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British Muslims storm US Embassy over anti-Islam movie


British Muslims burn a US flag during a demonstration against the anti-Islam film, outside the US Embassy in London on September 14, 2012.

British Muslims burn a US flag during a demonstration against the anti-Islam film, outside the US Embassy in London on September 14, 2012.
Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:26PM
British Muslims have staged a protest rally outside the US Embassy in London against the US-made film which insults Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Some 150 demonstrators chanted anti-US slogans and burnt a US flag outside the embassy in Grosvenor Square, on Friday. The rally had been organized by Muslim cleric and former solicitor Anjem Choudary.

The protesters also carried posters reading "America the Enemy of Islam and Muslims," "Democracy and freedom on death row" and "Islam is coming."

Scotland Yard said two people were arrested at the scene.

Protests have also erupted in several other countries including Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan in response to the sacrilegious film.

Angry protesters across the world have poured into the streets to condemn the blasphemous movie and demand the US government apologize to the Muslim world.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that the blasphemous movie has been produced by anti-Islam Israeli-American Sam Bacile.

The report added that, Bacile, a real estate developer, has assumed responsibility for the film, which he said was made thanks to Jewish donations totaling USD 5 million.

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Originally Posted by TI:

I did not realize that the U.S. was so popular across the world. All around the world, the embassies are being besieged. Guyana start yet? 

 To the contrary, I did not realize Islam produces so many rabid fools! For a divinely perfectly ordained instrument of peace it has to be too complex for these ignoramuses or else designed to produce fanatical morons with prodigious dexterity.


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