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PPP/C ready for local and general elections, says General Secretary

THE Central Committee of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) held its third meeting since the convening of the party’s 30th congress in August this year at the Albion Training Centre in Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne).And General Secretary Clement Rohee informed the media at a press briefing yesterday at Freedom House that the party is ready for the local government elections, as well as regional and national elections.

He said: “The Central Committee examined various aspects of the implementation of its political strategy and concluded that it was sufficiently in a state of readiness for either local government and national and regional elections.”

“Well Oiled” Machinery Rohee explained that the PPP/C from an “organisational perspective” has always been ready for the eventuality of elections, with “well oiled” machinery. “We don’t spring into life only when elections are in the air. We are always on the ground,” he declared. Rohee added that the party has the reputation of being the “best organised” when elections roll around and it intends on maintaining this status. The General Secretary addressed the party’s loss of its parliamentary majority and made it clear that where those losses occurred, work is ongoing to regain lost support. “We are as confident as confident can be,” he said in reference to regaining the parliamentary majority. He noted too that the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) and the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) – components of the PPP/C machinery –are expected to have their capacities bolstered for any political eventuality over the next months. The General Secretary added that efforts will also be made to strengthen party structures in the region. The party’s need to strengthen grassroots links, Rohee said, also featured at the meeting, with the leadership of the party expressing its commitment to intensify the party’s efforts in this regard. “The party has resolved to intensify efforts to strengthen the party both organisationally and structurally,” Rohee said. According to him, the Committee’s discussions were centred around the General Secretary’s report and a report from Dr. Roger Luncheon on the local economy and international state of affairs. As it relates to the latter report, he said: “A decision was taken to work towards the creation of a broad, left, progressive, democratic and national group, comprising of representatives of all sections of working people, farmers, intellectuals, the business community, NGOs and all Guyanese who share a common vision.” The General Secretary noted that this will see advances made in representation of all classes and groups in the social strata, as part of an inclusive move towards development. He pointed out that the Committee’s attention was also directed towards, what the party has dubbed efforts by Opposition factions to destabilise the economy, by “attacking and undermining” foreign investments, the private sector and public investment projects. Rohee said: “The party leaders have resolved to adopt more aggressive strategies to expose and dismantle the obstructionary agenda of the Opposition. “The party machinery will support an intensified approach to protect the national interest and safeguard our democracy and gains from the incessant Opposition media assault. The Opposition and its media will not go unchallenged at any point.” The Central Committee, according to the General Secretary, also reaffirmed its support for President Donald Ramotar and his administration. Ramotar marked two years as Head of State just over a week ago; general elections having been held in Guyana on November 28, 2011. Local government elections were last held in 1970; subsequent to 1994, the elections could not be conducted because they had coincided with the general and regional elections of 1997. Written By Vanessa Narine


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru Bhai


We need to understand the dynamics of the PPP and Guyana's political landscape. The PPP seems to have moved away from Dr. Jagan's PPP that we all loved and supported. Dr. Jagan and Janet dedicated their lives for the betterment of all Guyanese and lived humble lives.


The PPP of today is not the PPP of yesterday. The less fortunate are now being left behind to fend for themselves. Indo Guyanese were mistreated under the PNC era and now Afro Guyanese are claiming to be left behind. 


During a recent visit to Guyana, I saw young Black youths with little job opportunities and this did affect me greatly. The poverty gap is widening. All Guyanese must progress in Guyana despite their race and no child should be left behind.


I have defended the PPP all my life but it reaches a point where we must speak out otherwise the PPP that we all loved will slowly be demolished. I do not want to see a PNC government since we all know the effects of a PNC led government.


The PPP must reform and pass legislation that will curb corruption and that will regain my confidence. Ministers must live within their means and be respectful towards the people who elected them and govern for all Guyanese.


Berbice votes are taken for granted. Many Berbicians are not too optimistic about the future.


I still support the PPP but with guarded optimism. We must stand on the right side of history and speak the truth.



Originally Posted by yuji22:


 Berbice votes are taken for granted. Many Berbicians are not too optimistic about the future.


* There are lots of whiners and complainers in Berbice.


* Many support Moses and the AFC.




Here in the United States---the richest country on the planet---you have nearly 50 million people on food stamps----so it is understandable that in a developing country like Guyana---there will be hardships and sufferings.


If Berbicians or other Guyanese think they will be better off under the AFC/PNC----let them go ahead and vote the AFC/PNC into office.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


 Berbice votes are taken for granted. Many Berbicians are not too optimistic about the future.


* There are lots of whiners and complainers in Berbice.


* Many support Moses and the AFC.




Here in the United States---the richest country on the planet---you have nearly 50 million people on food stamps----so it is understandable that in a developing country like Guyana---there will be hardships and sufferings.


If Berbicians or other Guyanese think they will be better off under the AFC/PNC----let them go ahead and vote the AFC/PNC into office.







We are gearing up for an election and do not want to see a repeat of the last election. The PPP needs to be in touch with it's supporters. Bill Clinton was an example of a leader who was in touch with the people.


If we truly care about the PPP then we must speak out on matters of concern to us. That is the mature way for the PPP to deal with concerns that supporters have otherwise they will loose critical support.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



Bill Clinton was an example of a leader who was in touch with the people.




* If Bill Clinton was so much in touch with the people---why did he only get 49.2% of the votes when he ran for re-election in 1996 ? Dole received 40.7%; Perot 8.4%---grant it---Clinton cleaned up at the electoral college(359).




* The PPP received 48.6% of the votes in the last election.


* And if the elections were to be held today----they'll likely match that 48.6%


* The PPP has lots of work to do to reach 50%.







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Anybody got a picture of this Vanessa Narine? Is she related to the Narine in the porn video with that Irish actor?


Not bad looking but she has to be silly to be hanging out with Gollum


The PPP/C is the most favored political party to win most of the NDC'S and Town Councils at the upcoming Local Government Elections. The Electorate were very complacent at the 2011 polls any were in regret for not going to the polls to endorse the PPP/C, come next elections, local government ,regional or general will turn out in their masses to endorse the PPP/C.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C is the most favored political party to win most of the NDC'S and Town Councils at the upcoming Local Government Elections. The Electorate were very complacent at the 2011 polls any were in regret for not going to the polls to endorse the PPP/C, come next elections, local government ,regional or general will turn out in their masses to endorse the PPP/C.

those crooks only sullied their names can excuse your loss onf complacency or whatever, chances are you will lose a few seats in your strong hold region 8 and that would be the day. I want your crooks to be below 40% in the next elections...just so the opposition can have a rod of correction all over your asses.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

She is either a gold digger (not to be confused with a porknocker), or he is her sugar daddy.

dont be ah hatah

only his mother can love gollum....MR T is on to something.

Originally Posted by raymond:

maybe it's just a social gathering that the fart took advantage of

 I would hope that is so for her sake but look where that man has his right hand. Body language said he is not afraid to grab her head and pull her in to smooze for the camera. If it is not the case he is a pervert.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by raymond:

maybe it's just a social gathering that the fart took advantage of

 I would hope that is so for her sake but look where that man has his right hand. Body language said he is not afraid to grab her head and pull her in to smooze for the camera. If it is not the case he is a pervert.

didn't realize that about the hand...


This liar d2 is such a creep. Here's Vanessa Narine, this is what you get when you graduate from a second rate university, shoddy research.


Vanessa Narine

Vanessa Narine

Journalist / Certified Accounting Technician

<dl class="demographic-info adr" id="headline"><dd>Guyana </dd><dd class="industry">Newspapers</dd></dl>

The creep d2 found the picture on propaganda press and ran with it without confirming the identity of the woman in the photo. The woman in the photo is  dr.sonia chehil



Rate This


leslie ramsammy minister of health and spy chief

leslie ramsammy minister of health, spy chief & ladies man

we’ve were looking into the affairs of one leslie ramsammy and came across some other info via an agent deep behind enemy lines. we thought the faithful would find of interest. as of now we’ve unearthed nothing on spymaster and little girls and/or boys unlike his junior minister bherri ramsarran, clement rohee, henry greene, kwame mccoy and the rest of pedophiles

Hi goodevening.thanks for such your speedy response…it is quite funny because apparently he was dating a dr.sonia chehil, involved with a chronicle news reporter vanessa narine, keepsa rebuffing a health staffer named jennifer ganesh (who is hell bent on sending him roses like a routine in his office) all for the sake of this lucky reporter lisa with whom he is now totally besotted.imagine,he dumped the doctor woman, put an end to the chronicle news reporter relationship, AND rebuffs the advances of his NAPS staff stalker jennifer all because he “has a conscience now” and he wants to “do things the right way”.wow.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This liar d2 is such a creep. Here's Vanessa Narine, this is what you get when you graduate from a second rate university, shoddy research.


Vanessa Narine

Vanessa Narine

Journalist / Certified Accounting Technician

<dl class="demographic-info adr" id="headline"><dd>Guyana </dd><dd class="industry">Newspapers</dd></dl>

I The caption said she was a journalist for the Chronicle. If that is not the one writing then excuse me. I found it on a Google search just as you did. Somehow you know which journalist wrote the above.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This liar d2 is such a creep. Here's Vanessa Narine, this is what you get when you graduate from a second rate university, shoddy research.


Vanessa Narine

Vanessa Narine

Journalist / Certified Accounting Technician

<dl class="demographic-info adr" id="headline"><dd>Guyana </dd><dd class="industry">Newspapers</dd></dl>

I The caption said she was a journalist for the Chronicle. If that is not the one writing then excuse me. I found it on a Google search just as you did. Somehow you know which journalist wrote the above.


As I mentioned, the Howard education(for disadvantaged blacks) is shining through.   You should be ashamed of yourself. slandering the good Dr  Sonia Chehil. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This liar d2 is such a creep. Here's Vanessa Narine, this is what you get when you graduate from a second rate university, shoddy research.


Vanessa Narine

Vanessa Narine

Journalist / Certified Accounting Technician

<dl class="demographic-info adr" id="headline"><dd>Guyana </dd><dd class="industry">Newspapers</dd></dl>

I The caption said she was a journalist for the Chronicle. If that is not the one writing then excuse me. I found it on a Google search just as you did. Somehow you know which journalist wrote the above.


As I mentioned, the Howard education(for disadvantaged blacks) is shining through.   You should be ashamed of yourself. slandering the good Dr  Sonia Chehil. 

I know, where did you go, tell us please or do I have to go and get it?

I do not have to lie. You on the other hand do that here on a daily basis. Every black person committing a crime is a PNC member to you. I guess it is your profound education that coerces such scurrilous behavior.


Imagine a shameless cur like you insisting someone is a liar. I bet it left a profound grasp of disbelief at your brazenness across the board. As for you being a bright...I guess you need to beg a bone.


And what is slanderous in saying she wrote the piece?  Is the piece a lie?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nehru Bhai


We need to understand the dynamics of the PPP and Guyana's political landscape. The PPP seems to have moved away from Dr. Jagan's PPP that we all loved and supported. Dr. Jagan and Janet dedicated their lives for the betterment of all Guyanese and lived humble lives.


The PPP of today is not the PPP of yesterday. The less fortunate are now being left behind to fend for themselves. Indo Guyanese were mistreated under the PNC era and now Afro Guyanese are claiming to be left behind. 


During a recent visit to Guyana, I saw young Black youths with little job opportunities and this did affect me greatly. The poverty gap is widening. All Guyanese must progress in Guyana despite their race and no child should be left behind.


I have defended the PPP all my life but it reaches a point where we must speak out otherwise the PPP that we all loved will slowly be demolished. I do not want to see a PNC government since we all know the effects of a PNC led government.


The PPP must reform and pass legislation that will curb corruption and that will regain my confidence. Ministers must live within their means and be respectful towards the people who elected them and govern for all Guyanese.


Berbice votes are taken for granted. Many Berbicians are not too optimistic about the future.


I still support the PPP but with guarded optimism. We must stand on the right side of history and speak the truth.



yuji22, I have no doubt you're sincere with this confession. Highly appreciated.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Dr. John Savage Memorial Award

Back to Awards

2008 Dr. John Savage Memorial Award

Presented to Dr. Sonia Chehil


Dr. Sonia Chehil

Dr. Sonia Chehil 

As I mentioned, the Howard education(for disadvantaged blacks) is shining through.   You should be ashamed of yourself. slandering the good Dr  Sonia Chehil. 




Is this supposed to be the same Dr Chehil, she looks quite different?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Dr. John Savage Memorial Award

Back to Awards

2008 Dr. John Savage Memorial Award

Presented to Dr. Sonia Chehil


Dr. Sonia Chehil

Dr. Sonia Chehil 

As I mentioned, the Howard education(for disadvantaged blacks) is shining through.   You should be ashamed of yourself. slandering the good Dr  Sonia Chehil. 




Is this supposed to be the same Dr Chehil, she looks quite different?

that cretinous bobble head is also kanwah eyed.


Every day I prove you to be a fraud, even cocaine the pedophile come to defend you. I block him so I don't see his comments. But you are a wicked beast and karma will get you in the end.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Every day I prove you to be a fraud, even cocaine the pedophile come to defend you. I block him so I don't see his comments. But you are a wicked beast and karma will get you in the end.

I know you claim to do many things but as usual you are stuck at trying to be smart....are those two people one and the same?

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Every day I prove you to be a fraud, even cocaine the pedophile come to defend you. I block him so I don't see his comments. But you are a wicked beast and karma will get you in the end.

I know you claim to do many things but as usual you are stuck at trying to be smart....are those two people one and the same?

Yes dummy. One picture is without makeup and one is with makeup and hair done. Stop detracting and admit that you are scum and make amends to the good Dr for slandering her name.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Every day I prove you to be a fraud, even cocaine the pedophile come to defend you. I block him so I don't see his comments. But you are a wicked beast and karma will get you in the end.

I know you claim to do many things but as usual you are stuck at trying to be smart....are those two people one and the same?

Yes dummy. One picture is without makeup and one is with makeup and hair done. Stop detracting and admit that you are scum and make amends to the good Dr for slandering her name.

We know you are not bright.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Every day I prove you to be a fraud, even cocaine the pedophile come to defend you. I block him so I don't see his comments. But you are a wicked beast and karma will get you in the end.

I know you claim to do many things but as usual you are stuck at trying to be smart....are those two people one and the same?

Yes dummy. One picture is without makeup and one is with makeup and hair done. Stop detracting and admit that you are scum and make amends to the good Dr for slandering her name.

I guess makeup does a body good!!!


And I would like to know where I slandered the woman's name. But like a good troll you are doing your trolling duties.


Please tell me where I have slandered the ladys name. She was with gollum if the same person. That she did not write the article would be the error. I do no know that consitute slander!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I guess makeup does a body good!!!


And I would like to know where I slandered the woman's name. But like a good troll you are doing your trolling duties.


Please tell me where I have slandered the ladys name. She was with gollum if the same person. That she did not write the article would be the error. I do no know that consitute slander!

You posted her photo claiming that it was Narine. Next you claimed that Dr Ramsammy was a pervert and she was willing:

 I would hope that is so for her sake but look where that man has his right hand. Body language said he is not afraid to grab her head and pull her in to smooze for the camera. If it is not the case he is a pervert.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I guess makeup does a body good!!!


And I would like to know where I slandered the woman's name. But like a good troll you are doing your trolling duties.


Please tell me where I have slandered the ladys name. She was with gollum if the same person. That she did not write the article would be the error. I do no know that consitute slander!

You posted her photo claiming that it was Narine. Next you claimed that Dr Ramsammy was a pervert and she was willing:

 I would hope that is so for her sake but look where that man has his right hand. Body language said he is not afraid to grab her head and pull her in to smooze for the camera. If it is not the case he is a pervert.



WE know you lack comprehension.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I guess makeup does a body good!!!


And I would like to know where I slandered the woman's name. But like a good troll you are doing your trolling duties.


Please tell me where I have slandered the ladys name. She was with gollum if the same person. That she did not write the article would be the error. I do no know that consitute slander!

You posted her photo claiming that it was Narine. Next you claimed that Dr Ramsammy was a pervert and she was willing:

 I would hope that is so for her sake but look where that man has his right hand. Body language said he is not afraid to grab her head and pull her in to smooze for the camera. If it is not the case he is a pervert.



I know you possibly did not get the reading and comprehension skill down fully. At least that is my out for you given you so stupidly  say of my text above what it clearly does not. I never said he was a pervert. I said that was a knowing smooch. The facts prove me out.


That she and the writer are not one and the same is not slander dummy. I do not know the writer said anything that can be construed as salacious. My apologies for the mis identification  above. You have to troll harder to demonstrate anyone intended to say anything of the lady she is ashamed of. She definitely is not ashamed of Gollum.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Gollum!! hahaha .


He does look like Gollum fuh real only ting Gollum lil mo handsome.  

You fancy him as well?

WTF is wrong with you jackass? I don't partake in that kind of behavior that you are famous for with your local parliamentarians.

Last edited by Mars

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