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Former Member

DEMERARA WAVES, JUNE 17 --- House Speaker, Raphael Trotman on Tuesday called for a return to the constituency first-pass-the-post electoral system to allow for direct election of parliamentarians rather than selection at the discretion of the leader.

 “That is something we have to change and get rid of and it’s been here since 1964 and it has to go, the party list system,” Trotman told a meeting with the recently-formed non-governmental organization, Blue Caps. Under the guidance of city businessman Clinton Urling, that organisation’s major focus is the need for local government election.


Speaking with the group in the Parliament Chamber, the Speaker justified his call for an end to the Proportional Representation list system by saying that often times those selected are not from the more populated areas of the country.

He also said party-leaders select parliamentarians based on favouritism. “It could mean that the people who are really for the people ad of  the people don’t get chosen because the party leader may be slightly uncomfortable with that person and  a person who does the sucking up gets chosen,” said Trotman who is a former MP for the Desmond Hoyte-led People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR).

He questioned the wisdom of having a political system in which ordinary Guyanese could not identify with their elected representatives.  He further charged hat race and racism have resulted in Guyanese excusing bad leadership.


He said that was one reason why leadership has not been aligned with the views of the people, resulting in a situation of “ you have to vote me if not the other side is worse so.”


Britain and the United States (US) in 1964 agreed that the electoral system should be changed from the first-pass-the-post to Proportional Representation because the US did not want British Guiana to be granted independence under socialist Dr. Cheddi Jagan for fear he would have set up a Soviet satellite state in the hemisphere, second to Cuba.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In 1963, when British Colonial Secretary Duncan Sandys scrapped the first-past-the-post constituency voting system and imposed Proportional Representation [PR], Dr Cheddi Jagan rightly cried foul and the PPP waged a countrywide campaign against PR.

One striking slogan PPP activists painted on public structures was "No PR or else CR" [No Proportional Representation or else Cut Rass].

In 1992, however, when the PPP got back in government, they seemed contented with PR and there has since been a deafening silence on the first-past-the-post constituency system.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Me too. Let them palatician wuk fuh them money rather than depending on RACE and the LIST to win elections.


Can you imagine the PPP's Zulpikar Mutepha, that dudderhead winning a seat on his own, or an idiot and abuser of women like Basil Willoims.


In the event of the implementation of the first -past-the -post electoral system, the P.P.P/C will definitely win a landslide, in 1964, that system was scarp for the sole purpose of denying the P.P.P/C a majority....A majority awaits the P.P.P/C

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of the implementation of the first -past-the -post electoral system, the P.P.P/C will definitely win a landslide, in 1964, that system was scarp for the sole purpose of denying the P.P.P/C a majority....A majority awaits the P.P.P/C

cousee, shut yu backside.  This is not 1964 and the Jagan PPP IS DEAD.


The Jagdeo PPP will get licks like peas in a first past the post election.


Zulfikur Mustipha is no Balram Singh Rai.  



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

DEMERARA WAVES, JUNE 17 --- House Speaker, Raphael Trotman on Tuesday called for a return to the constituency first-pass-the-post electoral system to allow for direct election of parliamentarians rather than selection at the discretion of the leader.

 “That is something we have to change and get rid of and it’s been here since 1964 and it has to go, the party list system,” Trotman told a meeting with the recently-formed non-governmental organization, Blue Caps. Under the guidance of city businessman Clinton Urling, that organisation’s major focus is the need for local government election.


Speaking with the group in the Parliament Chamber, the Speaker justified his call for an end to the Proportional Representation list system by saying that often times those selected are not from the more populated areas of the country.

He also said party-leaders select parliamentarians based on favouritism. “It could mean that the people who are really for the people ad of  the people don’t get chosen because the party leader may be slightly uncomfortable with that person and  a person who does the sucking up gets chosen,” said Trotman who is a former MP for the Desmond Hoyte-led People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR).

He questioned the wisdom of having a political system in which ordinary Guyanese could not identify with their elected representatives.  He further charged hat race and racism have resulted in Guyanese excusing bad leadership.


He said that was one reason why leadership has not been aligned with the views of the people, resulting in a situation of “ you have to vote me if not the other side is worse so.”


Britain and the United States (US) in 1964 agreed that the electoral system should be changed from the first-pass-the-post to Proportional Representation because the US did not want British Guiana to be granted independence under socialist Dr. Cheddi Jagan for fear he would have set up a Soviet satellite state in the hemisphere, second to Cuba.

BERY BERY interesting.


The Blue COCKS are a Jagdeow front.  So what is Trotman's game?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

DEMERARA WAVES, JUNE 17 --- House Speaker, Raphael Trotman on Tuesday called for a return to the constituency first-pass-the-post electoral system to allow for direct election of parliamentarians rather than selection at the discretion of the leader.

 “That is something we have to change and get rid of and it’s been here since 1964 and it has to go, the party list system,” Trotman told a meeting with the recently-formed non-governmental organization, Blue Caps. Under the guidance of city businessman Clinton Urling, that organisation’s major focus is the need for local government election.


Speaking with the group in the Parliament Chamber, the Speaker justified his call for an end to the Proportional Representation list system by saying that often times those selected are not from the more populated areas of the country.

He also said party-leaders select parliamentarians based on favouritism. “It could mean that the people who are really for the people ad of  the people don’t get chosen because the party leader may be slightly uncomfortable with that person and  a person who does the sucking up gets chosen,” said Trotman who is a former MP for the Desmond Hoyte-led People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR).

He questioned the wisdom of having a political system in which ordinary Guyanese could not identify with their elected representatives.  He further charged hat race and racism have resulted in Guyanese excusing bad leadership.


He said that was one reason why leadership has not been aligned with the views of the people, resulting in a situation of “ you have to vote me if not the other side is worse so.”


Britain and the United States (US) in 1964 agreed that the electoral system should be changed from the first-pass-the-post to Proportional Representation because the US did not want British Guiana to be granted independence under socialist Dr. Cheddi Jagan for fear he would have set up a Soviet satellite state in the hemisphere, second to Cuba.

BERY BERY interesting.


The Blue COCKS are a Jagdeow front.  So what is Trotman's game?

The man is among the first to mirror what I have been saying here for over a decade. That he, as speaker, chose to say this is a deviation from the conventional ignorance of our politicos to our sick electoral process. Maybe more will join the bandwagon and additional aspects of the system will come under scrutiny and we can start to think about a system that mirrors our reality. This is just a seed in the soil. if it germinates we are going the see the end of the race baiting

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

DEMERARA WAVES, JUNE 17 --- House Speaker, Raphael Trotman on Tuesday called for a return to the constituency first-pass-the-post electoral system to allow for direct election of parliamentarians rather than selection at the discretion of the leader.

 “That is something we have to change and get rid of and it’s been here since 1964 and it has to go, the party list system,” Trotman told a meeting with the recently-formed non-governmental organization, Blue Caps. Under the guidance of city businessman Clinton Urling, that organisation’s major focus is the need for local government election.


Speaking with the group in the Parliament Chamber, the Speaker justified his call for an end to the Proportional Representation list system by saying that often times those selected are not from the more populated areas of the country.

He also said party-leaders select parliamentarians based on favouritism. “It could mean that the people who are really for the people ad of  the people don’t get chosen because the party leader may be slightly uncomfortable with that person and  a person who does the sucking up gets chosen,” said Trotman who is a former MP for the Desmond Hoyte-led People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR).

He questioned the wisdom of having a political system in which ordinary Guyanese could not identify with their elected representatives.  He further charged hat race and racism have resulted in Guyanese excusing bad leadership.


He said that was one reason why leadership has not been aligned with the views of the people, resulting in a situation of “ you have to vote me if not the other side is worse so.”


Britain and the United States (US) in 1964 agreed that the electoral system should be changed from the first-pass-the-post to Proportional Representation because the US did not want British Guiana to be granted independence under socialist Dr. Cheddi Jagan for fear he would have set up a Soviet satellite state in the hemisphere, second to Cuba.

BERY BERY interesting.


The Blue COCKS are a Jagdeow front.  So what is Trotman's game?

The man is among the first to mirror what I have been saying here for over a decade. That he, as speaker, chose to say this is a deviation from the conventional ignorance of our electoral process. Maybe more will join the bandwagon and additional aspects of the system will come under scrutiny and we can start to think about a system that mirrors our reality. This is just a seed in the soil. if it germinates we are going the see the end of the race baiting

I man agree with you in this post StormBorn.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

DEMERARA WAVES, JUNE 17 --- House Speaker, Raphael Trotman on Tuesday called for a return to the constituency first-pass-the-post electoral system to allow for direct election of parliamentarians rather than selection at the discretion of the leader.

 “That is something we have to change and get rid of and it’s been here since 1964 and it has to go, the party list system,” Trotman told a meeting with the recently-formed non-governmental organization, Blue Caps. Under the guidance of city businessman Clinton Urling, that organisation’s major focus is the need for local government election.


Speaking with the group in the Parliament Chamber, the Speaker justified his call for an end to the Proportional Representation list system by saying that often times those selected are not from the more populated areas of the country.

He also said party-leaders select parliamentarians based on favouritism. “It could mean that the people who are really for the people ad of  the people don’t get chosen because the party leader may be slightly uncomfortable with that person and  a person who does the sucking up gets chosen,” said Trotman who is a former MP for the Desmond Hoyte-led People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR).

He questioned the wisdom of having a political system in which ordinary Guyanese could not identify with their elected representatives.  He further charged hat race and racism have resulted in Guyanese excusing bad leadership.


He said that was one reason why leadership has not been aligned with the views of the people, resulting in a situation of “ you have to vote me if not the other side is worse so.”


Britain and the United States (US) in 1964 agreed that the electoral system should be changed from the first-pass-the-post to Proportional Representation because the US did not want British Guiana to be granted independence under socialist Dr. Cheddi Jagan for fear he would have set up a Soviet satellite state in the hemisphere, second to Cuba.


Trotman is correct and must be commended.


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