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Surendra rejects gov’t charges

Posted By Stabroek editor On September 11, 2014 @ 4:09 pm In Local News | No Comments

Surendra Engineering today rejected charges by the government of fraudulent behaviour and denied tendering a bogus document from the Trinidad Central Bank. The government on Tuesday announced its intention to terminate the contract for the India-funded Specialty Hospital project because of the alleged fraudulent behaviour.

In a rare statement, Surendra today rejected the charges.

The Surendra statement follows:

Press Release:

  1. Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited (hereinafter, “SECL&rdquo has recently become aware of various press reports alleging, among other things, that the Government of Guyana has expressed its intention to terminate its specialty hospital contract with SECL. This press release is being issued in response to the said press reports.

2.SECL received a letter from the Office of the President of Guyana. The said letter contains certain allegations which we strongly denied. SECL is not aware of the document and has not provided any such document as referred to in the reports in respect of Central bank of Trinidad and Tobago. We hereby reiterate that all such allegations of fraud or financial irregularities are completely baseless and without any merit. While we will be consulting our lawyers to determine SECL’s future course of any legal action against the Government of Guyana, we trust that the Government of. Guyana will not feel pressurized to commit any act or do anything which has the effect of jeopardizing the project either for any political compulsions or for any other ulterior motives.

  1. SECL is a 40 year old company, having vast experience and expertise in Engineering and Construction. It has successfully Designed, Constructed and Completed more than 100 Projects in 33 countries worldwide and also completed project in Guyana. The capability of the firm was never in question as is evident from history.
  2. During these past two years SECL has been working relentlessly for the progress of the Specialty Hospital Project and has invested a huge amount of resources in terms of time, money and manpower and continues to stay committed to see the project completely through. SECL is entitled to recover several million USD from the Government in respect of work done at the site so far. The Government of Guyana is fully aware that the reasons for delay in the project are solely because of its own failure to meet its own obligations under the contract. The stoppage of work was only because of failure or neglect on part of the government of Guyana from fulfilling its obligations. It is shocking to hear such press reports which can only be interpreted as a desperate attempt on part of the Government of Guyana to wriggle out its stated commitments towards the project. SECL reserves all its rights to pursue all such remedies as may be advised.


Brijen Parikh

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