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Former Member

London (CNN)London's calling, Donald Trump, but you may not like what Westminster has to say.

The quixotic but popular push to ban the Republican presidential candidate from the United Kingdom is set to be debated in Parliament, a spokeswoman for the House of Commons told CNN.

The debate has been scheduled for January 18 in Westminster Hall, where any member of Parliament is allowed to participate.

An online citizen's petition to ban Trump from the United Kingdom garnered more than 568,000 signatures, well above the 100,000 threshold required for a measure to be considered for a debate, since being filed on December 8.

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These Britons need to get a life. Trump is a presidential candidate with a 17 points lead overs his rivals. If he is nominated as the republican nominee and becomes president of the United States, will these idiots stop doing business with America? They should think again. They need a Donald Trump in UK to take take care of their own problems. 

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