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Recount has shown fiddled numbers by District Four Returning Officer

-Bruce Golding tells OAS Permanent Council

Bruce Golding in the virtual meeting today

             Bruce Golding


Saying that he had never before seen such a transparent attempt to alter the result of an election, the Head of the OAS observer mission to the March 2 polls here, Bruce Golding today told the OAS Permanent Council that the recount has shown clear examples of the inflation of APNU+AFC figures by the District Four Returning Officer  and a reduction of numbers for the opposition PPP/C.

Speaking at a virtual regular meeting today to present the preliminary report of the observer mission, the former Jamaican Prime Minister cited specific ballot box numbers to demonstrate the fixing of numbers by the District Four Returning Officer (RO) who he did not name.

Citing District Four ballot box #40062, Golding told the council that the Statement of Poll (SoP) completed on the night of March 2nd showed 182 votes for APNU+AFC and 43 for the PPP/C. The District Four RO’s figure from a spreadsheet of unknown origin showed 292 votes for APNU+AFC and 33 for the PPP/C. Golding said that the Statement of Recount (SoR) from the process now underway shows 182 votes for APNU+AFC and 43 for the PPP/C – identical to the SoP but vastly different from the figures of the RO, Clairmont Mingo.

Golding said that in box #40063, according to the SoP, APNU+AFC got 15 votes and the PPP/C, 276. In Mingo’s spreadsheet, APNU+AFC got 85 votes and the PPP/C, 246 votes. The SoR shows 15 for APNU+AFC and 276 for the PPP/C – identical to the SoP.

Golding, whose mission withdrew in protest over the District Four tabulation, said that in the District Four box #40064, the SoP has APNU+AFC at 70 votes and the PPP/C at 93 while the Mingo spreadsheet has APNU+AFC at 170 and the PPP/C at 73. The SoR has the figures at 71 for APNU+AFC and 96 after the addition of four rejected ballots. Golding emphasised that the APNU+AFC figure had been inflated by a 100 in the spreadsheet.

In box #40079, Golding told the meeting which included Guyana’s Ambassador Riyad Insanally, that APNU+AFC had 86 votes while the PPP/C had 84. The Mingo spreadsheet has 140 votes for APNU+AFC and 64 votes for the PPP/C. The SoR has 86 for APNU+AFC and 84 for the PPP/C – identical to the SoP.

At this point, he emphasised again that he had never before seen such a transparent attempt to alter an election result. He had earlier said it would have taken an “extraordinarily courageous mind” to present fictitious figures in the circumstances.

With Organisation of American States (OAS) Secretary General Luis Almagro among the listeners, Golding traced the entire process. He noted that the process of March 2nd had been smooth and the problems arose only at the tabulation of District 4 when there were repeated interruptions due to the unavailability of electoral workers and disruptions because of the presentation of numbers that did not accord with those of party agents. He said that the District Four officer departed from the traditional use of the SoPs and introduced a spreadsheet of “unknown origin”.

Further, he said the RO made a final declaration for District Four on March 5 even though the process was at a standstill.

“Of significance”, he said, was the fact that the declaration bore the signature of the chair of the PNCR, the main component in APNU+AFC when only the signature of the Chief Election Officer was to be present. He did not identify the PNCR official. The signature of PNCR Chair Volda Lawrence on the declaration has already been a source of controversy here.

Golding also pointed out that despite being admonished by Chief Justice Roxane George to utilise SoPs, the District Four RO continued using the spreadsheet and made a second declaration.

The former Jamaica PM cited the delays in the current recount process being caused by various objections and also noted that the Carter Center team had not yet been permitted to return to observe the process.

In response to Golding’s presentation Insanally stuck to the line taken by President David Granger that he has not interfered with the work of GECOM, respects court rulings and will abide by the declaration of the final result.

Insanally added that Guyana is a democratic state and intends to remain so.

There are no such numbering of Region of ballot boxes ,the numbering are 4 digits e.g #4079

Where is Mingo spreadsheet to confirm his statements ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Mitwah posted:

The numbering published could be a typo error. 

What does the PPP intend to do with Mingo after  this is over?

Well Stabroek News should have picked up the error .Do Golding have a copy of Region 4 spreadsheet ? GECOM recently said observers are not given copies of SOR.

Last edited by Django
@Totaram posted:

Anyone following the recount would know that at this point there are only two likely outcomes and they do not include the PPP winning.  

There are two likely outcomes.  PPP wins fair and square.  Followed by PNC bun dunk the place.  You notice how they blow up themselves twice already.  That was practice.

Bibi Haniffa
@Mitwah posted:

The numbering published could be a typo error. 

What does the PPP intend to do with Mingo after  this is over?

Apparently he heard what PPP plan to do with him and has left the country on a chartered jet.

Bibi Haniffa

OAS maintains Mingo’s figures ‘fictitious’; says recount proves this to be true

, Source -

In fresh preliminary statements on Guyana’s still incomplete March 02, 2020 elections, the Organization of American States (OAS) is maintaining that the declaration of the results for District #4 by Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo did not meet established standards for transparency and credibility.

Head of the OAS Observer Mission to Guyana’s elections, Bruce Golding said while the OAS is yet to release its final report, he believes that the figures contained in Mingo’s declaration for district #4, which gives the incumbent APNU+AFC coalition a victory, were fictitious.

The former Jamaican Prime Minister said the OAS mission of 17 experts were on the ground and saw firsthand the issues that arose during the tabulation of District #4 Statement of Polls (SOPs) which now taints the overall process.

“I have never seen a more transparent effort to alter the results of an elections. More than a dozen copies of the Statements of Poll are prepared at each polling stations after the ballots are counted… it takes an extraordinary and courageous mind to present fictitious numbers when such a sturdy paper trail exists,” Golding commented.

Speaking during a Youtube live on Wednesday, Golding said claims of Mingo’s produced figures are significantly different from the SOPs are being illustrated daily during the ongoing recount of all votes cast in the March 02, 2020 elections.

To make his case, Golding pointed to several ballot boxes already processed in the recount exercise which he said clearly shows that Mingo’s figures were increased in favour of the incumbent APNU+AFC.

He singled out box #4062 explaining that on elections night, the SOP recorded 182 votes for APNU+AFC and 43 votes for the PPP. He said Mingo’s declared figures were increased to 292 for the coalition and decreased to 33 for the PPP.

Golding said the recount now records figures exactly as those recorded on elections night.

He also pointed to ballot boxes #4063 and $4074 where again numbers were increased for the APNU+AFC and decreased for the PPP in Mingo’s declaration.

Golding explained that with 81 boxes already recounted for District #4, in 20 of those boxes the PPP’s votes were decreased and the APNU+AFC votes increased significantly according to Mingo’s figures.

Golding said the OAS stands by its earlier statement made on March 14 when its team departed Guyana that the process by Mingo did not meet the standards for fairness and transparency and are unlikely to lead to credible results.

The OAS remained closely engaged in the still incomplete electoral process, maintaining that polls on March 2 were transparent and orderly.

While there is no final report, the OAS have observers on the ground observing the recount process and committed to seeing the process to the end.

Golding said so far the recount is seen as transparent and credible and commended the Guyana Election’s Commission on this front.

Also commenting was on the live broadcast was Guyana Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the OAS, Riyad Insanally who echoed sentiments that the March 2 elections were seen as free, fair and orderly.

He acknowledged events that led to a delay in the final declaration but asserted that there was no break down in the rule of law or public order in Guyana.

He reminded of President David Granger’s stated intention to accept the declaration by GECOM and said Guyana is a democracy and intends to remain so. of the OAS Observer Mission, Bruce Golding and Returning Officer of Region Four, Clairmont Mingo


Here are four additional instances from the national recount exercise of Tuesday May 12th showing Mingo inflating votes for APNU+AFC.
A total of 20 boxes have been found so far with fraudulent declarations by Mingo. APNU+AFC actual figures were increased by 1,536 votes while the PPP/C was decreased by 177 votes when compared to the results from the National Recount Exercise and Mingo's declaration.
Bruce Golding pulled the FAKE INFO from FREEDOM HOUSE.
Last edited by Django

Recount has shown fiddled numbers by District Four Returning Officer

    Mr Moderator this is the correct heading of the article, if you want people to post accurately , then correct the mistake, What's good for one ,is good for all.   Rules are RULES.

@kp posted:

Recount has shown fiddled numbers by District Four Returning Officer

    Mr Moderator this is the correct heading of the article, if you want people to post accurately , then correct the mistake, What's good for one ,is good for all.   Rules are RULES.

I have done that to expose Bruce Golding.


Posting Rules: Unacceptable Conduct:

10) While our discussion forums does enjoy being part of a community network, there will be times when what is posted on other sites, forums or blogs should remain there. Our members should be wary of reposting contents from other sites that can be deemed as propaganda or mischievous.

One must always post the source of articles.

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@Django posted:

I have done that to expose Bruce Golding.

So ,we can all do the same with any article, that is: doctored the Heading to suit our political TASTE. Anyway it is misleading to say the least. It is your Sand box, you can throw sand in our eyes.  Much more to come.

@kp posted:

So ,we can all do the same with any article, that is: doctored the Heading to suit our political TASTE. Anyway it is misleading to say the least. It is your Sand box, you can throw sand in our eyes.  Much more to come.

I will start posting my own headlines and will save Djanjo response if any members has  concern. 


Dave, can you tell us how many Dead persons voted and in which region? Likewise for all those out of the country that voted. There must be a conspiracy by all the polling officers in all of the polling stations to allow this to happen. 

Take your time. 


How can you expose Bruce Golding? That man was the Prime Minister of a country.

Bruce Golding to resign as Jamaican prime minister

This article is more than 8 years old
Veteran leader damaged Labour party's standing by opposing extradition of drug lord Christopher 'Dudus' Coke to the US

Bruce Golding’s credibility was destroyed in the Dudus Coke fiasco


April 4 2020

Dear Editor,
A JAMAICAN politician has labelled head of the Organization American States (OAS) observer mission to Guyana, former Jamaica Prime Minister Bruce Golding, ìa panhandler with no decency or integrity who will sell his mother for a small change. The former Jamaican Member of Parliament was at the time reacting to criticism Golding has received from Guyanese who have accused him of parroting the position of Guyanaís Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, in Guyanaís ongoing election saga. Golding has admitted that Jagdeo is his longtime friend. Jagdeo, who is widely viewed in the Caribbean Region as corrupt, has challenged the results of Guyanaís March 2, 2020 general and regional elections.

The results announced by the elections commission show a win for the ruling APNU+AFC coalition. Jagdeo has however claimed that his opposition Peopleís Progressive Party (PPP) won the elections and has demanded a recount. Currently, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the political parties are locked in a battle over modalities for a recount of all ballots, which, many legal experts say, may be unconstitutional.
A May 15, 2020 recount agreement between CARICOM, President David Granger and Jagdeo, which called for CARICOM to supervise the recount process, was last week tossed out by the Guyana Court of Appeal. The High Court ruled that the CARICOM arrangement was unconstitutional because GECOM cannot transfer supervision of an election to anyone or entity.

Golding has been openly supportive of Jagdeo and his PPP party. He has joined with Jagdeo to call for GECOM to remove individuals, whom Jagdeo say are ìpartisans,î from its employment. Golding was Prime Minister of Jamaica from September 2007 to October 2011. However, politicians in Jamaica are shocked that Golding has been portraying himself as a stalwart of democracy and rule of law. “Bruce has no integrity or moral authority to speak on any matter of importance here in Jamaica. No one will listen. We here are surprised about his pronouncements on Bolivia and Guyana. Itís a total joke,” said a political observer in Jamaica.

Golding’s political career came to an end after he was forced to resign in disgrace in 2011. His resignation was triggered by a leaked US law enforcement surveillance audio recording. The spy tapes revealed that Golding and his government were in bed with infamous drug kingpin, Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke. Coke was a criminal, drug lord and gang leader from the Jamaican ghetto area of Tivoli Gardens in South Kingston, Jamaica — a part of Golding’s parliamentary constituency. Golding also faced devastating allegations of corruption, including receiving bribes from the drug kingpin in exchange for protection. Observers have likened Golding’s relationship with Coke to that of Jagdeo and his former PPP government’s alliance with convicted Guyanese criminal and narco-trafficker Roger Khan.

Members of Golding’s Jamaican Labour Party (JLP) forced him out of office when Jamaicans discovered that, not only was he in bed with criminals, but had bitterly fought a US extradition request for “Dudus Coke.” Golding was so determined to protect the drug kingpin, who had allegedly been buttering his hand, that he orchestrated his government’s hiring of a Washington DC lobbying firm to pressure the US government to drop Cokeís extradition request.
The Jamaica Gleaner reported that “Golding resisted Coke’s extradition for nine months, arguing that the US indictment on gun and drug-trafficking charges relied on illegal wiretap evidence.” This caused critics to accuse Golding of attempting to usurp the authority of the courts.

Golding’s spirited defence of Coke severely “strained relations with Washington, which questioned Jamaica’s reliability as an ally in the fight against drug trafficking. When Golding finally agreed to send Coke to the US, a hunt for the fugitive led to days of fighting in May 2010 that killed at least 73 civilians and three security officers. Coke was captured about a month later,” the Gleaner reported.

Golding has been accused of having blood on his hands. With his integrity in tatters and a reputation for having greased hands, some Jamaicans are now speculating whether Golding has found himself in an inducement arrangement with Jagdeo, which has bought his bias against Guyana’s ruling APNU+AFC coalition. Dr. Peter Phillips, Jamaica’s opposition leader and political leader of the People’s National Party (PNP), has said that “the Coke saga was one of the bloodiest episodes in Jamaica’s recent history.” Bruce Golding’s “credibility was destroyed in the Christopher Coke fiasco,” Phillips said. Now that Goldingís reputation has suffered another blow with allegations that he has been compromised, some Jamaicans are calling for him to disclose the sources of his finances.

Pamela Maynard
(Ms. Pamela Maynard is a freelance journalist and photographer based in the Cayman Islands and Jamaica)

@Django posted:

Where the contents are FAKE ?  seems there are problems with the facts.

The argument is not the contents but the TOPIC, it is not accurate.   Bruce Golding is the head of OAS and was former PM

@kp posted:

The argument is not the contents but the TOPIC, it is not accurate.   Bruce Golding is the head of OAS and was former PM

Bruce Golding isn't the head of OAS

Image result for Who is the head of the OAS

Luis Almagro
Luis Almagro was elected Secretary General of the OAS on March 18, 2015, with the unanimous support of 33 of the 34 member states and one abstention.


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I have never seen such a transparent effort to alter the results of an election,”- OAS Observer Mission Chief


The head of the Organisation of American States (OAS) mission that observed Guyana’s general and regional elections, Bruce Golding on Wednesday strongly suggested that the poll was being rigged at the declaration of results by the Elections Commission.

He told a discussion at the OAS Permanent Council that so far showed variation in results from the ongoing recount compared to the results that were declared by Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo.

“I have never seen such a transparent effort to alter the results of an election,” said Golding. Providing comparisons of the Mingo declaration with the Statements of Poll and Statements of Recount from the current recount exercise, Golding said “it takes an extraordinarily courageous mind to produce fictitious numbers  when such a sturdy paper trail exists.”

He said the recount shows that in ballot box 4062, the Statement of Poll indicates 182 votes for the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) and 43 for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) but the Returning Officer reported those results as 292 votes for APNU+AFC and 33 for PPP but when the box was recounted the numbers were 182 for APNU+AFC and 43 for PPP, the “exact figures” that are on the Statement of Poll. He also said for box 4063 on election night the Statement of Poll states 15 for APNU and 276 for PPP but the Returning Officer’s declaration showed 85 for APNU+AFC and 246 for PPP; for box 4064 APNU+AFC got 70 votes and the PPPC secured 93  but  the Returning Officer  declared 170 for APNU+AFC, 73 for PPPC and 20 less as rejected ballots but recount  gave 71 APNU+AFC, 96 for PPP and four rejected ballots that were considered good, and for box 4074 the Statement of Poll shows 86 for APNU+AFC and  84  for PPP; the Returning Officer’s declaration was 140 for APNU+AFC, 64 for PPP and the recount shows 86 for APNU and  84 for the PPP.

Touching on the recount for Region Four on Tuesday, Golding said in 20 of the 81 boxes , the votes for APNU+AFC were decreased by 1,536 and the votes for PPP were increased by 177.

Two Guyana-based OAS Office has deployed two locally-based staff members are watching the recount at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

The Head of the OAS Observer Mission said the Returning Officer continued to use his spreadsheet despite a High Court ruling, but eventually when he used the Statements of Poll they were “vastly different” from those in the possession of party representatives. He noted that more than 12 copies of Statements of Poll are generated with each of the nine party representatives being entitled to one.

“While the electoral process up to  the close of the polls and through the tabulation of the results proceeding in accordance with the election law in nine of the ten regions, the final tabulation if results in Region Four, which regrettably came to taint the overall process and has led to the protracted delay in the declaration of the overall results,” he said.

Golding flayed GECOM’s officials for disrupting the tabulation process by announcements or actions, saying that those “undermined the transparency of the process.” ‘Principal among these was the action of the Returning Officer in abandoning the Statements of Poll in the presence of the authorised party representatives and to rely instead on a spreadsheet of unknown origin which provided results that were significantly different from the Statements of Poll which party representatives claimed to be in their possession,” he said.

Guyana reacts

Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the OAS, Riyad Insanally said the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) scrutinised recount is expected to produce “credible results”. “The electoral process is not yet complete. Once the recount is finalised, the results will be declared in full accordance with the law, paving the way for the swearing in of a President,” he said.

He noted that President David Granger has said he would abide by the declaration by  GECOM. GECOM’s Recount Order provides for the politically-divided elections commission to decide whether the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield should consider the data to submit a report to the Commission for a declaration to be certified.

Other than that, he essentially rehashed the long-held positions by the government and President David Granger including that he would accept the declaration of results by GECOM.


KP , when the recount is completed we will find out the real results of Region 4.

I am not taking sides. Something smells fishy ,with the almost 10,000 votes more,from the results of the 2015 elections  , the PPP/C claimed they got in the 2020 Elections in Region 4 .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

KP , when the recount is completed we will find out the real results of Region 4.

I am not taking sides. Something smells fishy ,with the almost 10,000 votes more,from the results of the 2015 elections  , the PPP/C claimed they got in the 2020 Elections in Region 4 .

That's a lot of cross over votes. PPP will need more than that to get 3 plus more seats than the coalition.  That's at least 20k to 25K votes more. 

There is no need to speculate. We will find out when the real results are in.

It seems like it's an audit being conducted with the recount as it progresses.

Happy to learn that more work stations are in the works to speed up the process.

@sachin_05 posted:

[quote]“I am not taking sides.” Sorry man but you are an established PNC shill - the stench you radiated can be detected from miles away...take a shower and come again...

Why you guys always think otherwise ,when not in agreement ?

@Django posted:

Why you guys always think otherwise ,when not in agreement ?

You are not only insulting the intelligence of the gni posters but the world of observers when you lack the Kahoni to call out Mingo for electoral fraud. Like Keith Rowley says this not gona end well ...l hope you have the stomach for the  gory aftermath brewing..

Last edited by sachin_05
Media release
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
APNU+AFC statement by Joseph Harmon on statement made by Mr. Bruce Golding
The APNU+AFC has noted a statement by Mr. Bruce Golding, head of the Organization of American States Observer Mission to Guyana’s March 2020 General and Regional Elections.
The APNU+AFC Coalition views the statement as wholly partisan and biased. The statement by Mr. Golding therefore lacks credibility.
The APNU+AFC notes that Mr. Golding and People’s Progressive Party General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo appeared in tandem before the media - Mr. Golding virtually and Mr. Jagdeo at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. It appears as if this was coordinated and pre-arranged to deliver statements which were strikingly similar in content and style.
It is widely known in Guyana that Mr. Golding is a close friend and ally of Mr. Jagdeo and has been Mr. Jagdeo’s private house guest prior to serving as head of the OAS Observer Mission to Guyana.
Mr. Golding’s partisanship and unquestionable links to the PPP compromises him and no longer can he be considered an independent observer. He has clearly demonstrated a bias for his close associates and appears to have now become an unabashed co-conspirator of the PPP as they seek to defy the will of the Guyanese people.
Mr. Golding, in his statement today, ignores the fact that this was a recount agreed to by President David Granger and Mr. Jagdeo. He therefore ignores the numerous instances of irregularities, discrepancies and anomalies which have been uncovered in the ongoing recount process amounting to fraud on the Guyanese people - dead people voting, persons who are not in Guyana voting, unsigned affidavits of identity in boxes.
Mr. Golding instead focusses on a declaration which had already been ruled on by the court and other documents issued by the People’s Progressive Party. He seems to believe that whatever the PPP puts out is authentic, ignoring the fact that a full statement has not been made by the Guyana Elections Commission. This is the same posture taken by the PPP after the elections in publishing statements of poll which they posted on the website and have now been forced to take down because the statements of recount show numbers which are totally different.
Mr. Golding’s statement today is not only exceptionally partisan but it is grossly irresponsible and hostile to the nation and people of Guyana. Mr. Golding’s statement coming from a former CARICOM Head of Government it smacks of gross disrespect for a sovereign state and for the ongoing process which has been supported by CARICOM.
The APNU+AFC Coalition calls on all Guyanese to disregard these distant voices and pay attention to the unfolding situation at the Arthur Chung conference Centre where the recount is unmasking the PPP fraud at the March 2nd 2020 elections.
@sachin_05 posted:

You are not only insulting the intelligence of the gni posters but the world of observers when you lack the Kahoni to call out Mingo for electoral fraud.

Like Keith Rowley says this not gona end well ...l hope you have the stomach for the  gory aftermath brewing..

Tell which side you are on ,then we can talk.


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