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British woman commits suicide while holidaying in Guyana


A British Citizen who had come to Guyana several days ago in the hope that her holiday in the tropical country would help her to overcome her depression and troubles at home in England has committed suicide.

The woman, Dajee Sarah Rosemary who is said to be an employee of the British Government, was found hanging by her neck earlier this evening at a house in New Amsterdam, which is the capital city of Guyana’s most easterly county, Berbice.

The Guyana Guardian understands that Ms. Rosemary had arrived in Guyana sometime in August for a few weeks of stress relief vacationing before her originally scheduled departure on the 17 September 2017.

However, the Guyana Guardian understands that after some disturbing conversations with someone back in the U.K. the woman became hysterical and was behaving in a manner that was not reflective of behavioral normalcy.

At least two sources have confirmed that the woman began to experience “hallucinations” and even sought the assistance of local police, to whom she had expressed an interest in killing herself.

But after mistakenly thinking that the woman was probably intoxicated and was seeking attention, local law enforcement comforted her and allowed the woman to return to her place of residence after she had provided them with certain reassurances.

But several hours later, the woman baffled police after she made good on her threat to commit suicide.

Nonetheless, those who knew her are still in disbelief that she had actually committed suicide, a particular that has caused local police to widen the scope of their investigations.

According to the woman’s best friend, Ms. Jessica Grumble, Rosemary would usually discuss any personal situations with her but did not have any such conversations with her in recent times.

As such, she remains baffled that the woman would have had any real troubling reason to actually commit suicide.

However, sources back in the U.K. have told the Guyana Guardian that Rosemary had received indications that she would have been fired from her job back in England with the British government.

And after her efforts during holidaying to save her job had failed, the 50-year-old woman opted to take her own life rather than facing the reality of her troubled job prospects.

And while her friend cannot confirm or deny the circumstances that could have possibly led to her death, they expressed confidence that the Guyana Police division in Berbice will be able to credibly solve the puzzle surrounding her death.

But in spite of this, head of Guyana’s police in the Berbice area has revealed some startling information that would suggest that Ms. Rosemary was experiencing a mental breakdown for several days before her suspected suicide.

According to the commander of B Division, Assistant commissioner Mr. Paul Williams,  Ms. Rosemary had ventured to the Cheddi Jagan International airport at Timehri abruptly and after strangely bringing her flight forward by several days.

But upon her attempt to check-in, she realized that she did not have her British Passport in her position.

As a result,  she rescheduled her flight and ventured back to Berbice, where she spent a few more days before her life was taken.

However, while the theory of suicide has been prevailing, Assistant Commissioner Williams has stressed that the police is not confining their in estimations to the suicide theory alone.

As far as he is concerned, the police force will not stick to one theory to solve Ms. Rosemary’s death mystery, since it is not 100% positive that she actually committed suicide.

However, Ms. Rosemary’s friend, Ms. Jessica Grumble told this publication that she woke up at about 8 pm last evening and found Ms. Rosemary hanging from the ceiling with telephone cables securing her neck in the hall way.

The woman said that she immediately raised an alarm and reported the matter to the police who were summoned to the scene, and immediately launch an investigation which involved a field examination of the body.

And while no marks of violence were found, investigators are of the view that the matter would take some time in order for any real crack case scenario to actually occur.

The body is currently at the New Amsterdam Hospital and a police sanctioned postmortem examination is expected to be carried out as early as tomorrow.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Condolences to the family of this woman.  She would have been better off remaining in the UK.  The benefits of the unemployed are decent there, especially at her age.


WHere does benefits for unemployed play a part in this story? I really don't think that was her problem...

RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Condolences to the family of this woman.  She would have been better off remaining in the UK.  The benefits of the unemployed are decent there, especially at her age.


WHere does benefits for unemployed play a part in this story? I really don't think that was her problem...

The story states that she was depressed because she recently lost her job. So as a result of that she went to Guyana as a means to relieve her stress. 

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The APNU/AFC gov't. should hire Mitwah to Jah-Ray foreign visitors on arrival.

Thanks for thinking of Mitwah and especially for the personal testimonial of his services. 


So much for Tola and his organization. Who in their right mind would come to the suicide capital in the world and expect to recover from suicide tendency? Now this woman only added to the statistics. Maybe one look at the hell hole that jackass Granger created in 2 years was enough to drive the woman to taker her life. 

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The APNU/AFC gov't. should hire Mitwah to Jah-Ray foreign visitors on arrival.

Thanks for thinking of Mitwah and especially for the personal testimonial of his services. 

So how much you charge for one jahray?

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The APNU/AFC gov't. should hire Mitwah to Jah-Ray foreign visitors on arrival.

Thanks for thinking of Mitwah and especially for the personal testimonial of his services. 

So how much you charge for one jahray?

Mitwah don't charge. Just take some ladoo to Ganesh to your nearest temple. 

Drugb posted:

So much for Tola and his organization. Who in their right mind would come to the suicide capital in the world and expect to recover from suicide tendency? 

Obviously you did. The Demerara shit sewer refused to take you. 

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The APNU/AFC gov't. should hire Mitwah to Jah-Ray foreign visitors on arrival.

Thanks for thinking of Mitwah and especially for the personal testimonial of his services. 

So how much you charge for one jahray?

Mitwah don't charge. Just take some ladoo to Ganesh to your nearest temple. 

That's a tall request for me. Not sure where the nearest temple is. Then I have to buy some ladoo. Not sure where I can buy some.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The APNU/AFC gov't. should hire Mitwah to Jah-Ray foreign visitors on arrival.

Thanks for thinking of Mitwah and especially for the personal testimonial of his services. 

So how much you charge for one jahray?

Mitwah don't charge. Just take some ladoo to Ganesh to your nearest temple. 

That's a tall request for me. Not sure where the nearest temple is. Then I have to buy some ladoo. Not sure where I can buy some.

Speak to Ball. 


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