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Surveillance footage of the two robbery suspects

Surveillance footage of the two robbery suspects

February 13 2020


As the police probe into the robbery of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) kiosk at Giftland Mall widens, investigators have since detained a second suspect.

This was confirmed by Commander of Region 4(A) Edgar Thomas who informed Stabroek News that the man was arrested late Tuesday afternoon.

Thomas said that the two suspects currently in police custody are brothers. “They are brothers from the same home,” he said.

He added that as the investigation continues, the police are still on the hunt for a third individual, who managed to evade lawmen on Tuesday during an intelligence-led operation.

Thomas had previously told Stabroek News that around midday Tuesday, acting on intelligence the police went to D’Urban Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown and they encountered two suspects, one of whom was armed.

“We managed to apprehend the unarmed suspect. The one with the firearm made good his escape,” Thomas had said.

Residents had told this newspaper that the suspects were standing at the corner of D’Urban and Haley streets. They said upon noticing the police, the two ran in a bid to escape.

After one of the suspects was captured, residents said the police chased after his companion, who ran through a D’Urban Street yard which leads to Norton Street. The yard is shared by several residents.

The man who escaped was said to have been last seen in the vicinity of Le Repentir Cemetery.

The suspects were identified using surveillance footage of the robbery.

Around 9.30 pm on Monday, two men, one of whom was armed with a gun, robbed the GTT kiosk at the Giftland Mall of an undisclosed sum of cash.

At the time, some customers were paying their bills.

Stabroek News was previously told that the men walked up to the cashier and one of them pointed a gun at him, while another grabbed the cash.

Surveillance footage, which surfaced minutes after the robbery, showed the men walking into the mall like regular patrons. As they approached the kiosk, one went to the right and the other went to the left before they pounced on the cashier.

The armed bandit, the video showed, later whipped out his weapon, a handgun, and was brandishing it. This cause the customers who were paying their bills to scatter. The bandits used the distraction to make good their escape.

The mall’s security guards were immediately alerted and police were called.

Meanwhile, in a statement issued yesterday, Chairman of Giftland Group of Companies Roy Beepat said that security at the mall has since been strengthened with the placing of armed guards at the entrances.

“We wish to assure the public that we are aware of their security concerns which are our security concerns.  As such we have further strengthened the mall with armed guards at our entrances effective immediately,” he said.

In a previous statement, Beepat had said that 46 full-time security guards were present during the robbery but they were unable to respond since they were not armed.

He had noted that in the past “repeated requests” were made to the authorities to have the Head and Deputy Head of security at the mall armed but these were denied.

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Giftland Mall strengthens security with armed guards.


Following a daring armed robbery at the Giftland Mall a few nights ago, management has announced that armed guards will now be stationed at all entrances of the facility.

In a statement, Giftland Mall’s Proprietor Roy Beepat said: “We wish to assure the public that we are aware of their security concerns, which are our security concerns. As such we have further strengthened the mall with armed guards at our entrances effective immediately”.

On Monday evening, the two bandits robbed the GTT store on the ground floor of the Giftland Mall, Plantation Pattensen, Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara.

According to CCTV footage seen by this publication, the two perpetrators casually entered the mall when they pounced on the sales clerk at the kiosk.

At the time, several customers were in a queue. They quickly scattered when one of the bandits pulled out a gun.

After the robbery, the men ran out of the mall.

On Tuesday, one of the thieves was nabbed by police during a shootout on D’Urban Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown.

The other suspect managed to escape.

According to Commander of Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) Sub-division A (Georgetown), Assistant Police Commissioner Edgar Thomas, the police used social media to track down the two bandits. Police went to the location on D’Urban Street but upon spotting the police, one of the men discharged a round in their direction.

Police retaliated by returning fire but one of the men escaped through a yard and onto Princes Street, then into the Le Repentir Cemetery. During the exchange of gunfire between the police and the bandits, a parked car was damaged.

Meanwhile, Giftland Mall has commended the police on its operation.

“Giftland would like to commend the Guyana Police Force for their swift and decisive action in capturing the three robbery suspects within 24 hours of the robbery.

“Giftland, through its intelligence sharing, was able to be of some assistance to the Force and this shows that intelligence, security and surveillance systems in place at the Mall makes it a difficult target for an attack, as this and other attempts in the past have shown.”


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