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Former Member


With less than a week before the three-month period required to hold General and Regional Elections expires, British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn says political leaders should seek to find consensus.

“We’re now in a situation where both sides need to come together and decide what the solution is and how we get over the current issue,” the High Commissioner told the News Room in an interview at his Bel Air Gardens residence on Friday.

President David Granger and Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo met on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, but the two sides failed to come to an agreement for an extension to the March 21 deadline for the holding of elections in Guyana.

The President subsequently met with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and has written to the Commission formally for them to present a work plan and advise him of the earliest date it can conduct elections.

The British High Commissioner noted that “if the Elections Commission is not ready and everybody agrees that it’s not ready, that’s a decision taken.”

He added that “there [is] a process to follow to extend what is that three months date which started on the 21st of December so it is now sort of contingent on those who are responsible to try and do that…to actually do that.”

The President on March 13 sent a letter to GECOM requesting an outline of the Commission’s plans and programmes along with financial needs.

At a press conference on Thursday, Jagdeo told the media that the President and Government will become illegal and unconstitutional after March 21 and even told his supporters to chase the Government Ministers who may visit their communities after then.

However, the British High Commission hopes that the situation will not reach this level.

“I am hoping there will be a resolution and that’s certainly what I think everybody wants to see before we get to that stage,” he said.

The Government condemned the  ‘chase them out’ comment, noting that it is “malicious.”

Article 106 of the Constitution states that while the government remains in place following the passage of a No Confidence motion, it cannot continue in office beyond the three-month deadline unless there is a Parliamentary vote of a two-third majority of the 65-seat House.


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Quote.”He added that “there [is] a process to follow to extend what is that three months date which started on the 21st of December so it is now sort of contingent on those who are responsible to try and do that…to actually do that.”



Dave posted:

British diplomat calls on leaders to find solution to political impasse

 With less than a week before the three-month period required to hold General and Regional Elections expires, British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn says political leaders should seek to find consensus.

Article 106 of the Constitution states that while the government remains in place following the passage of a No Confidence motion, it cannot continue in office beyond the three-month deadline unless there is a Parliamentary vote of a two-third majority of the 65-seat House.

Focus and salient issue.


"The British High Commissioner noted that “if the Elections Commission is not ready and everybody agrees that it’s not ready, that’s a decision taken.”

The trouble is that GECOM sat on their wicked lazy asses and run the time out. They have not matured to the elements of democracy.


Well when the hooligan Jagdeo screams "chase dem APNU out of we village" he doesn't look quite good.  Granger wrote to GECOM asking for a work plan to allow a date to be set. He is putting the onus on GECOM to determine their readiness. He looks way more statesmanlike than Jagdeo threatening violence.

You all should have gotten rid of Jagdeo, whose image among the ABC isn't that good.  Look how they stripped Jenny of her Canadian residency and told Irfaan not to travel there.  This is on top of several members of his administration being stripped of their US, Canadian and UK visas.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Well when the hooligan Jagdeo screams "chase dem APNU out of we village" he doesn't look quite good.  Granger wrote to GECOM asking for a work plan to allow a date to be set. He is putting the onus on GECOM to determine their readiness. He looks way more statesmanlike than Jagdeo threatening violence.

You all should have gotten rid of Jagdeo, whose image among the ABC isn't that good.  Look how they stripped Jenny of her Canadian residency and told Irfaan not to travel there.  This is on top of several members of his administration being stripped of their US, Canadian and UK visas.

Bai, Jagdeo engineered that whole NCV that has all y'all getting shittings. Not surprising that y'all always begging for Jagdeo to disappear. The most pressing matter right now is the PNC preparing to squat illegally in government. Making it about Jagdeo's speech is a very poorly thought out deflection.

Jagdeo was already taken to court for supposedly inciting racial tension and all he did was walk into court, hug up de judge and left after she told him to go since Ram's lawsuit was sheer skont. 


For more than two decades, the international community didn't have to press the PPP to hold general elections. Less than four years after the despotic PNC are given the keys to the government, the Canadian, UK and US and I believe even the EU had to remind Granger to obey the law. What the f uck is wrong with these PNC fools? 

ksazma posted:

Bai, Jagdeo engineered that whole NCV

and the ABC nations are well aware of his machinations which is why they are telling him to stop making threatening noises that will only increase the tensions.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

Well when the hooligan Jagdeo screams "chase dem APNU out of we village" he doesn't look quite good.  Granger wrote to GECOM asking for a work plan to allow a date to be set. He is putting the onus on GECOM to determine their readiness. He looks way more statesmanlike than Jagdeo threatening violence.

You all should have gotten rid of Jagdeo, whose image among the ABC isn't that good.  Look how they stripped Jenny of her Canadian residency and told Irfaan not to travel there.  This is on top of several members of his administration being stripped of their US, Canadian and UK visas.

Bai, Jagdeo engineered that whole NCV that has all y'all getting shittings. Not surprising that y'all always begging for Jagdeo to disappear. The most pressing matter right now is the PNC preparing to squat illegally in government. Making it about Jagdeo's speech is a very poorly thought out deflection.

Jagdeo was already taken to court for supposedly inciting racial tension and all he did was walk into court, hug up de judge and left after she told him to go since Ram's lawsuit was sheer skont. 

Now do judge hugging up with wan top PPP banna!

ksazma posted:

For more than two decades, the international community didn't have to press the PPP to hold general elections. Less than four years after the despotic PNC are given the keys to the government, the Canadian, UK and US and I believe even the EU had to remind Granger to obey the law. What the f uck is wrong with these PNC fools? 

They did no such thing as to demand that elections be held.  They asked for a timeframe as to when GECOM plans to be ready and offered to finance GECOM if lack of funds was the issue.

The latest comments are directed to Jagdeo with his "chase dem out" screams.  Granger in the interim penned a letter to GECOM asking them to offer a time frame.  Granger is being much smarter in this than is Jagdeo.

If you think that the ABC nations care about the minute details in this you are stupid. What they care about is image and right now Jagdeo with his Irfaan selection and now his screams of violence is the one who doesn't look good.

Since than Irfaan was told not to travel to Canada.  Has any APNU or AFC official also been barred?

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, Jagdeo engineered that whole NCV

and the ABC nations are well aware of his machinations which is why they are telling him to stop making threatening noises that will only increase the tensions.

You mekking shit up again. Mehthink yuh duz live in wan alternate universe. 

The only person responsible for the emerging tension in Guyana is Granger and his despotic PNC party. 

caribny posted:

Well when the hooligan Jagdeo screams "chase dem APNU out of we village" he doesn't look quite good.  Granger wrote to GECOM asking for a work plan to allow a date to be set. He is putting the onus on GECOM to determine their readiness. He looks way more statesmanlike than Jagdeo threatening violence.

You all should have gotten rid of Jagdeo, whose image among the ABC isn't that good.  Look how they stripped Jenny of her Canadian residency and told Irfaan not to travel there.  This is on top of several members of his administration being stripped of their US, Canadian and UK visas.

The NCV was over two months ago.  When did Granger write GECOM?

ksazma posted:

The only person responsible for the emerging tension in Guyana is Granger and his despotic PNC party. 

Did Granger threaten violence?  No. Jagdeo did.

Granger wrote a calm letter to GECOM asking them for a time frame as to when they will be ready to hold elections.

In this PR war its Jagdeo who looks like the thug.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

For more than two decades, the international community didn't have to press the PPP to hold general elections. Less than four years after the despotic PNC are given the keys to the government, the Canadian, UK and US and I believe even the EU had to remind Granger to obey the law. What the f uck is wrong with these PNC fools? 

They did no such thing as to demand that elections be held.  They asked for a timeframe as to when GECOM plans to be ready and offered to finance GECOM if lack of funds was the issue.

The latest comments are directed to Jagdeo with his "chase dem out" screams.  Granger in the interim penned a letter to GECOM asking them to offer a time frame.  Granger is being much smarter in this than is Jagdeo.

If you think that the ABC nations care about the minute details in this you are stupid. What they care about is image and right now Jagdeo with his Irfaan selection and now his screams of violence is the one who doesn't look good.

Since than Irfaan was told not to travel to Canada.  Has any APNU or AFC official also been barred?

At least they did not resort to street violence chanting Moe Fiah, Slow Fiah.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

For more than two decades, the international community didn't have to press the PPP to hold general elections. Less than four years after the despotic PNC are given the keys to the government, the Canadian, UK and US and I believe even the EU had to remind Granger to obey the law. What the f uck is wrong with these PNC fools? 

They did no such thing as to demand that elections be held.  They asked for a timeframe as to when GECOM plans to be ready and offered to finance GECOM if lack of funds was the issue.

The latest comments are directed to Jagdeo with his "chase dem out" screams.  Granger in the interim penned a letter to GECOM asking them to offer a time frame.  Granger is being much smarter in this than is Jagdeo.

If you think that the ABC nations care about the minute details in this you are stupid. What they care about is image and right now Jagdeo with his Irfaan selection and now his screams of violence is the one who doesn't look good.

Since than Irfaan was told not to travel to Canada.  Has any APNU or AFC official also been barred?

And yet through all of this stacked up against the PPP, the PNC are the ones scared to hold elections. What does that say of the PNC that they are still afraid of losing even with all that shit stacked up against the PPP? 

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

For more than two decades, the international community didn't have to press the PPP to hold general elections. Less than four years after the despotic PNC are given the keys to the government, the Canadian, UK and US and I believe even the EU had to remind Granger to obey the law. What the f uck is wrong with these PNC fools? 

They did no such thing as to demand that elections be held.  They asked for a timeframe as to when GECOM plans to be ready and offered to finance GECOM if lack of funds was the issue.

The latest comments are directed to Jagdeo with his "chase dem out" screams.  Granger in the interim penned a letter to GECOM asking them to offer a time frame.  Granger is being much smarter in this than is Jagdeo.

If you think that the ABC nations care about the minute details in this you are stupid. What they care about is image and right now Jagdeo with his Irfaan selection and now his screams of violence is the one who doesn't look good.

Since than Irfaan was told not to travel to Canada.  Has any APNU or AFC official also been barred?

At least they did not resort to street violence chanting Moe Fiah, Slow Fiah.

The PNC holds the patent on slo fiah mo fiah. Most patents have a lifespan. PNC slo fiah mo fiah patent never expires. 

Baseman posted:

The NCV was over two months ago.  When did Granger write GECOM?

He spoke to them a while ago and now wrote to them.  He is NOT telling PNC supporters to chase the PPP out of their strongholds.

Given that Guyana is an immature society with two insecure groups Jagdeo is being highly irresponsible in advocating violence.  And when you tell people to chase others out violence is implied. 

Jagdeo could have told his people not to show up at any event that the Coalition holds, but he used violent language.  Clearly chase them out implies bullying tactics and a threat of violence.

Sorry Granger is winning the PR war. No wonder the IDB president recently made glowing compliments directed to him.

ksazma posted:

The PNC holds the patent on slo fiah mo fiah.

18 years has passed since this.  In the interim the PPP gave free reign to a FARC connected criminal who led private militias and intimidated the courts and many others.  A PPP minister was assassinated and the PPP did nothing about this.  The USA kidnapped this criminal who was allegedly responsible.

The days when the PPP looked innocent ended when Cheddi Jagan died.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The NCV was over two months ago.  When did Granger write GECOM?

He spoke to them a while ago and now wrote to them.  

What happen? They didn't tek he seriously when he spoke to them a while ago? 

Nehru posted:

Not yet wait till they lose the Election, it gun be wilding time!!!

Even their own supporters are speaking out against them and want them out. Dem battie ah bite dem.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

The PNC holds the patent on slo fiah mo fiah.

18 years has passed since this. 

Yuh nah guh fool anyone deh bai.  PNC slo fiah mo fiah is alive and well. 

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

The PNC holds the patent on slo fiah mo fiah.

18 years has passed since this. 

Yuh nah guh fool anyone deh bai.  PNC slo fiah mo fiah is alive and well. 

Cribby is delusional. He needs to return to his black pudding and mauby cart and do some island hopping, setting up shops at the airports.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The NCV was over two months ago.  When did Granger write GECOM?

He spoke to them a while ago and now wrote to them.  

What happen? They didn't tek he seriously when he spoke to them a while ago? 

And now the ABC nations are telling Jagdeo to cease his screams of violence.  He lost the PR race and his selection of Irfaan made it even worse.

Canada told Irfaan not to travel to that country. Quite an embarrassment for a potential head of state.

And of course we only see Irfaan in front of PPP crowds where his illiteracy will be excused by the notion of "me gun vote for anybody who Jagdeo chose  once is an Indian".  Irfaan goes to meetings with Jagdeo and he has nothing to say.  Wouldn't surprise me if at the UN GA Jagdeo jumps up to make Guyana's presentation claiming that Irfaan isn't in a suitable state to present (embarrass) Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:

Cribby is delusional. He needs to return to his black pudding and mauby cart and do some island hopping, setting up shops at the airports.

yes I will hire all of these PPP supporters who live in those places. why should I hire the locals or the PNC supporters who will charge me 30% more?

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The NCV was over two months ago.  When did Granger write GECOM?

He spoke to them a while ago and now wrote to them.  

What happen? They didn't tek he seriously when he spoke to them a while ago? 

And now the ABC nations are telling Jagdeo to cease his screams of violence.  He lost the PR race and his selection of Irfaan made it even worse.

Canada told Irfaan not to travel to that country. Quite an embarrassment for a potential head of state.

And of course we only see Irfaan in front of PPP crowds where his illiteracy will be excused by the notion of "me gun vote for anybody who Jagdeo chose  once is an Indian".  Irfaan goes to meetings with Jagdeo and he has nothing to say.  Wouldn't surprise me if at the UN GA Jagdeo jumps up to make Guyana's presentation claiming that Irfaan isn't in a suitable state to present (embarrass) Guyana.

Yet will all this stacked against the PPP, the PNC still scared of losing the elections. What that says of the despotic PNC? 

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cribby is delusional. He needs to return to his black pudding and mauby cart and do some island hopping, setting up shops at the airports.

yes I will hire all of these PPP supporters who live in those places. why should I hire the locals or the PNC supporters who will charge me 30% more?

And choke and rob you too. Be careful they don't burn down your business(your mauby cart) after they rob you.

Nehru posted:

Chase them out is violent BUT RAPE, BURN , ASSAULT, KILL are basic PNc ANIMALS at work, yuh right!!!!

More people were raped, assaulted, and murdered under the decades of PPP rule than during the PNC rule. So how did you conclude that life was more dangerous under the PNC?

ksazma posted:

Yet will all this stacked against the PPP, the PNC still scared of losing the elections. What that says of the despotic PNC? 

In a tribal war, which is Guyana's elections clearly the PPP has an advantage.  And yet Jagdeo couldn't wait until next year when elections were due, jumping when Granger was severely sick.  Most would call that extremely low class behavior.

skeldon_man posted:

And choke and rob you too. Be careful they don't burn down your business(your mauby cart) after they rob you.

No I will put the PNC supporters to beat up the PPP supporters if they plan to rob from me.  A brigade of PNC Amazonian females who terrify ageing PPP types like you. All I need is one of them to drive the bunch of you into pure terror. No wonder Vishmahabir despises the lot of you.

I still remember you and Yuji squealing after the 2015 election every time a PNC female bellowed at you.  Terrified because you squealed "Dem PNC black woman can do what dey want and nobody can stop dem".

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

And choke and rob you too. Be careful they don't burn down your business(your mauby cart) after they rob you.

No I will put the PNC supporters to beat up the PPP supporters if they plan to rob from me.  A brigade of PNC Amazonian females who terrify ageing PPP types like you. All I need is one of them to drive the bunch of you into pure terror. No wonder Vishmahabir despises the lot of you.

I still remember you and Yuji squealing after the 2015 election every time a PNC female bellowed at you.  Terrified because you squealed "Dem PNC black woman can do what dey want and nobody can stop dem".

You don't have to tell them to beat us up. The ugliness and the neanderthal look will do the job. We do not indulge in violence.


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