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Broadcast/Cable shenanigans and an

incompetent Authority

May 3, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters


Within the past 10-15 years the government has embarked on a process of marginalising the private broadcasters who were not sympathetic to the PPP, whilst at the same time supporting and elevating those who were supportive of them. It is the single most obscene action taken by Jagdeo and it leaves the opposition with no real voice in the electronic media during an election, this is every bit a rigging exercise as actually manipulating the Ballot boxes. Incredibly, the opposition has not shown any real outrage at what was going on and continue to operate oblivious to this real issue in this country depriving them of communicating with the public, even as their ability to respond is constantly being silenced. VCT, for example, was forced out of business due to this same pressure by the government because of the Evening News and my commentaries and still the opposition did not see the significance of what was going on. The government had been using the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting and now the totally political Broadcasting Authority [B.A.] in addition to the Revenue Authority, to persecute those broadcasters who are not supportive of them. They have control of all channels countrywide except channels 6, 7, 9, and 13. Of these channels only channel 9 is now openly opposing the government. All of the pro-government stations can say whatever they want to say about the opposition with impunity, but if C.N. Sharma, for example, gives some air time to the opposition free of cost, I have information that he is required to allocate to it a monetary value for the purposes of paying taxes and VAT, just as if he is actually being paid, and in addition he is required to give the government side equal time to air their response. This is happening in a country where NCN owes no such obligation to the opposition to respond to anything written against them in the Chronicle or seen on the state-owned broadcast media, both radio and television. Actually, as a state-owned corporation the opposition is entitled to ask for positions on the NCN and Chronicle boards or any state board for that matter and they have not. The sad fact is that in effect we have no real opposition in this country, and neither do we have an acceptable government – the incompetence, dishonesty and greed of the PPP has now become legendary. And the opposition is missing out on major issues, even the TUC is beginning to complain. This is a democratic country which signed the UN’s universal Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1976, but the Broadcast Authority Act of 2011, brought into effect in 2012, gives the President the sole right to select without consulting anyone, six of the seven members of the B.A., leaving the leader of the opposition to select only one member. And when this atrocity was established, by a totally illegal procedure in 2012, the leader of the opposition without considering the consequences not only did not object to it, he nominated his one member Sherwood Lowe to it, thereby giving it legitimacy. Whilst the act itself calls on the Authority to have classes of licences, and to do surveys, opinion polls etc. to determine the broadcast landscape which would have an impact on how many channels the advertising marketplace could bear, and how much the licence fee should be etc., they totally disregarded these important devices to inform themselves, and introduced an oppressive broadcast fee structure of $2.5 million a year or 3% of gross income for both Radio and Television, a fee which has the capacity to bankrupt the small broadcasters. One broadcaster has since appealed to the High Court for relief against this high broadcast fee, after nearly 4 months the government has not yet put up a credible argument as to the philosophy they have used to apply this ridiculous $2.5M annual fee, as directed by cabinet and not the B.A. The government then embarked on its usual dishonesty and chicanery, and at the same time that Dr. Luncheon is telling the Linden TV station negotiators that no licences can be given to them until this matter of the $2.5M fee in the High Court is resolved, the B. A. continues to pressure those broadcasters who are weak and vulnerable to pay the $2.5 million or be taken off the air. Some of these people live in complete fear of this situation, they are not capable of paying this fee and they fear losing their permission to broadcast. The radio station at Linden is a good example. No one should pay this fee. It is unfair and has the capacity to bankrupt the small operators in the rural areas. The opposition has now tabled a Bill modifying the Broadcast Authority Act and they should rush it through the House. And after it is passed, they have to find a way to stop the functioning of the Current B.A. until Mr. Ramotar assents to it. The time to stop this has long passed and now we have to undo the damage it caused, including the illegal radio stations which got their licences from Jagdeo’s largesse, and without questioning one of these licences and how it was issued, the B.A. just gave a licence to these people who had never even applied to the NFMU to become radio broadcasters in the past. This occurred whilst there were numerous applications sent in years ago by people who wanted a broadcast licence, they were subsequently told after the 12 Jagdeoites were given their radio licences that they can apply again if they want to, but it will be a new application, and yet again we heard nothing of significance from the opposition. To highlight the incompetence of this Broadcasting Authority, I will give this example. In a recent presentation, Peeping Tom, who looks into his wooden telescope and tells us that there may not be a broadcast of the 2014 World Cup Soccer since it will probably be carried on cable. He uses as his example the fact that the ICC T20 World Cup Cricket was carried exclusively on cable and he wonders if the Caribbean Premier League cricket will be also be carried on cable. We have a Broadcasting Authority in this country, the members of which have no idea what they are supposed to do, and these cricket and soccer issues represent only one of the areas in which they are failing. Their agenda seems to be to penalise those stations which are antagonistic to the government and very little else; to muzzle free speech and little else. And given their composition this was predictable; but as usual the Guyanese people and the international community closed their eyes to this, even as I was saying that this cannot be the authority we want or need, since 6 members are nominated by the PPP and one by the opposition. The public is very vociferous now since it has come home to roost and it is affecting them adversely. Broadcasting must always be regulated in the public interest, convenience and necessity and nothing else. And it cannot be in the public interest for the operators of cable with a limited subscriber base to get the rights to these events, since the majority of the people are not able to pay for cable services and will be left out. It should not work like this; the rights to these events which have broad-based national fans cannot be carried exclusively on a closed subscriber based operation such as cable, it’s against the public interest and convenience. What should happen is that only broadcasters should be allowed to purchase these rights and when they do; they could on-sell it to the cable systems, which will play it without the advertising, so that the cable subscribers will help to pay for the rights in exchange for the benefit of seeing the cricket without interruption. No event of national importance must ever be allowed to be exclusive to the cable systems. This is Guyana and anything goes, but I have always held the view that wireless cable is not broadcasting it is narrowcasting, a name given it by Mr. Hugh Cholmondeley, since you have to pay the provider for the signal and only subscribers can see it. As such it is more like a public utility and should be regulated by the Public Utilities Commission – to set their rates and to make sure that they are delivering a quality service to their subscribers. Recently I was informed that one of the two wireless cable operators, who got the franchise through the back door (which is probably challengeable in court), unable to operate over the air due to bandwidth limitations, is actually operating in the UHF band and not the band in which they were supposed to operate and is currently running fibre optic cable in Guyana. That is, this operator, having obtained his wireless cable licence through questionable methods, is now changing from a wireless cable operator to a wired one, without us knowing exactly how this has been allowed by the PPP, and why it was not offered to public tendering, as happened in Jamaica for example. The question is, when he converts to cable will he still be under the Broadcasting Authority? Only in Guyana, I say, only in Guyana. The Broadcasting Authority should immediately implement a rule whereby only broadcasters can buy these sporting events which have such massive support from the public and not the cable operators.

Tony Vieira  

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Pressure needs to be placed on the

GNBA to review the broadcasting fee

May 2, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,


Given recent reports in the nation’s dailies regarding the plight of owners of broadcasting stations meeting the prohibitive license fee to the Guyana National Broadcast Authority (GNBA), I think it an opportune moment to address the attempt by the State to dictate or silence the voices of ordinary citizens and put the small man out of business. The GNBA has issued letters to broadcasters to make outstanding payments. The exorbitant yearly $2.5M licencing fees is rightly being challenged in a Court of Law, since it is not only unconscionable, it attempts to deny people a fundamental right and freedom protected in Article 146 of the Guyana Constitution. The right to freedom of information, sharing and receiving ideas is fundamental to democracy and when this is denied, in this instance under spurious measure. It stifles the voice of the people, blankets the nation with fear, and hinders development. This young nation, in the Information/Knowledge Age, can ill afford any of these repressive consequences.  As an example, let me use Linden’s very own radio station 104.3 FM which is owned and operated by Mr. Hazlyn Graham. Mr. Graham, is a young entrepreneur, a risk taker, operating in a weak economic and political landscape, dare I say, at times vindictive. I respect Mr. Graham’s statement of NOT receiving a letter from the GNBA threatening action for non-payment of licensing fees dating back two years (Stabroek News and Kaieteur News 17th April, 2014), and his ADMISSION to the Guyana Times of said date about “feverishly” trying to acquire the $2.5M fee for 2013, before pursuing renewal fees for 2014. Those venturing out in this environment, particularly in Linden/Region 10, are operating in a climate where the government ignored Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang’s 2008 landmark decision in favour of Lindeners’ right to broadcasting licence and its continued refusal to return the television station (Channel 13) to the people of Linden even though an Agreement was signed between Central Government and the Regional Democratic Council on 21st August 2012. Their mere courage to venture out much less practice are deserving of the community’s support. Citizens and businesses of Region 10 are encouraged to take full advantage of the services offered by 104.3 Power FM. Pressure needs to be borne upon the GNBA to review the broadcasting fee. The need for independent radio and television stations in Guyana is extremely necessary to offer greater alternative for fair and unbiased coverage, and cultivating independent thinking. In attending to Mr. Graham’s claims of outstanding payments from the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) 10, the following is noted. 1) Outstanding payment to 104.3 Power FM is for latter 2013 programs which was submitted two weeks prior to year end. All 2014 payments have been settled. 2) Mr. Graham is being assured that the RDC administration is currently working to rectify the situation. Regarding the broadcaster’s “ great feeling of uneasiness” in receiving a  text message, for the record this message, which was blasted to others, read:  ”Good morning, I hope so far your morning has been peaceful, and by the Grace and Will of Almighty God, do have a blessed and pleasant Sunday.” If this message has offended, it is sincerely regretted. It is my desire, including others, that Mr. Graham succeeds in retaining his radio station. As a businessman, in addition to personal/family’s economic advancement, the station creates work/income for others and offers the community an independent voice, which is good for Guyana and Guyanese.


Sharma Solomon Regional Chairman Region 10


Quote " Those venturing out in this environment, particularly in Linden/Region 10, are operating in a climate where the government ignored Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang’s 2008 landmark decision in favour of Lindeners’ right to broadcasting licence and its continued refusal to return the television station (Channel 13) to the people of Linden even though an Agreement was signed between Central Government and the Regional Democratic Council on 21st August 2012."unquote


A Prejudiced person, who on His own TV station was openly biased against Indoes sentiments. He was an Emperor then.


A Prejudiced person, who openly endorsed the PNC regime. A dictatorial one. One that destroyed all the pillars of the Guynaese society. Today, we a society that has limited morals-high above and low below.


"Dem ah Watch Me." This Prejudiced person, never realized that Jagdeo was watching him.


Well, Prejudiced person, you created the society that allowed a Jagdeo to become an Emperor. And to do whatever he pleases. And you sah can not do NOTHING ABOUT IT.


Indoism is rising fast, with a fury destined to silence even the Afoes, muchless a lone putagee who no longer has the support of the Georgetown Putagee Mafia. Yuh, goan hear Cooolie music all ovah dah place and yuh ain even in India. Yuh objected to Cooolie music because Guyana ain India. Well, Dem bin Watching You. And dem hear yuh too. That is why, Dem Cooolie Boys tek away the Airwaves.


Dear Prejudiced Person, Dem Nah Watch Yuh no moh. Dem gat yuh undah covah. Yuh cyan grow no more.


I know my country needs to be free again. But I doan think those who progressed it into the chaos it is today are the ones who can free it. That is why I believe Nagamootto, RamKarran, Ramjattan and Any Prejudiced person MUST GO. Let us find another path. This wan got too much Forbes, too much Cheddie, too much Bharrat. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

A Prejudiced person, who on His own TV station was openly biased against Indoes sentiments. He was an Emperor then.


A Prejudiced person, who openly endorsed the PNC regime. A dictatorial one. One that destroyed all the pillars of the Guynaese society. Today, we a society that has limited morals-high above and low below.


"Dem ah Watch Me." This Prejudiced person, never realized that Jagdeo was watching him.


Well, Prejudiced person, you created the society that allowed a Jagdeo to become an Emperor. And to do whatever he pleases. And you sah can not do NOTHING ABOUT IT.


Indoism is rising fast, with a fury destined to silence even the Afoes, muchless a lone putagee who no longer has the support of the Georgetown Putagee Mafia. Yuh, goan hear Cooolie music all ovah dah place and yuh ain even in India. Yuh objected to Cooolie music because Guyana ain India. Well, Dem bin Watching You. And dem hear yuh too. That is why, Dem Cooolie Boys tek away the Airwaves.


Dear Prejudiced Person, Dem Nah Watch Yuh no moh. Dem gat yuh undah covah. Yuh cyan grow no more.


I know my country needs to be free again. But I doan think those who progressed it into the chaos it is today are the ones who can free it. That is why I believe Nagamootto, RamKarran, Ramjattan and Any Prejudiced person MUST GO. Let us find another path. This wan got too much Forbes, too much Cheddie, too much Bharrat. 

Keep talkin shit daily and Guyana in your silly mind will be a Paradise.


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