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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

It's BRICS. How much money did you get from the bogus fiber optic cables in Guyana? 

I will give up all that money just to be with you.

And thanks you for the correction. After all, you do have a soft spot for me.


I do not date uneducated men like you. I only date men like Dr TK but he is already married. 


This Ninconpoop screwed up......



Fibre Optic Cable project cost increasing, new tender out – Alexei Ramotar

July 4, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



Tenders for relaying Government’s fibre optic cable in certain sections along Lethem to Georgetown are expected to be invited within the fortnight. This would increase the cost of Government’s E-Governance Project, which has a budget of US$32M, says Alexei Ramotar, Project Manager. Ramotar does not want to discuss the amount of money already spent on the project but stated that the unit is hoping to have all necessary information including the length of cable to be replaced; soil testing; and cost estimates to invite bids from interested contractors.

Project Manager, Alexei Ramotar

The affected areas include Mabura, Kurupukari, Annai, and East Bank Demerara Public Road. Physical works for the laying of the 560-kilometers cable began in April 2011. Poor weather conditions and the absence of appropriate equipment were cited for the slothfulness of contractors, Mekdeci Machinery and Construction (MMC), DAX Contracting, Dynamic Engineering and G. Bovell Construction Services, in the execution of the project. The contractors were expected to lay the cable beneath the surface but not all contractors were able to execute their tasks effectively, hence the need to relay sections of the cable in Mabura and Kurupukari. In addition, the supervising team hired (and later fired) was inefficient and the Unit did little or no monitoring during the project execution. Meanwhile, vandalism was responsible for the destruction of a piece of the cable in Annai. And, during the relocation of utility poles to facilitate the East Bank Demerara four-lane expansion, part of the cable was destroyed. With experience gained from the initial project, Ramotar said that the Unit would be collaborating with the Public Works Ministry to supervise the relaying project. Apparently, after some contractors did shoddy work, personnel from the Public Works Ministry were tasked with inspecting while the Unit did testing of the cable simultaneously. “Our engineers came out on June 27, after three weeks of testing, repairing and identifying areas that will require major repair works. There are several such areas, but we are still examining the results from the tests. Areas where repair works will not suffice will have to be redone.” “We have also installed all of our sites, Georgetown, Linden, Mabura, Kurupukari, Annai and Lethem and are testing the power and local site operations. We will then be connecting up with the Brazilian side and testing connectivity between Lethem and Brazil. Once completed, each individual link will be tested and then the full network,” he stated. According to Ramotar, in an attempt to avoid vandalism the cable will be placed in pipelines below the surface in areas where there are bridges. He said that the cable would be of no value to vandals since its inside is glass and the exterior is rubber. Speaking on the other aspects of the project, Ramotar said that the Unit is using a modular data centre approach for the National Data Centre. The data centre has been installed and is undergoing extensive testing. He noted that a fibre ring has been built around Georgetown connecting the major Ministries and Government agencies. These include the Ministries of Health, Natural Resources and Environment, Education, Finance, Housing, Home Affairs, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, Guyana Revenue Authority, University of Guyana, Guyana Power and Light (GPL) and Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission for the fibre optic outside plant. “Several other Ministries and Government agencies will be completed in August in a second phase that includes Office of the President and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Agriculture,” he said. “We have also connected into GPL’s fiber optic cable that will provide access to the West Coast up to Parika and connectivity for Linden/Wismar through our Lethem-GT fiber. Fiber has been run to UG and connectivity for the rest of the East Coast and Berbice is awaiting the completion of the GPL transmission line and substation project, Ramotar stated. In relation to the project’s microwave or long-term evolution, the Unit has 21 sites under construction. They are located at Helena, Cane Grove, New Amsterdam, Melanie Damishana, Foulis, Enmore, Lusignan, Beterverwagting, La Bonne Intention, Liliendaal, Cove and John, Georgetown, Eccles, Den Amstel, Zeeburg, Wales, UG, Suddie and Aurora.


Installation of Govt. Fibre Optic Cableâ€ĶContractor’s shoddy work is now Ministry’s burden

February 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

  The Public Works Ministry is now tasked with correcting shoddy laying of the fibre optic cable from Kurupkari to Mabura by one of the project’s contractors. And because of limited resources under Government’s US$32M project to install fiber optic cable from Lethem to Georgetown, the E-Government Project Unit was unable to adequately monitor the groundwork, resulting in the inferior installation. This was the assertion of Project Manager Alexei Ramotar, during an interview with this publication yesterday.

Alexei Ramotar

Ramotar said that the Unit made site visits along the stretch, except in that section, and reports from the supervising contractor, Fibre Optic Solutions, that the contractor was executing the project according to the one-metre under the surface specification, “were accepted as the truth”. However, following numerous complaints from commuters traversing the stretch that the cable was “showing”, a team finally made a site visit. It was then discovered that the cable was merely covered by soil and in some cases was “laid where the water runs”. “The supervising contractor was fired and the contracts were withdrawn from the contractor,” Ramotar stressed. The Project Manager refused to comment as to how much money was expended, but gave assurances that the contractors were not paid and those monies are now being spent to correct the flaws. Laying of the 560-kilometre fibre optic cable was divided into lots and these were awarded to Mekdeci Machinery and Construction (MMC), DAX Contracting, Dynamic Engineering, and G. Bovell Construction Services, and began in January 2011. All the contractors, except Dynamic Engineering, took about three months to mobilize. Ramotar noted that Dynamic Engineering had previous experience, while it was a learning curve for the others. He said that physical works began in April 2011, but were progressing slowly. Poor weather conditions and the absence of the appropriate equipment were cited for the slothfulness of contractors in the execution of the project. Ramotar asserted that DAX Contracting was the only company that had the correct equipment for the task. Nonetheless, work began to pick up by October, but during the period leading up to the National Elections in November 2011, it slowed again. The running of the aerial and under-the-surface cables was expected to conclude in January 2012. According to Ramotar, when the corrective works are completed, Cummings Electrical will be installing solar power equipment at Linden, Mabura, Kurupukari, Annai and Lethem. This aspect of the project will be monitored by Public Works Ministry. The solar equipment will be powering the DWDM (Dense wavelength division multiplexing) equipment provided by Huawei Technologies. That equipment will be used to send signals from Lethem to Georgetown. When the project is completed, internet services will be accessible along that path. Ramotar said that Government is working on another project to provide internet in other populated areas. He explained that Government will use strands from Guyana Power and Light Inc. fibre optic cable that will be laid from Corriverton, Region Six to Edinburgh, West Coast Demerara, to provide internet in those areas. In addition, Essequibo will access internet through high capacity microwave transmission.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

It's BRICS. How much money did you get from the bogus fiber optic cables in Guyana? 

I will give up all that money just to be with you.

And thanks you for the correction. After all, you do have a soft spot for me.


I do not date uneducated men like you. I only date men like Dr TK but he is already married. 

You like married men, COOL.




There is no way President Ramotar's son Alex Ramotar should have been put in charge of the Fiber optic project---he just wasn't qualified to oversee the project.


THAT Fiber optic project was 1000 miles above Alex's pay scale----the little, incompetent duncy had no business being put in charge---but daddy is president.


It's the same damn thing with the road to amaila---a pooja shop owner---Fip Motilall was put in charge of that disaster.


And then you have fake Phd Raj Singh running Guysuco---another disaster.




It is corruption that ruins a nation---and the Rev finds corruption and mismanagement in the PPP to be both repulsive and obscene.





Originally Posted by Rev:



There is no way President Ramotar's son Alex Ramotar should have been put in charge of the Fiber optic project---he just wasn't qualified to oversee the project.


THAT Fiber optic project was 1000 miles above Alex's pay scale----the little, incompetent duncy had no business being put in charge---but daddy is president.


It's the same damn thing with the road to amaila---a pooja shop owner---Fip Motilall was put in charge of that disaster.


And then you have fake Phd Raj Singh running Guysuco---another disaster.




It is corruption that ruins a nation---and the Rev finds corruption and mismanagement in the PPP to be both repulsive and obscene.





you better watch it before nehru slap you or call you a n-igger indian


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