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Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has repeatedly denied allegations that he behaved inappropriately toward women. Doug Mills/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh will tell the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that although he sometimes drank too much and “was not perfect” in high school, he adamantly denies the allegations that he sexually assaulted a fellow student at a party in the 1980s.

“I drank beer with my friends, usually on weekends. Sometimes I had too many. In retrospect, I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now,” Mr. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee, will tell the committee, according to prepared remarks released by the committee on Wednesday. “But that’s not why we are here today. What I’ve been accused of is far more serious than juvenile misbehavior.”

He then reiterated that “I never did anything remotely resembling” what the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, describes.

[Read Judge Kavanaugh’s written testimony.]

Mr. Kavanaugh will appear before the committee on Thursday after Dr. Blasey, a research psychologist in California, in an attempt to save what once looked like a sure confirmation to the Supreme Court. He has denied the charges against him since Dr. Blasey’s story first became public this month, but his written testimony suggested that the tone of his defense may be shifting to acknowledge his own

Mr. Kavanaugh will condemn sexual assault as “morally wrong” and contrary to his Catholic values. But he will dismiss accusations by Dr. Blasey and two other women that have emerged in recent days as “last-minute smears, pure and simple” meant to block his confirmation to the court.

“I am not questioning that Dr. Ford may have been sexually assaulted by some person in some place at some time,” he plans to say. “But I have never done that to her or to anyone.”

Further clouding Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing the adult film actress who claims to have had an affair with Mr. Trump, released a declaration from another client, Julie Swetnick, who said that in the 1980s, she witnessed Judge Kavanaugh and a friend, Mark Judge, trying to get teenage girls “inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”

[Read about Julie Swetnick’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.]

In a statement released by the White House, Judge Kavanaugh said there was no truth to the claim.

“This is ridiculous and from the ‘Twilight Zone,’” he said. “I don’t know who this is and this never happened.”

Sidestepping the accusations themselves, Mr. Trump dismissed Mr. Avenatti on Twitter as a “third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations” and is seeking attention.

Judiciary Committee aides confirmed that they are examining Ms. Swetnick’s declaration, again raising questions about the nominee’s high school days. But the committee’s Republican chairman, Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, made clear to reporters that he did not expect to find anything.

“We have had accusation after accusation, accusation, very few of them, if any, corroborated,” he said.

Mr. Kavanaugh’s testimony was made public along with calendar pages from the summer of 1982 on Wednesday that paint an image of a party-hopping Brett Kavanaugh in high school, complicating his self-drawn portrait of a diligent student obsessed mainly with sports and reaching the top of his class.

At the same time, lawyers for Dr. Blasey gave the committee four affidavits — one from Dr. Blasey’s husband and three from friends — stating that she had told them in recent years that Judge Kavanaugh had assaulted her in high school.

Released as both sides prepare for an extraordinary public hearing before the Judiciary Committee on Thursday, neither disclosure proves or disproves the cases that Dr. Blasey or Judge Kavanaugh have sought to advance, but Democratic senators are likely to use the calendars to question how truthful Judge Kavanaugh has been about his younger days. And although the affidavits suggest that Dr. Blasey’s story has been consistent, Republicans are more likely to focus on the lack of contemporaneous evidence that could corroborate her story.

Judge Kavanaugh intended to use the calendar, a green 1982 Northwestern Mutual Audubon wall calendar, as a part of his defense that he did not assault Dr. Blasey nor had any memory or record of a party like the one she described. No such entry exists to note a gathering that summer that exactly corresponds with Dr. Blasey’s memory.

But the calendars from May, June, July and August do contain notations that could be seen as helpful to her. He did “go to Judge’s,” an apparent reference to Mr. Judge, the friend of Judge Kavanaugh’s whom Dr. Blasey identified as participating in the assault. On July 1, 1982, he was to go to a friend’s house for “skis” with Mr. Judge and “P.J.” — possibly “brewskis” with Patrick J. Smyth, a classmate of Judge Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Preparatory School, identified by Dr. Blasey as P.J., another student attending the gathering where she says she was assaulted.

The calendar pages are full of social appointments, academic requirements, lots of trips to the beach and more mundane college visits and doctors appointments.

“BEACH WEEK” he wrote in early June.

“Go to Rehoboth w/Sam, Tom, Mark and Donny,” reads another.

There are multiple parties, multiple sporting events, and a couple of nights where Mr. Kavanaugh notes that he was grounded. At others, he travels to visit his grandmother in Connecticut and to spend the weekend with his parents in New York. He also appears to have spent considerable time at Washington-area country clubs, including the one where Dr. Blasey said a small group of teens congregated on the evening that she was assaulted.

Many of those notations are not unusual for a teenage boy, but Judge Kavanaugh, in his self-defense, has taken a stand that has been uncompromising in his portrayal of his teenage years as an innocent, sports-obsessed student.

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Dr. Blasey has said that she did not tell anyone about the assault at the time out of fear that she might get in trouble. But the affidavits, all signed this week, suggest that Dr. Blasey had told some of the people closest to her, including her husband, about the episode at various points in recent years.

Russell Ford, Dr. Blasey’s husband, said that his wife shared the details of the assault in a 2012 couple’s therapy session.

“She said that she had been trapped in a room and physically restrained by one boy who was molesting her while the other boy watched,” he said.

The details are consistent with the account that Dr. Blasey shared with a Democratic senator this summer and The Washington Post earlier this month. Mr. Ford said that his wife mentioned Judge Kavanaugh’s name again in 2017, when Mr. Trump announced Justice Neil M. Gorsuch would be his nominee for the court.

Dr. Blasey has said that her therapist took notes during the session. Republicans complained on Wednesday that those notes were not among her submission to the committee. Dr. Blasey has also yet to turn over the results of a polygraph test administered this summer. She presented both as corroborating evidence to The Washington Post in the interview.

In another affidavit, Keith Koegler, one close friend, says that Dr. Blasey mentioned the assault to him in the summer of 2016, around the time that the news was awash with the story of a Stanford student, Brock Turner, who raped an unconscious woman. Dr. Blasey told him that she had been assaulted by a man who was now a federal judge.

Shortly after Justice Anthony M. Kennedy announced his retirement from the court in July, Dr. Blasey wrote an email to Mr. Koegler saying that her assailant was a “favorite for SCOTUS,” short for Supreme Court of the United States. When Mr. Koegler inquired who, she said it was Brett Kavanaugh.

Another friend, Adela Gildo-Mazzon, recounted a 2013 meal with Dr. Blasey at a Mountain View, Calif., pizzeria in which she grew “visibly upset.” When Ms. Gildo-Mazzon asked her what was wrong, Dr. Blasey said she had been having a hard day, thinking about being assaulted years before.

“She said that she had been almost raped by someone who was now a federal judge,” Ms. Gildo-Mazzon stated. “She told me she had been trapped in a room with two drunken guys, and then she escaped, ran away, and hid.”

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New allegations against Kavanaugh submitted to Senate committee

(CNN)A third woman has presented the Senate Judiciary Committee with allegations of inappropriate behavior by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, accusing him of sexually aggressive behavior at alcohol-fueled parties when he was in high school.

The new accuser, Julie Swetnick, was identified by her lawyer Michael Avenatti on Twitter Wednesday morning. In a sworn statement prepared by Avenatti and submitted to committee, Swetnick said that Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge were present at a party where she was drugged and "gang raped."
Swetnick did not identify Kavanaugh or Judge as her attacker in that incident. She said in her statement that there are two witnesses who can attest to her account, but she has not identified them publicly.
Kavanaugh's first public accuser, Christine Blasey Ford -- who will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday -- alleges that Kavanaugh and Judge, who both attended Georgetown Preparatory School, steered her into an upstairs bedroom at a high school party in 1982 where she says Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth and attempted to take her clothes off on the bed before she escaped.
Kavanaugh, who will also testify on Thursday, has emphatically denied the allegations by Ford and a second woman who said he engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior with her at Yale. An attorney for Deborah Ramirez, the second accuser, said Tuesday on CNN that Republicans on the committee did not participate in a scheduled phone call earlier that day to discuss her allegations.
The White House issued an emphatic denial by Kavanaugh responding to Swetnick's allegation.
"This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone. I don't know who this is and this never happened," Kavanaugh said.
Judge's lawyer, Barbara Van Gelder, said in a statement, "Mr. Judge vehemently denies the allegations contained in the Swetnick affidavit."
In an interview with Fox News on Monday, the Supreme Court nominee said that he never sexually assaulted anyone and was a virgin through high school and for "many years after."
Swetnick, who attended Gaithersburg High School in Maryland, says she attended "well over ten" parties where Kavanaugh was present.
She says she witnessed Kavanaugh "drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking "No" for an answer. "This conduct included the fondling and grabbing girls without their consent," the sworn statement says.
In the sworn statement, she also alleges that Kavanaugh engaged "in abusive and physically aggressive behavior towards girls, including pressing girls against him without their consent, 'grinding' against girls and attempting to remove or shift girls' clothing to expose private body parts."
Swetnick says that in 1981 and 1982, she became aware of efforts by Judge, Kavanaugh and others to "spike the punch at house parties" so as to "cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say 'No.'"
She said at some parties boys lined up by a bedroom to assault incapacitated girls. Swetnick claims that the boys in the lineup included Kavanaugh and Judge, but does not say that they assaulted the girls, or the names of other witnesses who could corroborate it.
While Swetnick said she is aware of other witnesses who can attest to the truthfulness of her statements, she has not identified those witnesses.
She said she told at least two other people about the "gang rape" attack on her shortly after the incident, but she has not identified those people.
According to a committee aide, in an email to Avenatti on Wednesday, Republican committee staff said that "yesterday committee investigators interviewed Judge Kavanaugh again, under penalty of felony. Committee investigators specifically asked Judge Kavanaugh about all pending accusations, in specificity. This included your then-anonymous allegations and questions. He unequivocally denied all of the allegations, testifying that there was not a kernel of truth in any of these allegations. We have a transcribed interview. Judge Kavanaugh understood that he testified under penalty of felony, subject to up to 5 years of imprisonment. The Ranking Member's staff sat through the interview."
The Republican committee staff also said that they will do a follow-up interview with Kavanaugh Wednesday.
President Donald Trump declined to answer a question about the latest allegations against Kavanaugh as he departed the United Nations on Wednesday. Trump spoke briefly on North Korea and China, but kept walking out of the building when the Kavanaugh question was asked.
This story is breaking and will be updated.
Demerara_Guy posted:

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has repeatedly denied allegations that he behaved inappropriately toward women. Doug Mills/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh will tell the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that although he sometimes drank too much and “was not perfect” in high school, he adamantly denies the allegations that he sexually assaulted a fellow student at a party in the 1980s.

“I drank beer with my friends, usually on weekends. Sometimes I had too many. In retrospect, I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now,” Mr. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee, will tell the committee, according to prepared remarks released by the committee on Wednesday. “But that’s not why we are here today. What I’ve been accused of is far more serious than juvenile misbehavior.”

He then reiterated that “I never did anything remotely resembling” what the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, describes.

Perhaps, the things done that caused him to cringe are being revealed.

Nehru posted:

Bret was a punani man like the Orangutan, they love to grab it, feel it and jump on it without consent

These birds of a feather flock extremely closely together, eh Nehru? 

Last edited by Former Member

This is all a big set up and deep state conspiracy.  I remember discussing schooldays with classmates and truthfully, we are not sure who did what.  He was 17 she was 15.  Maybe she did experience something, but who can vouch who did it.

We see so many times where people are identified as a perpetrator judged guilty just to be exonerated years later by DNA evidence.

The Liberals are going all out because this is a critical balance position on the bench.


This was discussed since 2012 with her therapist , I am surprised that women don't believe Ms. Ford, I guess you have to experience sexual assault to know why 36 years ago a woman was always wrong. The #MeToo movement has given many victims courage to speak out, Take a look at Bill Crosby after many years ,today he is behind bars. It is a matter of time when many more will get caught.

 This practice of Men in High Office taking advantage of innocent women is still happening, do you understand if the women talk they stand to loose their jobs and livelihood , some are the bread winner to the house. Some women don't know who to tell, if say to their husband he would say she is having an affair with the boss and then break their marriage.

kp posted:

This was discussed since 2012 with her therapist , I am surprised that women don't believe Ms. Ford, I guess you have to experience sexual assault to know why 36 years ago a woman was always wrong. The #MeToo movement has given many victims courage to speak out, Take a look at Bill Crosby after many years ,today he is behind bars. It is a matter of time when many more will get caught.

 This practice of Men in High Office taking advantage of innocent women is still happening, do you understand if the women talk they stand to loose their jobs and livelihood , some are the bread winner to the house. Some women don't know who to tell, if say to their husband he would say she is having an affair with the boss and then break their marriage.

He was not a man in "high place", he was a 17 year old HS student at that time!

Bill Corsby case was adjudicated in a court of law.  This is an accuser coming forward without any chance of a trial and the media decides innocent and guilt!

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

This was discussed since 2012 with her therapist , I am surprised that women don't believe Ms. Ford, I guess you have to experience sexual assault to know why 36 years ago a woman was always wrong. The #MeToo movement has given many victims courage to speak out, Take a look at Bill Crosby after many years ,today he is behind bars. It is a matter of time when many more will get caught.

 This practice of Men in High Office taking advantage of innocent women is still happening, do you understand if the women talk they stand to loose their jobs and livelihood , some are the bread winner to the house. Some women don't know who to tell, if say to their husband he would say she is having an affair with the boss and then break their marriage.

You think those restaurant owners in Guyana will remember who exactly was the person shaking them down for free food?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why did blasted Blasey wait 35 years to come forward with this?  If Kavanagh was not nominated for Supreme Court Justice, would she have still remained silent?

It will be seen from the records that sexual assaults/involvement by Bill Cosby dated as far back to the 1960's -- more that 48 years ago.

It took the courts recently -- September 2018 -- to reach a conclusion.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why did blasted Blasey wait 35 years to come forward with this?  If Kavanagh was not nominated for Supreme Court Justice, would she have still remained silent?

It will be seen from the records that sexual assaults/involvement by Bill Cosby dated as far back to the 1960's -- more that 48 years ago.

It took the courts recently -- September 2018 -- to reach a conclusion.

No Dummy_Guy.  He was tried and found guilty of an incident in 2004.  He was a man in power in an industry where sex sells.  He went too far. 

In the case of the judge, there will never be a trial and he was in HS.  So clearly not a person with power over anyone. 

These are all set up. 

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

This was discussed since 2012 with her therapist , I am surprised that women don't believe Ms. Ford, I guess you have to experience sexual assault to know why 36 years ago a woman was always wrong. The #MeToo movement has given many victims courage to speak out, Take a look at Bill Crosby after many years ,today he is behind bars. It is a matter of time when many more will get caught.

 This practice of Men in High Office taking advantage of innocent women is still happening, do you understand if the women talk they stand to loose their jobs and livelihood , some are the bread winner to the house. Some women don't know who to tell, if say to their husband he would say she is having an affair with the boss and then break their marriage.

You think those restaurant owners in Guyana will remember who exactly was the person shaking them down for free food?

You just prove why you are alone and can't find a woman,you are a failure in life. Go jump off a cliff.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

This was discussed since 2012 with her therapist , I am surprised that women don't believe Ms. Ford, I guess you have to experience sexual assault to know why 36 years ago a woman was always wrong. The #MeToo movement has given many victims courage to speak out, Take a look at Bill Crosby after many years ,today he is behind bars. It is a matter of time when many more will get caught.

 This practice of Men in High Office taking advantage of innocent women is still happening, do you understand if the women talk they stand to loose their jobs and livelihood , some are the bread winner to the house. Some women don't know who to tell, if say to their husband he would say she is having an affair with the boss and then break their marriage.

You think those restaurant owners in Guyana will remember who exactly was the person shaking them down for free food?

You just prove why you are alone and can't find a woman,you are a failure in life. Go jump off a cliff.

Hehe what upset you so much bai!

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why did blasted Blasey wait 35 years to come forward with this?  If Kavanagh was not nominated for Supreme Court Justice, would she have still remained silent?

It will be seen from the records that sexual assaults/involvement by Bill Cosby dated as far back to the 1960's -- more that 48 years ago.

It took the courts recently -- September 2018 -- to reach a conclusion.

No Dummy_Guy.  He was tried and found guilty of an incident in 2004.  He was a man in power in an industry where sex sells.  He went too far. 

In the case of the judge, there will never be a trial and he was in HS.  So clearly not a person with power over anyone. 

These are all set up. 

The specific incident indeed happened sometime in 2004. However, it was in December, 2015 that the matter was presented in the courts for trial.

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why did blasted Blasey wait 35 years to come forward with this?  If Kavanagh was not nominated for Supreme Court Justice, would she have still remained silent?

It will be seen from the records that sexual assaults/involvement by Bill Cosby dated as far back to the 1960's -- more that 48 years ago.

It took the courts recently -- September 2018 -- to reach a conclusion.

No Dummy_Guy.

He was tried and found guilty of an incident in 2004.  He was a man in power in an industry where sex sells.  He went too far. 

In the case of the judge, there will never be a trial and he was in HS.  So clearly not a person with power over anyone. 

These are all set up. 

Hopefully, you will have the ability to cease making such statements.

Baseman posted:

Brett K will be confirmed.  The Deep State conspiracy will fail!

If so then there will be Two sexual deviants in the Supreme Court, that means women's rights set back 100 years. As was said Birds of a feather flocks together. 

yuji22 posted:

A person with Brett’s sexual misconduct should not be allowed to sit at the Supreme Court. This is shameless.

Are you judge, jury and executioner?  Fortunately, fickle minds like yours will not decide.  

yuji22 posted:

A person with Brett’s sexual misconduct should not be allowed to sit at the Supreme Court. This is shameless.

As President Trump said, BK is Innocent Until Proven Guilty.  

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

A person with Brett’s sexual misconduct should not be allowed to sit at the Supreme Court. This is shameless.

Are you judge, jury and executioner?  Fortunately, fickle minds like yours will not decide.  

The record and information is there. His conduct is shameless.

I do not doubt his confirmation but it sends the wrong message. Sometimes politicians become like flies headed into fire but they do not see it until they are kicked at the ballot.

Trump will be kicked out in 2020 due to his arrogance. I got fooled by supporting a complete idiot. 

I always learn from my mistakes and know a conman/woman  when I see and listen him or her.

Look at Cosby, time caught up with him.


yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

A person with Brett’s sexual misconduct should not be allowed to sit at the Supreme Court. This is shameless.

Are you judge, jury and executioner?  Fortunately, fickle minds like yours will not decide.  

The record and information is there. His conduct is shameless.

I do not doubt his confirmation but it sends the wrong message. Sometimes politicians become like flies headed into fire but they do not see it until they are kicked at the ballot.

Trump will be kicked out in 2020 due to his arrogance. I got fooled by supporting a complete idiot. 

I always learn from my mistakes and know a conman/woman  when I see and listen him or her.

Look at Cosby, time caught up with him.


Then provide the “record” to the appropriate authority!

You starting to sound like a “welder gang” member!


There might be some truth in these stories but unfortunately and most likely it will not affect him.

Our country has lost it’s moral values and it keeps getting worse.  Cosby was not so lucky and there will be more and more women coming forward to say ME TOO.

alena06 posted:

There might be some truth in these stories but unfortunately and most likely it will not affect him.

Our country has lost it’s moral values and it keeps getting worse.  Cosby was not so lucky and there will be more and more women coming forward to say ME TOO.

Some validity.  However, there are enough “scorned” women who make up and spread lies to get back.  This harms the interest and cause of the legitimate cases!

He seh, she seh has always been around and will always be there.  Nothing has changed.

This incident she claims is almost 40 years ago.  Some of the accusations against Crosby goes back over 50 years.  Nothing to do with anything today!

Last edited by Former Member

Kamala Harris is pushing to have him not confirmed.  She had a field day questioning him the other day, the man sipped water nervously the whole time and could not answer many questions.  You gotta love ‘Trump’s picks’.


While Brent Kavanaugh appears to be uncoordinated and talking here, there and otherwise, there are indications that the Republicans on the committee are focused on having him confirmed.


Women sexually assaulted and remaining quiet for years, is similar to young women in Berbice applying of jobs with officials and getting raped.

Many remain quiet to the point of committing suicide, while others suffer from mental illness, that they might not recover.

And some asses want to know, why women don't remember all the details of the attack.     

Tola posted:

Women sexually assaulted and remaining quiet for years, is similar to young women in Berbice applying of jobs with officials and getting raped.

This is serious!  If you know this, you should report to the appropriate authorities!  This is totally wrong and people need to do their civic duties rather than litigating on Social Media!


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