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  • β€˜Guyanese have waited long enough, declare results now’ – UK Gov’t official

β€˜Guyanese have waited long enough, declare results now’ – UK Gov’t official


The United Kingdom on Saturday again urged the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to declare the winner of the March 2, 2020 polls in keeping with the recount figures which show a victory for the People’s Progressive Party by over 15,000 votes.

β€œGuyanese people have waited long enough for election results. Now all legal processes have been completed I urge Guyana Elections Commission to declare a result based on @CARICOMorg scrutinised recount. Every vote must count, all must respect those votes, regardless of the result,” tweeted Baroness Elizabeth Grace Sugg, the UK’s Minister for Sustainable Development and Overseas Territories.

In late April, Baroness Sugg had said that the UK remains β€œdeeply concerned” about the elections and the subsequent events that followed.

She had noted that the UK remains fully engaged in seeking a resolution to events in Guyana which upholds its fundamental commitment to democracy, good governance and the rule of law.

@Former Member posted:

A US led military coalition will end up being the final solution if they don't declare or if Lowenfield keeps playing games. This might end up being the end result. 

Disband the military gradually and sign a defence pact with the United States. Kep an outfit like the national guard with a couple of swat teams.


UK Foreign Minister urges GECOM to declare recount results

Jul 11, 2020 News 0 , Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...are-recount-results/

Elizabeth Grace Sugg, a Minister of the United Kingdom’s Foreign Office earlier today called on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to declare the results of the CARICOM-scrutinised recount.

β€œGuyanese people have waited long enough for election results. Now all legal processes have been completed,” Baroness Sugg wrote in a tweet.

She said that every vote must count, and that all must respect those votes, regardless of the result.

The recount has shown the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) to have attained the highest number votes in the general election, 233,336 ahead of the APNU+AFC Coalition’s 217,920.

Elizabeth Grace Sugg, a Minister of the United Kingdom’s Foreign Office


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