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– changes will limit uncapped powers of ‘Jagdeo Act’ – PM

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Aug 05, 2017  Source

The National Assembly, following an extensive debate yesterday in Parliament, passed the Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2017. Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said that the amendments will in no way impair the media or prove to be a burden on broadcasters.
He said that the amendments will serve to clarify the law and create a freer environment in which broadcasters can operate. Nagamootoo noted, in particular, that the Bill will limit the wide and sweeping powers of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority.
He said that mischief is being peddled that the contents of the Amendment Bill will threaten freedom of the press. Nagamootoo described the original Broadcasting Act as the ‘Jagdeo Act’ which former President Bharrat Jagdeo assented to in 2011.
Further, the Prime Minister said that the Bill seeks to define public service broadcast and puts a limit on the percentage that the 2011 Bill left open ended.
He said that the definition in the Bill of what public service broadcast meant was necessary, as it differentiates party propaganda and government information.
Nagamootoo said that, “This government is committed to respecting the tax payers’ wishes that they be informed (on) what is being done with their monies.”
The definition contained in the Act reads, “public service broadcast” means the broadcast of a programme produced for the purpose of informing and educating the public, and promoting policies and activities of the Government that benefit the public as a whole.”
Further, the Prime Minister said that the Amendment frees up broadcasters as it introduces zones. He said, “The restructuring of the fee schedule has been done to correct a mischief that emanated under the previous administration.” He said that fee structure will encourage broadcasters to use the tertiary zones and reduce the squatting on zones.
Additionally, the Prime Minister said that there was unfair distribution of radio licences. He said that Kaieteur News had applied for a radio licence for quite some time now but was never entertained, while other newspapers that had applied were granted their respective licences.
Meanwhile, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said that there were adverse reasons behind the granting of licences under the previous People’s Progressive Party government.
He told the National Assembly that certain frequencies that were given to some broadcasters were deliberate. He said that these frequencies are now owned by friends and relatives of former President Jagdeo. He gave examples of such licences being granted to E-Networks under the name of Freedom Online.
He said that for Region two, in addition to Freedom Online, other broadcasters that were granted licences were I-Radio Inc., Pinnacle Communication Inc., and Radio Guyana Inc.
He said that for Regions three and four, those granted licences under the previous administration were Freedom Online, I-Radio Inc., Hits and Jams Radio Inc, National Communication Inc., Radio Guyana Inc. and Wireless Communication Inc.
Additionally, for Region five, those granted licences were Freedom Radio Inc., I-Radio Inc., Little Rock Station Inc. and Radio Guyana Inc. Strangely enough, similar names popped up for region six. These include Freedom Radio Inc., I-Radio Inc., and Radio Guyana Inc.
Harmon said that in Bartica, it was Freedom Radio Inc., I-Radio Inc. and Radio Guyana Inc. Harmon said that all across Guyana certain names were granted licences to operate. He said that it was a monopoly that was allowed under the previous administration.
Meanwhile, Opposition Member Clement Rohee said that he believes that the Bill has strategic political objectives. He said that it provides clarity in exposing the intention of the government and the direction in which it intends to proceed.
He said that the amendments will be interfering with frequency management and will cause conflict within and among broadcasters.
Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes, said that the amendments are not draconian, as the opposition would like the public to believe.
She said that broadcasters could voice their objection to the content.
“The broadcaster could file a complaint with the broadcasting authority.”
She said that Guyana has to move forward from the days of ethnic division to civilised disclosure and debate. Hughes said that Jagdeo had prevented all television stations from expanding coverage to most of the country. This point was contested by opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira. However, Hughes said that she had the source of that information as a series of articles.
Minister Hughes reiterated the point made by her colleague Minister Harmon that Jagdeo had given radio and television licences to a series of his family and friends while many others were restricted.
“I want to remind the Opposition that amongst the many persons, who were never granted a licence, was the founder of the Caribbean Broadcasting Agency.
His qualifications to be granted a licence was not good enough. A sitting president of the press association was banned from OP because Jagdeo did not like the coverage he got. Where is freedom of the press there?”
Further, she said that the PPP government had moved the Chandra Narine Sharma Television (CNS TV) from channel 12 to six, which affected the broadcaster tremendously. CNS TV had applied for a radio licences and until now this has not been granted.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:
Tola posted:

Instead of Jagdeo alone  deciding, this is a good move for the Guyanese people to decide, how their airwaves should be used.

He was missing from the debates.

He must be too ashamed to be accountable for his corrupted actions. That guy must be ashamed for a lot of things, that is if he got any shame.  


What a waste of time and money.  They should spend more time creating jobs. The economy is in shambles. They keep on destroying what the PPP has built. It's time for the PPP to take back the country and make Guyana great again.

Ramakant-P posted:

What a waste of time and money.  They should spend more time creating jobs. The economy is in shambles. They keep on destroying what the PPP has built. It's time for the PPP to take back the country and make Guyana great again.

Rama, this is only a make believe scenario and not for real.

You were entrusted with your family  property in your house, that  belong to everyone in your family. But you take it upon yourself to give it to your close friends, without approval from the rest of your family. Will your family be happy and what should they do about it ?

Do you think Jagdeo did the same with the broadcast licence ?

New governments [like Trump] make changes all the time , especially with things they feel the past government did not do right. Eg Obama care.

Django posted:
Tola posted:

Instead of Jagdeo alone  deciding, this is a good move for the Guyanese people to decide, how their airwaves should be used.

He was missing from the debates.

He hanging out in Richmond Hill

Ramakant-P posted:

What a waste of time and money.  They should spend more time creating jobs. The economy is in shambles. They keep on destroying what the PPP has built. It's time for the PPP to take back the country and make Guyana great again.

Uncle Rama, there is a new Sheriff in town. His name is Mr. Moses Nagamootoo. He would like to meet you. 


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