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British consultancy firm Capita Symonds has been signed to do some modernizing of the Guyana Police Force.

The US$129,000. contract will Capita Symonds focusing on four specific areas.

These are administration, succession planning, integrity and ethics and public communication.

These four core areas are a major component of the national security strategy unveiled recently.

Capita Symonds has been identified as a consultancy firm that has experience of the Guyana Police Force.

The firm has worked in other regional territories including Jamaica and with the Caricom secretariat.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, British High Commissioner Andrew Ayre expressed the hope that there will be β€œcross party support” for the implementation of the police force’s modernisation plan, which he reminded, is very important for Guyana.

The opposition while expressing mixed views on the security strategy is adamant that they will not work with minister Rohee.

And Rohee on the other hand is equally unwavering in his commitment to executing the functions of the office of home affair minister.

According to Rohee he will continue to serve as long as he is required.

He added that it will be disrespectful to the Head of State for him to do otherwise, unless requested by that same authority.



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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is an offer they refused a decade ago.

The Limeys wanted to RULE Guyana again. WE said NO. Now they came back with an offer where we dont have to give up our control.

Please qualify without the usual generalizations about who wanted what. Incidentally what has changed since the first offering which was far more generous.


The Guyanese Populace will be watching the events in the National Assembly, they are weary of the tactics of the joint opposition to destabilize the economy and frustrate the works of the government. The signing of the security initiative is a great one for the country and should be embraced by all in Parliament. Its time the joint opposition shy away from partisan politics and work along with the government towards the development of the country.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The security initiatives must be embraced by all, the time for playing partisan politics are over

 What did you say to this when it was first proposed and rejected by the PPP and, BTW, stands a an AFC platform item?  It is amazing how you folks suddenly find the light switch that was there all the time. This is 2 decades down the road. ROAR called for external aid in restructuring the security sector some 12 years ago. Where was the PPP? Again, why was this rejected off hand by jagdeo as interference in national autonomy? How come this is now the PPP's idea when the came to the party dragged by wild horses!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its time to put partisan politics aside, the joint opposition should work hand in hand with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country, to the benefit of all its citizens,especially those of the working class

 Crow until the cows come home the point is going along with the PPP way of doing things is never a good choice. This recent discovery of the presence of the international community's readiness to aid in solving our crime problem is not new.


It was the Opposition parties that always clamored for it. Note, it was the PPP who resisted and hired a drug lord as enforcer in chief and by him they were complicit in the murder of hundreds. Quit the crap about anyone ever standing in the way of crime fighting.


We would not be in the mess we are in if the PPP was concerned with that. Again, they are coming to the party 2 decades late.  Objections to Rohee is not objecting to crime. It is objecting to the architect of the incompetence  in the system and resulting cascade into criminality. From top to bottom our society rots because of the corrupt PPP.


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