Bandits on Tuesday night killed a cash crop farmer of Parika Backdam, East Bank Essequibo during the course of a robbery, and police yesterday said that they are making stringent efforts to apprehend two males suspected of having committed the act.

 The murder of 46-year-old Somdat ’Rakesh’ Ramgobin, sent shockwaves throughout the farming community.

The bandits, who were unmasked, invaded the farmer’s home sometime around 9.30 pm, while he was cooking.

In a press release, Police Public Relations Officer, Jairam Ramlakhan, said that the perpetrators, after entering the house, brandished a handgun and demanded cash and jewellery.

Somdat Ramgobin’s residence, where he was shot and killed on Tuesday night.

Rakesh was reluctant at first police said, but complied with his attackers’ request, after being struck in the head with a bottle. It was at this point, the police statement explained, that he handed over the cash and directed the men to his grocery shop located at the front of the yard, where he had additional cash.

Just before their escape, the unarmed bandit took the firearm from his accomplice and shot the victim. They then escaped in a waiting car, which was parked some distance away from the scene.

Police Commander of ‘D’ Division, Edmond Cooper, yesterday said investigators are working on some leads, but no suspect has been identified as yet.

Over at Ramgobin’s home yesterday, scores of villagers, family and friends gathered. Many were overheard trying to formulate a theory behind his demise, while others assisted in setting up a tent for his wake.

An eyewitness, Ravi Gonsalves, told Stabroek News they were cooking when the two men entered the house and asked for Rakesh.

According to Ravi, Rakesh went to the men and shortly afterward, he himself went over and enquired who the persons were.

“When I come out they point the gun to me and tell me to go lie down and put me to lie down. Then they went to him and asked him for the money and gold and he said he didn’t have any and they lashed him with a rum bottle and he took out the money and gave him,” he recounted.

Brutally beaten

Ravi explained that before Rakesh handed over the money, he was brutally beaten. “He took a slab of money with some $5,000 bills and gave them,” he said.

He stated that after the men collected the cash, the bandit turned and pressed it to Ramgobin’s stomach and shot him. The entire ordeal lasted a few minutes.

He explained further that after the men left the house, they stood in the yard for a short while and left the door ajar.

“When I peep out they were still in the yard but I ran out the back and went and call a brother who live in the next yard. By time they come, he deh done dead,” Ravi explained.

Meanwhile, one of the deceased’s brothers explained that he, like many neighbours, did not hear any gunshots and only became aware of the tragedy when he was called upon.

“When I come over here I see [him] in blood lying on his bed. Same time I lift him up and tell him we sent for a car, he pull his last breath… I had to tell them call the police don’t worry with the car to take him to the hospital,” the brother added.

Another brother, Samuel Ramgobin, told this newspaper he received a phone call minutes after the ordeal and immediately got into a taxi and headed for the scene.

“When we come, police were already here on the scene, we couldn’t have go inside the house. He was dead when we get here… them beat him real bad though and he was lying in blood my other brother say”, Samuel related.

Samuel explained that his brother was not married and lived alone but would have friends from the village over nightly.

“Normally a lot of people does be here liming at nights but last night they had a nine-day up the road and most people went there,” the brother said, before stating, “I don’t know if these men seized the opportunity to come then.”

“It is strange how these men just come and ask for Rakesh and just take the money alone, killed him and didn’t do anything [to] the other guy or take anything else from the house…it looks like if they came for him,” the brother suggested.

Apart from being a farmer, he said his brother operated a small grocery store in front of his home and was a mechanic.

Rakesh was pronounced dead on arrival at the Leonora Cottage Hospital. The body is currently at Ezekiel’s Parlour awaiting an autopsy.