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Former Member

Broomes is a victim of old, nasty politics

January 6, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
When I read of Simona Broomes’ demotion, I was openly shocked. Beyond belief, was I shocked. If one thinks that her removal was not a demotion then they can think again. What did you do Simona? What did you do? Or should I say what you did not do. Did you not bow and Kiss the Ring? Did you not show overt respect to the new Gods that run this country? Could it be that you were getting too much ink, (publicity) in comparison to other drones? Whose toes between the untouchables in this land did you mash, that resulted in some consternation? Could it be that you overshadowed other persons, with your energy and vitality to get things done? Was it jealousy on the part of your squad-dies, who hated your dynamism? Stabroek News Editorial of 5/1/2016 states: “Broomes, would however, have had her detractors, not least, one feels, among those employers who would have been discomfited by her assertive official labour relations posture.”
Discomfited by her assertive labour relations posture. Really and why? Who was Broomes representing with her insatiable labour relations posture? And were there tangible results? Former trade unionist Mohamed Khan, in the Stabroek News of 4/1/2016. “I have never seen a fearless fighter for workers rights, such as her.” Who are her detractors? Was she doing a competent job? Is competence a qualification for being demoted?  What I have found out over the years is that the old and very old PNC people often win against young people with tenacity and drive. This episode reminds me of Vanessa Kissoon losing her battle with a very senior functionary and ousted as a parliamentarian. Now we have learnt that Ms. Broomes new portfolio is her old portfolio. Which begs the question, was any vetting done to learn what politics these people know before they were seconded to various ministries? There is always a big show in this country to buffalo citizens, but in the final analysis its always business as usual. What was accomplished by Ms Broomes, in seven months was never accomplished in 23 years, and with the new person who has taken over her portfolio now; its just a big joke.
In a democracy you have to stand up for what you believe and want, we need to stand up now for Simona Broomes.
Milton Bruce

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If one thinks that her removal was not a demotion then they can think again.

What did you do Simona?

She asked for a bonus for the Poor and Needy Pensioners and was told that there is none? How more shameful can the PNC/AFC get.


There is more to this story than meets the eye.  I do not have a lot of respect for her.  Had an encounter once and her behavior was very unprofessional.  Probably bumped heads with the wrong person as a result of her arrogance.

Bibi Haniffa

There are many press reports on Simona Broomes to show where she stands. In the hinterland mining areas for some time, she fought against the sexual exploitation of young Amerindian girls. She proved that there was trafficking in persons [TIP] whereby rich men were recruiting unemployed young women through deceit into prostitution. Ms Brooms knew the harsh climate she was operating in and she toughened herself for the work at hand. Naturally, she made enemies among powerful miners/traffickers and unfortunately the PPP regime had supported the offenders. Minister Bibi Shaddick was adamant that Trafficking in Persons was not a big concern. The US Administration thought otherwise and presented an award to Ms Broomes.

After she was appointed a junior minister handling the Labour portfolio, Ms Broomes took her job very seriously, didn't confine herself to her desk, and went into workplaces where workers are found. She listened to their numerous grievances about working overtime without pay, about NIS contributions deducted from their wages but not remitted to the NIS, about being forced to sign for $X dollars in wages while actually receiving $X-minus, etc. Through Ms Broomes' proactive efforts, workers were able to get about $50M their employers had owed them.

Naturally, Ms Broomes made enemies with many businessmen/bad employers and those people belong to a powerful group called the Private Sector Commission which has the sympathetic ears of some government ministers. Hence her redeployment to the Ministry of Natural Resources. She is sure to rile and rattle many miners who have their employees operating in patently unsafe conditions in the bush. In fact, every year some of these mine-workers die when pits cave in and through negligence of the big rich miners.

Granted, Ms Broomes' methods are abrasive and rough, but they get positive and tangible results for workers. That's what matters to me. Ms Broomes stands on the side of the working poor.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Thank you Gilly for exposing the Criminal and INCOMPETENT Govt!!!

You're welcome, Nehru. I've criticized the coalition a few times before in this BB and I pledged critical support. So my position remains. 


"She is sure to rile and rattle many miners who have their employees operating in patently unsafe conditions in the bush. In fact, every year some of these mine-workers die when pits cave in and through negligence of the big rich miners."


Perhaps an unfortunate move but something positive will obviously come out of all this.

cain posted:

"She is sure to rile and rattle many miners who have their employees operating in patently unsafe conditions in the bush. In fact, every year some of these mine-workers die when pits cave in and through negligence of the big rich miners."


Perhaps an unfortunate move but something positive will obviously come out of all this.

Cain, wherever this brave bold brazen Broomes goes, the small folks are happy. BTW, you have an opportunity to compose a folk song about her. Try it, nuh.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:

She likely stymied some PNC corruption machinery so her wings got clipped.

Yeah. And it woudda be nice if de corrupt PPP regime had clipped some wings too. Dem bai woudda still be in powa today. 

Last edited by Former Member

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