. Mr Jagdeo would have had a pretty strong case if his opposition MPs didn't tek de money.

Also during his term in office,there was a huge increase in Presidential salary,they are raking in First World pay.

yuji22 posted:

Jail those corrupt AFC/PNC alleged criminals.

Jagdeo is chasing these alleged AFC/PNC crooks with a cutlass.

All this talk about PPP corruption is BS. AFC/PNC cannot prove shyte about PPP but the PPP has evidence of AFC/PNC alleged theft and corruption.

You jumping too fast,

The PPP is more corrupt than the current crew,apparently you are sweeping it under the rug.The fellas used to sell Foreign currency from the Petro Caribe fund.

Last edited by Django

Gonna be lil laugh story if the PPP boys put the PNC Ministaas in Jail.  Will be two years soon and the coalition still didn't fulfill their campaign promise to put the PPP team in jail.

Careful what you wish for.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Jail those corrupt AFC/PNC alleged criminals.

Jagdeo is chasing these alleged AFC/PNC crooks with a cutlass.

All this talk about PPP corruption is BS. AFC/PNC cannot prove shyte about PPP but the PPP has evidence of AFC/PNC alleged theft and corruption.

You jumping too fast,

The PPP is more corrupt than the current crew,apparently you are sweeping it under the rug.The fellas used to sell Foreign currency from the Petro Caribe fund.

Like you kanwa like Rumjattan. I may have to refer you to get counseling from my good buddy Warria. You must have to personally know people like Neal Goring and Noel Blackman as good citizens to make this bold statement.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Jail those corrupt AFC/PNC alleged criminals.

Jagdeo is chasing these alleged AFC/PNC crooks with a cutlass.

All this talk about PPP corruption is BS. AFC/PNC cannot prove shyte about PPP but the PPP has evidence of AFC/PNC alleged theft and corruption.

You jumping too fast,

The PPP is more corrupt than the current crew,apparently you are sweeping it under the rug.The fellas used to sell Foreign currency from the Petro Caribe fund.

Like you kanwa like Rumjattan. I may have to refer you to get counseling from my good buddy Warria. You must have to personally know people like Neal Goring and Noel Blackman as good citizens to make this bold statement.

What kind of waste ball yuh bowling,the two fellas commit crime in the ole USA,they didn't steal from the Guyanese people.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Jail those corrupt AFC/PNC alleged criminals.

Jagdeo is chasing these alleged AFC/PNC crooks with a cutlass.

All this talk about PPP corruption is BS. AFC/PNC cannot prove shyte about PPP but the PPP has evidence of AFC/PNC alleged theft and corruption.

You jumping too fast,

The PPP is more corrupt than the current crew,apparently you are sweeping it under the rug.The fellas used to sell Foreign currency from the Petro Caribe fund.

Like you kanwa like Rumjattan. I may have to refer you to get counseling from my good buddy Warria. You must have to personally know people like Neal Goring and Noel Blackman as good citizens to make this bold statement.

What kind of waste ball yuh bowling,the two fellas commit crime in the ole USA,they didn't steal from the Guyanese people.

What makes you think they will not commit more crimes knowing fully well they are protected? Is the fox guarding the hen house now or is the cat guarding the milk?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gonna be lil laugh story if the PPP boys put the PNC Ministaas in Jail.  Will be two years soon and the coalition still didn't fulfill their campaign promise to put the PPP team in jail.

Careful what you wish for.

On further consideration I realized that this can be a brilliant political move and this why.  If the AFC-APNU are smart which some are then they will use this time to prepare their corruption case against the PPP leadership so that it is air tight by the time they need it. They will wait until just before the next election then unleash it on the PPP. This will result in the PPP party leaders in the courts, the issue of PPP corruption on front page Guyana news and the issue of PPP corruption fresh on the minds of the Guyanese voters at election time. This move by the PPP can push the AFC-APNU into unleashing their PPP corruption material earlier than they had planned thus it would be old news by the time the next election comes or it can serve to blunt the AFC-APNU corruption charges against the PPP in the minds of the voters when it occurs.


Django, it's great to read your comments.

this is what I don't understand, but you can explain to the folks here....

Why do you always comment and share your views regarding the past Government and it's ministers ( which is great) but you will post a topic about the current government where there is miss management and corruption you selectively highlight sentences of the writer and would not share your  views what should be done to the corrupt

.... Django you then disappeared in your hole like a rat . 


Django will forever be a PNC closet supporter.

That cannot be changed and it is his right to do so. While I respect that right, I will continue to point out that he remains GNI's last PNC die hard supporter.

yuji22 posted:

Django will forever be a PNC closet supporter.

That cannot be changed and it is his right to do so. While I respect that right, I will continue to point out that he remains GNI's last PNC die hard supporter.

Bhaiya, nah tek worries. Whenever Django leaves this forum, we PPP comrades will spend marning noon and night patting each other's head, slapping each other's back, high-fiveing each other, and then continue our merry ways attacking reviling demeaning slandering Blacks and Muslims, right?

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Django will forever be a PNC closet supporter.

That cannot be changed and it is his right to do so. While I respect that right, I will continue to point out that he remains GNI's last PNC die hard supporter.

Bhaiya, nah tek worries. Whenever Django leaves this forum, we PPP comrades will spend marning noon and night patting each other's head, slapping each other's back, high-fiveing each other, and then continue our merry ways attacking reviling demeaning slandering Blacks and Muslims, right?


I am quite astonished at your response. But I will take it in strides.

Django will not leave GNI for now. His belly button is buried here. As indicated, I respect his right to support any party including the PNC. 

PPP's future lies in uniting and respecting all races and religions. I do not think that religion plays a role in Guyana's politics. Race on the other hand is a major impediment to Guyana's future. There is a constant tit for tat.

Last time I checked, it was the PNC administration demeaning and humiliating Indos in Guyana. Indos are also robbed, looted and slaughtered hopelessly by criminals while the PNC remains impotent in dealing with this problem despite putting forward combatting crime as part of their election platform.

It would be equally wrong for the PPP to disrespect blacks.

I can assure you that I am confident that the PPP learnt their lesson and from what I have observed, Afro Guyanese will become an integral part of any future PPP administration.


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gonna be lil laugh story if the PPP boys put the PNC Ministaas in Jail.  Will be two years soon and the coalition still didn't fulfill their campaign promise to put the PPP team in jail.

Careful what you wish for.

This must be the funniest shyte I have read anywhere in the world in a while!!  PNC thought they dealing with a lil Jagan!


Is it only lawful to bring charges against politicians for misappropriation of assets when they are in the opposition bench??? I think the law does not immune those in power from prosecution, so it is perfectly legal to do what the ex-president is doing.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

Jagdeo is making a brilliant political move. He is always one step ahead of the AFC/PNC fools.

Jagdeo suspects that by refusing to accept his call for an international agency to track foreign assets, this administration is protection their corrupt boys who own assets abroad hence  this move to have these crooked AFC/PNC MP's brought before the courts.

Jagdeo has an excellent case:

1. The AFC/PNC boys must be jailed for misappropriation of funds in broad daylight.

2. The intentional attempt by the AFC/PNC boys to evade taxes by not declaring sources of funds to acquire foreign assets and by not declaring those assets. Is the PNC led SOCU protecting them ?

3. Blatantly raiding the country's treasury for personal gain by giving their ministers a 50 percent unlawful and illegal increase.

4. The refusal of AFC/PNC MP's to publicly declare their income and sources of income. Remember that it was the AFC/PNC demanding this while in opposition.

5. Borad daylight extortion attempts by the AFC/PNC to financially support the Independent Fest wine and go gown.

Jagdeo has a cutlass chasing these AFC/PNC crooks, watch them run for cover.

Jagdeo and Anil are enough to deal with ALL of the AFC/PNC corrupt clowns combined.


Last edited by Former Member

They got away with murder in 1992 after Cheddie Jagan publicly announced that there will be no recrimination for the past. That was as an admirable move by Dr. Jagan to help our nation and heal and move on.  Today, those forgiven culprits from the past have usurped power in the coalition government and are aiming to suppress all voices of decent and decimate the Indo-Guyanese population whom they say as the main obstacle in their way for complete political domination.  This regime must not make Guyana a haven for one race.  Guyana is for all its people.  Our democracy is critical for Guyana to function fairly for all. We must not allow the PNC to hijack democracy ever again.  The discovery oil have whet their appetite for unbridled power and dominance.  They are thinking and planning to use future oil revenues to fatten themselves and suppress all voices of dissent.  We must not let it happen.  


Billy Ram Balgobin

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