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Former Member



British High Commissioner to Guyana Andrew Ayre has fired back at Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett in wake of her statements that it  is ironic that the British government would have concerns about the prorogation in Guyana when it is the British who have the prorogation legacy.

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.

He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.

“Within the confines of Guyana, I am probably not surprised by her response because anyone who says anything that the Government doesn’t agree with, they try to demolish and discredit”, Ayre said.

The British High Commissioner brushed aside statements from the General Secretary of the governing People’s Progressive Party Clement Rohee, that as an independent nation, Guyana does not have to listen to Britain. Rohee said it appears as though members of the Diplomatic community are becoming more and more “involved in our internal affairs”.

High Commissioner Ayre told News Source that Rohee “can see it however which way he likes but it is for the UK government to determine what its foreign policy objectives are and one of the key foreign policy objectives of the UK is the promotion of democracy  and I have never had a counter argument which suggests that it shouldn’t be the promotion of democracy. And it isn’t up to the PPP or the Government or the General Secretary to determine what UK Foreign policy objectives actually are”.

“To say that the UK should not have a view or shouldn’t have a role, I simply don’t agree with. Why shouldn’t we have a role because I have never seen a counter argument”, the High Commissioner said.

British Foreign Minister, Tobias Ellwood in a statement from London last week called for the earliest resumption of Parliament and also expressed concern about the absence of local government elections in Guyana in over 20 years.

The British High Commissioner reiterated the same concerns at a Monday press conference in Georgetown.

Guyana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett turned to her Facebook page to respond to the British concerns and also dismissed concerns about sanctions from the UK or the Commonwealth by saying that such “threats” would be nothing new.

Rodrigues-Birkett wrote ““the threat of sanctions from the High Commissioner is not new. That very threat was made regarding Local Government Elections. Yet when a date by which the elections was slated to be held was announced by President Ramotar, it appeared no longer important enough to encourage the other parties to work together to see it materialize. That threat was also not that veiled when Guyana voted a particular way on an issue at the UN. Of course we were vindicated on the latter with recent developments.”

High Commissioner Ayre in response to that said that there has been no threat to Guyana about any votes at the United Nations and he has not seen any vindication either for the route that Guyana took.

He said the best way for the Government of Guyana to deal with the current situation facing the country is for the President to name a date for the elections.

The High Commissioner has indicated that his government will support the hosting of elections in Guyana although it is reexamining the flow of British development funds to Guyana during the prorogation period.

President Ramotar prorogued the Guyana Parliament in November, 2014 in an effort to block the no confidence motion that was being prepared to be moved against his government by the Opposition. The Opposition parties hold the majority in the National Assembly in Guyana.

Filed: 13th January, 2015

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Shot out of the ballpark with that one.


"“Within the confines of Guyana, I am probably not surprised by her response because anyone who says anything that the Government doesn’t agree with, they try to demolish and discredit”, Ayre said."


In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

Originally Posted by cain:

Shot out of the ballpark with that one.


"“Within the confines of Guyana, I am probably not surprised by her response because anyone who says anything that the Government doesn’t agree with, they try to demolish and discredit”, Ayre said."

I agree with him to a point. As I pointed out many times, PR and proper communication skills are lacking.  Nandalall, Jagdeo, Rohee and Pres Ramotar can all do with training in those subjects.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

if jagan was alive he would have post this lady to work in some amerindian village

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

Guyana has an illegal government, the British High Commisioner can do whatever the rass he wants and none in Guyana can do shit about it. No one in Guyana knows fkall about laws it seems from your almight fatlardass Prez down., u.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

if jagan was alive he would have post this lady to work in some amerindian village

The HC shoulda had her smoke a cigar

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

if jagan was alive he would have post this lady to work in some amerindian village

The HC shoulda had her smoke a cigar

How big should the cigar be ?

Gotta be pretty big...some women, you nevva know.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

Guyana has an illegal government, the British High Commisioner can do whatever the rass he wants and none in Guyana can do shit about it. No one in Guyana knows fkall about laws it seems from your almight fatlardass Prez down., u.

Continuation of his inept actions on the internal issues of Guyana would hasten his recall by the British Government.


Your comments continue to display a lack of basic understanding,

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

Guyana has an illegal government, the British High Commisioner can do whatever the rass he wants and none in Guyana can do shit about it. No one in Guyana knows fkall about laws it seems from your almight fatlardass Prez down., u.

Continuation of his inept actions on the internal issues of Guyana would hasten his recall by the British Government.


Your comments continue to display a lack of basic understanding,

if you fool will read you will see the man is leaving in a month 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

Guyana has an illegal government, the British High Commisioner can do whatever the rass he wants and none in Guyana can do shit about it. No one in Guyana knows fkall about laws it seems from your almight fatlardass Prez down., u.

Continuation of his inept actions on the internal issues of Guyana would hasten his recall by the British Government.


Your comments continue to display a lack of basic understanding,

You keep indicating that you are smarter than most on GNI, give us some 'basic understanding' na.

Is that why the US government brought a new ambassador who is more versed on drug trafficking, in a country where illegal drugs rule.

Where did those PPP officials get money for mega houses ? 

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

Guyana has an illegal government, the British High Commisioner can do whatever the rass he wants and none in Guyana can do shit about it. No one in Guyana knows fkall about laws it seems from your almight fatlardass Prez down., u.

Continuation of his inept actions on the internal issues of Guyana would hasten his recall by the British Government.


Your comments continue to display a lack of basic understanding,

I am just simply amazed by your appetite for just babbling unsubstantiated and flat out lies over and over again...ughhhh.

Originally Posted by cain:

Shot out of the ballpark with that one.


"“Within the confines of Guyana, I am probably not surprised by her response because anyone who says anything that the Government doesn’t agree with, they try to demolish and discredit”, Ayre said."

This is all the PPP can do because their record stinks. They will try to discredit every human development index which shows them at the bottom of the pile amongst their peers in Caricom and Latin America. 

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

if jagan was alive he would have post this lady to work in some amerindian village

The HC shoulda had her smoke a cigar

How big should the cigar be ?

Gotta be pretty big...some women, you nevva know.

This is an Amerind woman, a proud and able one in her own right. Lets not defile her with sexual jokes as that would be reducing her to the easy stereotype for our people by every other ethnicity in Guyana.


I Pick on Plumpy Manickchand for her size,  laziness, how easy it is to tick her off, her sense of entitlement etc....that's all fair game. It is not fair game to  be sexually divisive to her and I have not done that. Please offer Miss Carolyn Rodrigues the same courtesies. Her ethnicity makes that an even more compelling prohibition.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

Guyana has an illegal government, the British High Commisioner can do whatever the rass he wants and none in Guyana can do shit about it. No one in Guyana knows fkall about laws it seems from your almight fatlardass Prez down., u.

Continuation of his inept actions on the internal issues of Guyana would hasten his recall by the British Government.


Your comments continue to display a lack of basic understanding,

Shut your silly behind. Guyana has a British imprint. It is unique in the sense none of the peoples there now enjoying that British legacy are its original owners minus Amerinds. The British could have kept it as the French did with Cayenne.


They give it up contingent on it's development into a full fledged western style democracy. To that end Annex C of the independence agreement detailed treatments to native peoples. Since then also they have doled out some serious cash to help us.


Who in the PPP has a better right to be in Guyana than any Englishman? Note, as a common wealth nation any can come and become guyanese easily!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

if jagan was alive he would have post this lady to work in some amerindian village

The HC shoulda had her smoke a cigar

How big should the cigar be ?

Gotta be pretty big...some women, you nevva know.

This is an Amerind woman, a proud and able one in her own right. Lets not defile her with sexual jokes as that would be reducing her to the easy stereotype for our people by every other ethnicity in Guyana.


I Pick on Plumpy Manickchand for her size,  laziness, how easy it is to tick her off, her sense of entitlement etc....that's all fair game. It is not fair game to  be sexually divisive to her and I have not done that. Please offer Miss Carolyn Rodrigues the same courtesies. Her ethnicity makes that an even more compelling prohibition.

Oi, she talk shit, she's in my sights, I doan give chances man woman child regardless, so carry yo tail yeh.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

if jagan was alive he would have post this lady to work in some amerindian village

He is the architect of having dunces in the government of guyana.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In a telephone interview with News Source from his Main Street, Georgetown office, High Commissioner Ayre said his response to the Minister’s statement would be to “let’s focus on the Ministerial statement; the UK government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament and that is principally because we have no idea why Parliament was prorogued”.


He said he is not surprised by the statement but would like to know why the belief exists that the British should not have an opinion or concern about what is happening in Guyana.




Filed: 13th January, 2015

You can only express your thoughts as the British High Commissioner.


However, on behalf of your government you have not authority to dictate to the Guyana government what it must do.

if jagan was alive he would have post this lady to work in some amerindian village

The HC shoulda had her smoke a cigar

How big should the cigar be ?

Gotta be pretty big...some women, you nevva know.

This is an Amerind woman, a proud and able one in her own right. Lets not defile her with sexual jokes as that would be reducing her to the easy stereotype for our people by every other ethnicity in Guyana.


I Pick on Plumpy Manickchand for her size,  laziness, how easy it is to tick her off, her sense of entitlement etc....that's all fair game. It is not fair game to  be sexually divisive to her and I have not done that. Please offer Miss Carolyn Rodrigues the same courtesies. Her ethnicity makes that an even more compelling prohibition.

Oi, she talk shit, she's in my sights, I doan give chances man woman child regardless, so carry yo tail yeh.

Cain, you want me cane you rass?  Please, give respect to the woman. It's not very often you see a woman from a hinterland village achieve what she has.

Last edited by Former Member

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