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Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by kidmost:

sheer conjecture !

Really . . . ? I suggest you become a little more circumspect.


PPP fingerprints on the arson @ the school is actually a lot more than conjecture.  


You must be deaf to the unfolding saga of the "candy man"

You need to get real. Stop spreading unfounded rumors!! Sounds like granny prattling.


Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The reason government owned buildings were burnt down is because the PPP wants to cut off Linden from any sort of government access. At the same time, the rebuilding of these burnt out carcasses will be given to PPP loyalists, with corruption and embezzlement at the heart of the contracts.

If stupidity and ignorance were people, you would be China and India combined.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The reason government owned buildings were burnt down is because the PPP wants to cut off Linden from any sort of government access. At the same time, the rebuilding of these burnt out carcasses will be given to PPP loyalists, with corruption and embezzlement at the heart of the contracts.

If stupidity and ignorance were people, you would be China and India combined.

You calling me stupid? Let's not beat around the bush bro. Your family will benefit financially from these riots. I can see you counting the money already that you are going to make out of the arson attacks.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The reason government owned buildings were burnt down is because the PPP wants to cut off Linden from any sort of government access. At the same time, the rebuilding of these burnt out carcasses will be given to PPP loyalists, with corruption and embezzlement at the heart of the contracts.

If stupidity and ignorance were people, you would be China and India combined.

You calling me stupid? Let's not beat around the bush bro. Your family will benefit financially from these riots. I can see you counting the money already that you are going to make out of the arson attacks.

That's what I mean by stupidity. I have no family in Guyana; so there's no one to gain financially. The negroes in Guyana have always and will continue to intimidate the Indians by burning everything in site(except their own homes). Most of them own nothing(except their shacks) and never worked for anything.


I didn't ask you if you got family in Guyana. There are a lot of people like you living abroad who are in cahoot with the corruption holding up the PPP.

I cannot help noticing that you are blaming the negroes. Let me tell you something: have you seen any pictures of negroes attacking indians in Linden during these protests? Of course not. Your comments are racially motivated whilst you have no evidence to back up any of those claims.

I come form Linden and have contacted both my indian and black relatives. Nobody mentioned race. Everybody asked is how the PPP expect the people in Linden to survive when their income cannot support such price hikes.

So PPP shit stirrers like you who are trying to push a racial agenda must be part of the corrupt PPP process who are embezzling the country. Look how fat you are. It was not through hard work.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I didn't ask you if you got family in Guyana. There are a lot of people like you living abroad who are in cahoot with the corruption holding up the PPP.

I cannot help noticing that you are blaming the negroes. Let me tell you something: have you seen any pictures of negroes attacking indians in Linden during these protests? Of course not. Your comments are racially motivated whilst you have no evidence to back up any of those claims.

I come form Linden and have contacted both my indian and black relatives. Nobody mentioned race. Everybody asked is how the PPP expect the people in Linden to survive when their income cannot support such price hikes.

So PPP shit stirrers like you who are trying to push a racial agenda must be part of the corrupt PPP process who are embezzling the country. Look how fat you are. It was not through hard work.

Mr T,

If I don't family in Guyana, how would my family benefit financially from these riots? Did you finish primary school? What's the childish name calling "look how fat you are"?


You are pefectly correct on your profile: "I pity the fool". The joke is on you. I grew up in the 50s and 60 in Guyana. I have seen negroes beating Indians in Guyana. I was a vicitm. I have seen them burn houses belonging to Indians

Let me fill you in on this: My family took in a little negro boy at the age of 12 and raised him until he was able to go out and manage on his own. We had negroes living as neighbours.


Lindeners want to live off the rest of the people in Guyana as they did durning the PNC regime. The tide has turned on them and they are playing bullies.


I started working in Guyana at Skeldon factory at the age of 17. If I am fat(you know that for sure?), it is through my hard work. 

Originally Posted by albert:

More opposition propaganda. Everyone is paid by the PPP. If the PPP was powerful enough to infiltrate the AFC/APNU Linden mayhem there would be no need for elections

Thats why Guyana has no where to go. You all PPP goons tell lies, as does the opposition.


Not one of you have the slightest interest in resolving Guyana's myriad problems.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by kidmost:

sheer conjecture !

Really . . . ? I suggest you become a little more circumspect.


PPP fingerprints on the arson @ the school is actually a lot more than conjecture.  


You must be deaf to the unfolding saga of the "candy man"

You need to get real. Stop spreading unfounded rumors!! Sounds like granny prattling.


While these might be sensational lies so were the claims that the police were being attacked by crowds so had to defend themselves.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
 The negroes in Guyana have always and will continue to intimidate the Indians by burning everything in site(except their own homes). Most of them own nothing(except their shacks) and never worked for anything.

This for the man Sugrim who thinks that caribj is telling lies when I tell him that we have a serious problem of ethnic distrust and that the PPP resfuses to deal with this issue.


1.  There hasnt been any documented racial attack against Indians because they are Indians.  Yes some Indians on the Rockstone road might have been robbed by criminals (because the police are ignoring that problem).  But rest assured so have many non Indians.


2.  the entire AfroGuyanese population must be stigmatized because of the acts of a few.


3.  the role of an Indian controlled govt in all of this is ignored.  Yes a govt percieved to be hostile to blacks is being held responsible for killing and injuring some so we have the insecurities of Africans also being inflamed.


BOTH sides can and are seeing this event through their ethnic lenses.


So Sugrim contin eto refuse to think that this issue of mutuial ethnic insecurity on the part of Indians and Africans/mixed can be ignored.


What I do note about you Sugrom is when Indians make comments on GNI stigmatizing the entire AfroGuyanese community in the worst way we do not hear anything from you.


Apparently you agree with them.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
hard work.

Mr T,



You are pefectly correct on your profile: "I pity the fool". The joke is on you. I grew up in the 50s and 60 in Guyana. I have seen negroes beating Indians in Guyana. I was a vicitm. I have seen them burn houses belonging to Indians


And many black people can talk about being beaten by Indians in the 60s.  Mnay tales of people waking up in the middle of a night to a burning house and crowds of PYO goons downstairs with cutlasses waiting to chop them up a sthey tried to escape....and escape they had to that very night into some majority black community where they had relatives.


So whats your point by recalling this tale?  If you wish to do so to stigmatize Africans and the PNC then many Africans can similarly engage in the stigmatization of an ENTIRE race for the acts of a few.


Brutality was committed on BOTH sides as were acts of kindness, when people, at great risk to themselves sheltered people from the other race until they were able to make good their escape.


By making this a one sided issue you do no good.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
hard work.



I started working in Guyana at Skeldon factory at the age of 17. If I am fat(you know that for sure?), it is through my hard work. 

Talk about Skeldon.  A fctory built using debt that ALL Guyanese, not just sugar workers, will be responsible for paying back.  This being to an industyry which loses millions of dollars even now as sugar pricesd are at very high levels, way above what we wedre told would be the break even price.


You do not know for a fact that the govt is writing a check to BOSAI to pay for electricity rovided to Linden.  I have aksed this question many tiomes and none of the PPP pyschos have been able to answer that question.  All we get is some babble that because GPL charges the rest of Guyana too much therefore Lindeners must pay the same.


When you can prove that the PPP subsidizes BOSAi or the electrity companie sin Linden then babble.  BUt what we know is BOSAI doesnt lose money generating electricty and Lindeners go no electricity from GPL.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
hard work.



I started working in Guyana at Skeldon factory at the age of 17. If I am fat(you know that for sure?), it is through my hard work. 

Talk about Skeldon.  A fctory built using debt that ALL Guyanese, not just sugar workers, will be responsible for paying back.  This being to an industyry which loses millions of dollars even now as sugar pricesd are at very high levels, way above what we wedre told would be the break even price.


You do not know for a fact that the govt is writing a check to BOSAI to pay for electricity rovided to Linden.  I have aksed this question many tiomes and none of the PPP pyschos have been able to answer that question.  All we get is some babble that because GPL charges the rest of Guyana too much therefore Lindeners must pay the same.


When you can prove that the PPP subsidizes BOSAi or the electrity companie sin Linden then babble.  BUt what we know is BOSAI doesnt lose money generating electricty and Lindeners go no electricity from GPL.

The fact that they burn(slow fiah, mo fiah) shows the mentality of the PNC supporters. If it's not electricity, it will be somthing else. They do not want an Indian dominated party the be in power; they want back the days of the PNC(don't work, sit down and eat and get fat).

"A fctory built using debt that ALL Guyanese, not just sugar workers, will be responsible for paying back"(except the Lindeners). It's ok when the Indians planted rice and Burnham took the rice and paid them what he wanted so he could feed his supporters. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
 They do not want an Indian dominated party the be in power; they want back the days of the PNC(don't work, sit down and eat and get fat).


You do not want an African dominated govt in power, and why should you?  So why do you think that the African/mkixed voters should tolerate an Indian controlled govt?


Just as you feel an African govt will hurt your interests as an Indian understand that most africans  feel hurt by the continued presence of an Indian controlled govt.


Until there is in place some mechanism to allow all Guyanese to feel included you can expect more of this.

Guyana is a multi ethnic country so there should not be an Indian controlled or African controlled anything.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
It's ok when the Indians planted rice and Burnham took the rice and paid them what he wanted so he could feed his supporters. 

One problem you will have with me is thinking that I am a one sided man like you.  No Burnham had NO RIGHT to do this.  I have said that the PNC was raciost.


But apparently you feel no pain that Africans today feel that the PPP is every bity as racist, and as Indians refuse the prospects of a PNC govt, so Africans/Mixed feel uncomfortable with an Indian govt which has unchecked powers to rule over them.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guyana is a multi ethnic country so there should not be an Indian controlled or African controlled anything.

So why everytime the PPP wins an election, the Africans burn or want to cause riots.

You missed out every time anyone of one ethnic group wins the proceed to loot the treasury for the enrichment of kith and kin while the nation remains mired in deep poverty.


Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by raymond:

the guy said Ramotaur met him in ah secret location...ask Nehru

I heard Ramotar also paid Gerhardt to rile up the Lindeners. He is a closet AFC man but Moses beat him to the punch

Don't be so stupid in your comments against Gerhard. He is not a bribe taker. That sort of thing is reserved for the PPP supporters and close circle of friends.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


So why everytime the PPP wins an election, the Africans burn or want to cause riots.

Guyana has an INDIAN controlled govt which is hated by 45% of the population because of how they are treated.


So why do you think that African/mixed voters must accept an Indian dominated govt?  


If APNU had won you wouldnt want an African/mixed dominated govt.


All sorts of analysts have pointed this out to the PPP, including the UN (twice), the Carter Center (so often that they now wish to have nothing to do with Guyana) the Commonwealth Secretariat and many others.


The PPP wants to be hard headed and now hve come to shoot and kill black people with no real remorse.  None whatsoever becausd ethey have since then mounted an aggressive campaign to demonize the ENTIRE town.


The PPP needs to understand that 51% of the voters did NOT vote for them and so they need to learn to RESPECT these parties.  They Do not.  From the very beginning the PPP has tried to continue to think that they can rule w/o listening to others and so they will be blocked until they do.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guyana is a multi ethnic country so there should not be an Indian controlled or African controlled anything.

So why everytime the PPP wins an election, the Africans burn or want to cause riots.

You missed out every time anyone of one ethnic group wins the proceed to loot the treasury for the enrichment of kith and kin while the nation remains mired in deep poverty.




Which is why people need to admit that the two largest parties receive vote sbecause their supporters do not trust each other.  They need to desist from this notion that they are any thing other than leaders of two tribal gangs, hated by the other.


Linden is "enemy" territory because 20 years of PPP rule has told Lindeners that the PPP is the enemy.


So why was the PPP so clumsy in its approach.  Surely if the protesters didnt move some other method could have been used incliuding a visit by Ramotar to this.  But instead gun shots, 3 dead  and many others injured and apparentky a desire for even more of this.


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