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Brummel gives Ramnarine two days to say why he shouldn’t be disciplined

March 28, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Source - Kaieteur News


Acting Commissioner of Police Leroy Brummel has written to outspoken Assistant Police Commissioner David Ramnarine, demanding an explanation of the circumstances that led to him breaching the police Standing Order when he went public with his views on the alleged misappropriation of monies allocated for elections duties.


Acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brummel


Brummel is acting in accordance with a request by Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, who recently declared that he had lost all confidence in Assistant Commissioner Ramnarine.

Kaieteur News understands that Ramnarine received a memorandum from the Acting Commissioner on Saturday and was given two days to respond.

Ramnarine, when contacted yesterday by this newspaper informed that he has nothing to say on the matter.

Acting Commissioner Brummel also declined to comment on whether or not he had written to Ramnarine.

Ramnarine had ruffled a few feathers when he publicly declared that he had not received any money to provide meals for his ranks during the elections, from the funds allocated for such purpose by the government.

He embarrassed the administration by stating that he was advised to beg members of the business community for assistance to feed his ranks.

The Minister of Home Affairs, obviously irked by Ramnarine’s outspokenness, had at the Annual Police Officers’ conference, issued a warning to officers about speaking  to the media on force matters of a sensitive nature.

“I want to warn about this malpractice. The Guyana Police Force is an integral Member of the Disciplined Services, as such its members are expected to behave in a disciplined manner. Once the Commissioner of Police issues a Force Order in respect to communications with the media, it is expected that all and sundry within the Force, particularly at the Senior level will fall in line and uphold that Order and will not seek to adopt an individualistic and egoistic stand and moreso, provide their personal view to the media,” the Home Affairs Minister had told the officers.

This did not deter Ramnarine though and a few days later he expressed his views in a well articulated letter to the editor in Guyana’s two leading dailies.

In the letter, Ramnarine argued that his constitutional right to free expression superseded the force’s standing order.


Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine


The situation reached boiling point as this further rattled the Home Affairs Minister, who immediately wrote to Acting Commissioner Brummel requesting disciplinary action against Assistant Commissioner Ramnarine.

The Minister in his letter to Brummel stated that it must be borne in mind that Ramnarine serves at the highest level of the Force, yet he has chosen to set a bad example for the Force under cover of his constitutional rights.

“His actions are careless, Part III of the Police (Discipline) Act Chapter (17:01) states: ‘Any Member of the Force (other than the Commissioner) who communicates to the Publisher or Editor of any newspaper or to any unauthorised person any matter connected with the Force without the permission of the Commissioner, commits an offence against discipline and is liable to such punishment as may be imposed upon him by the Commissioner or the Disciplinary Authority in accordance with the provisions of the  Schedule except that no punishment provided in Sub-paragraph (d), (e), (f), or (g) or paragraph 1 of the schedule shall be imposed on a Special Constable who has not been called out full time service’.”



Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee


In the circumstances, the Minister of Home Affairs hereby declared that he had lost confidence in Ramnarine and as a consequence, had requested that action be taken at his level in accordance with the Police (Discipline) Act Chap 17:01.

Should Ramnarine fail to respond to the Acting Commissioner’s memo, the matter will be taken before the Police Service Commission for action to be taken.

If a case is made out against Ramnarine, he could be demoted in seniority or could receive a letter of censure.

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Brummel gives Ramnarine two days to say why he shouldn’t be disciplined



No brainer!


Just tell Brumell that he (Ramnarine) was doing what any good police officer would have done, he uncovered a crime.


Instead of "giving Ramnarine two days to say why he shouldn’t be disciplined", Brummel should  have  seized  the opportunity to politely inform Rohee that public accountability,  professional ethics  and personal  responsibilities, are  greater and  nobler ideals, expectation and  demands  on Public  officials than  any anemic Standing  Orders. Hence, any conscientious public official would  be  duty bound to uphold and  protect national  interest before   such anemic organization/  departmental standing  orders. In  doing  so,  Brummel could have set himself  apart from  his  predecessors as  a  true professional  who  would  not  dance  to the  drumbeats  of political  hacks and  scalawags. He  still  has some time for  redemption,  but  the  window  is  closing  fast.




Mr Ramnarine is a brave man. He must know there is an axis of cocaine that features the Commish/goat man, former Prezis and several business people. There is a method to the madness. Always follow the cocaine. 


While I agree that Mr. Ramnarine has broken the law as per the constitutional requirement, he should be allowed to express his opinion as per freedom of speech.


I must disagree with the PPP on this,  as much as I support them. We must not return to the Burnham days of preventing freedom of speech and expression.


A public inquiry into the 90 million dollars spending matter should be a fair and reasonable request by any Guyanese.


Yugi, it has not been proven that Mr, Ramnarine broke the law. If that famous lady had moved to the back of the bus, all of us would perhaps be made to do the same today.


Ramnarine should simple respond and say that "I've done nothing wrong!!!!"

Originally Posted by yuji22:

While I agree that Mr. Ramnarine has broken the law as per the constitutional requirement, he should be allowed to express his opinion as per freedom of speech.


I must disagree with the PPP on this,  as much as I support them. We must not return to the Burnham days of preventing freedom of speech and expression.


A public inquiry into the 90 million dollars spending matter should be a fair and reasonable request by any Guyanese.



People are repressed and victimized (and killed) today as just under Burnham days. So cut the old excuse. As a matter of fact the narco traders support the PPP and they make Guyana much more deadly than under Burnham. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, it has not been proven that Mr, Ramnarine broke the law. If that famous lady had moved to the back of the bus, all of us would perhaps be made to do the same today.


Ramnarine should simple respond and say that "I've done nothing wrong!!!!"

Mitwah, he should done exactly what you said. He is after all a member of the police force and subject to the police act. Members of the army and police adhere to strict rules.


He is a member of the force and bound by Police act 17:10

All said and done, I do not support firing him.


I support a public inquiry into the 90 million dollar spending matter, after all the police claim that they have accounted for all of the 90 million dollars.


A public inquiry will put this matter to rest.


That famous lady made history for all in the USA to rid the evil of racism. Ramnarine should be supported by those who value freedom of expression.


Rohee is behaving like Burnham regarding this issue and should resign if Ramnarine is fired. Let us call a spade a spade.



Yuji, Nowhere in the World is a Police Officer allowed what he did. Check the FACTS, do not take my word for it. Mr Ramnarine needs a GOOD advisor to help him and stop behaving like a Street Thug. I understand his urge to express himself but he is NOT o Journalist. There ARE RULES AND REGULATIONS!!!


If the rules act contrary to the department and the state then it is imperative for the act in the interest of then than a crook seeking to hide misdeeds.


Further, If y ou are concerned with lines of authority and process then you would want to know why one who was unconstitutionally promoted to an office ( His placement demanded per the constitution, consultation with the opposition and commission) has the audacity to appeal to protocol to address one who simply acted to protect his good name and the interest of the ranks below him.


The higher ups sent the ranks into remote  locations without provisions and they were forced to forage and beg to survive or starve. Meanwhile funds were allocated and their superiors apparently finagled with the funds earmarked for their welfare.


Rohee is indeed acting thuggish. This vindictive action incline me  believe the rumors that he is indeed a scoundrel and up to lots of evil in the society

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You are entitled to your opinions and assumptions. This is a discussion Board and ALL views are WELCOME.

The PPP will make this matter turn into a hot potato if Ramnarine is fired. I wonder who is advising President Donald on this matter ? Very sad.


It is in the interest of the PPP to leave the decision of the judge in tact and move on with the bigger issues.


Rohee should have provided the public with specific wrongdoings of this officer and provide specific spending cheques used by this officer if he had cashed any and spent it on his ranks.


Until then, Ramnarine while acting beyond his duty as a cop and possibly breaking the law according to section 17:10 of the police act, was only trying to protect his name and this is a reasonable assumption


Politics in Guyana today is led by some old school political advisors who are making a fool of themselves. We must move Guyana ahead and leave petty politics behind.


A public inquiry int this matter will clear the air since the police claimed that every penny was accounted for.


His superiors or peers who may have committed any wrongdoings should be fired. If Ramnarine spent money on his ranks and is lying then he should be fired. 


Let us call a spade a spade.


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