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Originally Posted by God:

Did you see the Olympics Closing Ceremony? It was awesome.


These Olympics were the most watched in the history of the Games. Apparently they are still relevant but you just didn't get the memo 

Yep, it look to me like any rock&Roll concert. If you like rock then that would be your perception. I believe it was the most chauvinistic ceremony ever. Typical of a nation desperate to regain its relevance. Again, they claim to have invented everything, from Greek Philosophy to fashion and healthcare, but just pretending that the rest of the world doesn't exist will not bring its relevance back.


Britain is history. Start calling it for what is is : Small Britain.

Britain is the Harlot of the Book of Revelation. It has fallen.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by God:

Did you see the Olympics Closing Ceremony? It was awesome.


These Olympics were the most watched in the history of the Games. Apparently they are still relevant but you just didn't get the memo 

Yep, it look to me like any rock&Roll concert. If you like rock then that would be your perception. I believe it was the most chauvinistic ceremony ever. Typical of a nation desperate to regain its relevance. Again, they claim to have invented everything, from Greek Philosophy to fashion and healthcare, but just pretending that the rest of the world doesn't exist will not bring its relevance back.


Britain is history. Start calling it for what is is : Small Britain.

Britain is the Harlot of the Book of Revelation. It has fallen.

It look to you like a rock and roll concert. So you did watch it and enjoy it. Congrats. If you watched it then it must be relevant. The rest of the world agrees

Originally Posted by Lucas:

Olympics are relevant, but not because of London. I enjoyed the Beijing and AThens games ceremonies even more. The London ones were quite boring.

I enjoyed the British Olympics the best along with the rest of the world. Apparently you are among the very few who found them boring since these games were the most watched in history. Don't hate, just appreciate 


Lay off the bath salts and you'll have a more realistic view of the world.


We have to be careful when we colored people curse the British now.  This is because other Europeans such as many Southern, Central and Eastern Europeans see us colored people as sub-human. This is because they do not have a history or connection with us.  So by cursing the British what we are doing in reality is really aiding the British Racist Right (the Nick Griffins/BNP/NF ) and their racist Southern, Central and Eastern  European allies.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Olympics are relevant, but not because of London. I enjoyed the Beijing and AThens games ceremonies even more. The London ones were quite boring.

I enjoyed the British Olympics the best along with the rest of the world. Apparently you are among the very few who found them boring since these games were the most watched in history. Don't hate, just appreciate 


Lay off the bath salts and you'll have a more realistic view of the world.

Your perception must be due to the fact that you only read English. How can you understand that the rest of the world is thinking from your narrow Anglo perspective??

Originally Posted by Prashad:

We have to be careful when we colored people curse the British now.  This is because other Europeans such as many Southern, Central and Eastern Europeans see us colored people as sub-human. This is because they do not have a history or connection with us.  So by cursing the British what we are doing is really aiding the British Racist Right and the Nick Griffins/BNP and their European allies.

Apparently Lucas thinks that he will be welcomed with open arms as a hero in Russia because he embraces communism in his hallucinations. Little does he know about how racist and ruthless these people are.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Olympics are relevant, but not because of London. I enjoyed the Beijing and AThens games ceremonies even more. The London ones were quite boring.

I enjoyed the British Olympics the best along with the rest of the world. Apparently you are among the very few who found them boring since these games were the most watched in history. Don't hate, just appreciate 


Lay off the bath salts and you'll have a more realistic view of the world.

Your perception must be due to the fact that you only read English. How can you understand that the rest of the world is thinking from your narrow Anglo perspective??

And you know that I only read English. I told you to lay off the bath salts. You might make a little more sense than you currently do.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

We have to be careful when we colored people curse the British now.  This is because other Europeans such as many Southern, Central and Eastern Europeans see us colored people as sub-human. This is because they do not have a history or connection with us.  So by cursing the British what we are doing is really aiding the British Racist Right and the Nick Griffins/BNP and their European allies.

Apparently Lucas thinks that he will be welcomed with open arms as a hero in Russia because he embraces communism in his hallucinations. Little does he know about how racist and ruthless these people are.

I guess the Russian should copy their Anglo counter parts and buy slaves from Africa and India to demonstrate that they are not racist.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

He can go to Cuba to relax or better yet North Korea where cell phones are banned. But there is always the TV where he can watch to his hearts content the non-stop speeches of the Great Leader 24/7. 

You guys seem to get paid for spreading American propaganda against the rest of the world...


Lucas times have changed.   Your life would be at risk if you visit Russia today.  I know a man from Africa whose wife is Russian and African.  The guy was beaten so badly on the streets of Moscow one night for no reason that he almost died.  He was rescued by a Russian sailor who fought in the Afgan war. The sailor had to pull his gun and fight off 12  Russian NEO-Nazis.  The Russian police did nothing. You should see the multiple stab marks to the African guy's body and head. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Lucas times have changed.   Your life would be at risk if you visit Russia today.  I know a man from Africa whose wife is Russian and African.  The guy was beaten so badly on the streets of Moscow one night for no reason that he almost died.  He was rescued by a Russian sailor who fought in the Afgan war. The sailor had to pull his gun and fight off 12  Russian NEO-Nazis.  The Russian police did nothing. You should see the multiple stab marks to the African guy's body and head. 

You write as if you have never read in the news that a White Supremacist in America killed 7 Indians in a Sikh temple,


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