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Political analyst recommends mass protest to force elections date

January 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

By Zena Henry

Political analyst and former Presidential Advisor, Ramon Gaskin, has called for Guyanese to engage in mass protest action to force the holding of General Elections. The Russian-trained Attorney and Consultant believes that peaceful demonstrations should be a daily feature to demand General Polls from, “this currently illegal government.”

Gaskin reiterated to Kaieteur News yesterday, that the government is “illegally holding on to power,” and that President Donald Ramotar’s move to prorogue (close Parliament) the National Assembly also constitutes an illegality.  In this light, Gaskin opined that citizens should show their disgust and demand a date for elections.
President Ramotar had reasoned that in a bid to save the work of the Tenth Parliament he had no choice but to prorogue the House of Assembly, since the Combined Opposition; A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC) were bent on a vote of no-confidence against his Administration.
But Gaskin believes that the President illegally prorogued Parliament since he did not do it under normal circumstances. The prorogation of Parliament means that there are no sittings or discussions in the House, and that the majority holding Opposition is unable to represent its supporters in Parliament.
Gaskin said that the Opposition’s intent to vote the Ramotar-led Administration out of power is a clear indication that the government has lost the confidence of the National Assembly, but they (opposition) were denied the right to physically express it when Parliament was closed. He said that prorogation is a “reserved right” of the President, but this right could only be used under normal circumstances and “not when the House has no confidence in your Administration and is seeking to vote you out.”
Gaskin reiterated that Under Article 106 (6) of the Constitution, it states that “The Cabinet, including the President, shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.” In this case Gaskin charged the President cannot use his right to prorogue, to obstruct the work of Parliament stated by the Constitution.
He reasoned therefore that the government itself is also illegal. “They are all (government) illegal,” he told the newspaper. He said that all opposition parties should therefore, “declare the President’s action illegal and declare the government illegal also.”
He said they should also demand that the President give an election date “forthwith”.

In Article 106 (7) of the Constitution, where it says “…the National Assembly shall by resolution, supported by no less than two thirds of the members, determine and shall resign after the President takes oath of office following elections,” Gaskin emphasized that ‘shall’ in this case, makes it mandatory for the Government to resign if it is defeated.
He said also that while 106 (7) also speaks of the ‘resolution,’ the government cannot claim that there was none, since the President was the one to prorogue Parliament and prevented any further work of the National Assembly.
“I would support any peaceful protest,” Gaskin charged. “I support peaceful action to force this government to call elections and to stop fooling around.”
In December 2014, President Ramotar said he would be setting a date for elections this year. He gave no specific time as to when this would be done. Prior to that, President Ramotar had warned the opposition that should they go ahead with the no-confidence vote he would close Parliament.
With no indication from the Opposition parties that they would back off of the no-confidence vote, the President prorogued Parliament a week after his warning. He then hoped that the Opposition would have discourse during what he called Parliament’s ‘cool out’ period.
A frustrated opposition declared and maintained no talks outside of Parliament. They gave stern warnings however that the government should not enter into any projects during prorogation since they would be unable to monitor what was happening.
Many members of the international community have expressed concern about President Ramotar’s actions, while urging him to set an election date soon.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dem sey Mouthtar and Guitar are two different tar.

I agree with Nehru - Uncle Grabnja give up, he back down, he call off the protest.  What a political whimp.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Suh Kappy, you wan fuh tell abie dat JB, TK, KishanB, and Brian Teekah ah all de same man? Bai me bin suspek suh you no, but me get halla fuh vaice me suspishan.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Suh Kappy, you wan fuh tell abie dat JB, TK, KishanB, and Brian Teekah ah all de same man? Bai me bin suspek suh you no, but me get halla fuh vaice me suspishan.


Bai if KishanB a Jalil best fren how KishanB goh be TK? Like yuh dull or wah? 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Suh Kappy, you wan fuh tell abie dat JB, TK, KishanB, and Brian Teekah ah all de same man? Bai me bin suspek suh you no, but me get halla fuh vaice me suspishan.


Bai if KishanB a Jalil best fren how KishanB goh be TK? Like yuh dull or wah? 

Bai me tell de man he ah all dem peeple dah. De man komplain to admin. Me ketch de man a laang time now.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Suh Kappy, you wan fuh tell abie dat JB, TK, KishanB, and Brian Teekah ah all de same man? Bai me bin suspek suh you no, but me get halla fuh vaice me suspishan.


Bai if KishanB a Jalil best fren how KishanB goh be TK? Like yuh dull or wah? 

Bai me tell de man he ah all dem peeple dah. De man komplain to admin. Me ketch de man a laang time now.

Hey hey hey...who you tell KishanB? 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Suh Kappy, you wan fuh tell abie dat JB, TK, KishanB, and Brian Teekah ah all de same man? Bai me bin suspek suh you no, but me get halla fuh vaice me suspishan.


Bai if KishanB a Jalil best fren how KishanB goh be TK? Like yuh dull or wah? 

Bai me tell de man he ah all dem peeple dah. De man komplain to admin. Me ketch de man a laang time now.

Hey hey hey...who you tell KishanB? 

Yes. Me also confront de man wid JB and Brian Teekah. De man vex no rass wid me.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Suh Kappy, you wan fuh tell abie dat JB, TK, KishanB, and Brian Teekah ah all de same man? Bai me bin suspek suh you no, but me get halla fuh vaice me suspishan.


Bai if KishanB a Jalil best fren how KishanB goh be TK? Like yuh dull or wah? 

Bai me tell de man he ah all dem peeple dah. De man komplain to admin. Me ketch de man a laang time now.

Hey hey hey...who you tell KishanB? 

Yes. Me also confront de man wid JB and Brian Teekah. De man vex no rass wid me.

Brian Teekah tell me he wan fuh farm he own party. Me tell deman fuh name de party KBBT.


This is one of the biggest mistake of Granger and show he does not know what he is doing and should not lead Guyana.





APNU halts protests for Local Government Elections – Granger


The main opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity, (APNU) will not be continuing its countrywide protest in calls for Local Government Elections, (LGE) this year.

APNU Opposition Leader Brigadier [Ret’d) David Granger

APNU Opposition Leader Brigadier (Ret’d) David Granger

This disclosure was made by Opposition Leader Brigadier (Ret’d) David Granger during a weekly press conference at the party’s main office on Friday.
Granger told media operatives that his party will not resume protests outside Office of the President or elsewhere, for Local Government Elections, since the exercise has proven futile.
While expressing his views on the matter, the Opposition Leader described the PPP Administration as a party suffering from “administrative fatigue.” As such he noted that the country will only be rid of the cabal through General Elections.
Last year, party members and scores of supporters held demonstrations in front of government offices in all six Municipalities – Georgetown, Linden, New Amsterdam, Rose Hall, Corriverton and Anna Regina. The exercises were in an effort to ensure that the long overdue LGE were held.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Suh Kappy, you wan fuh tell abie dat JB, TK, KishanB, and Brian Teekah ah all de same man? Bai me bin suspek suh you no, but me get halla fuh vaice me suspishan.


Bai if KishanB a Jalil best fren how KishanB goh be TK? Like yuh dull or wah? 

Bai me tell de man he ah all dem peeple dah. De man komplain to admin. Me ketch de man a laang time now.

Skeldon yuh right na worry with Dhar Poke.


The Guyanese populace would not fall prey to the A.F.C/A.P.N.U bait to  join any mass protest....they basically has nothing to protest about. The socio-economic standards enjoyed by the Guyanese populace over the pass two decades, never before was possible. Long live the P.P.P/C

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace would not fall prey to the A.F.C/A.P.N.U bait to  join any mass protest....they basically has nothing to protest about. The socio-economic standards enjoyed by the Guyanese populace over the pass two decades, never before was possible. Long live the P.P.P/C


Long Live Dr. Jagan's and Janet's PPP.


To hell with Burnham's AFC/PNC party.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bad bai KishanB goh get yuh bai Harse and lead de protest since Granja na ready. hey hey hey...

We want miss JB to lead de protest she can use she mamoo to show we de way.........wah ya seh?


Harse wah happen to JB bai? Leh de gyal come yasuh and lead revolution likka KishanB. Hey hey hey...

Suh Kappy, you wan fuh tell abie dat JB, TK, KishanB, and Brian Teekah ah all de same man? Bai me bin suspek suh you no, but me get halla fuh vaice me suspishan.


Bai if KishanB a Jalil best fren how KishanB goh be TK? Like yuh dull or wah? 

Bai me tell de man he ah all dem peeple dah. De man komplain to admin. Me ketch de man a laang time now.

Skeldon yuh right na worry with Dhar Poke.

Hey hey hey...


Granger told media operatives that his party will not resume protests outside Office of the President or elsewhere, for Local Government Elections, since the exercise has proven futile.


APNU halts protests for Local Government Elections – Granger, JANUARY 11, 2015 | BY  | FILED UNDER NEWS 

It took so long for Granger to realize that the actions are useless.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Granger told media operatives that his party will not resume protests outside Office of the President or elsewhere, for Local Government Elections, since the exercise has proven futile.


APNU halts protests for Local Government Elections – Granger, JANUARY 11, 2015 | BY  | FILED UNDER NEWS 

It took so long for Granger to realize that the actions are useless.

It sure is a difficult thing when trying to deal with diktakers..oops I meant diktators.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Granger told media operatives that his party will not resume protests outside Office of the President or elsewhere, for Local Government Elections, since the exercise has proven futile.


APNU halts protests for Local Government Elections – Granger, JANUARY 11, 2015 | BY  | FILED UNDER NEWS 

It took so long for Granger to realize that the actions are useless.

Well no need to protest now, time to walk the terrain and meet the people.


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