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Brusche’s Basketball Foundation begins clinics in New Amsterdam today

Oct 24, 2017 Sports,

Others planned around the country

Once again the Brusche’s Basketball Foundation will host a number of basketball clinics for children attending the primary schools and secondary schools in Linden, Georgetown, East Coast, Demerara, Berbice and Kwakwani.
In a release yesterday the Brusche’s Basketball Foundation announced that United States –based former national captains Mike and James Brusche and Hewley Harry, who will be here on Thursday, along with former national player from Berbice Shawn Semple, who is here also, are all giving back to the sport.
James indicated that children from Berbice, Georgetown, Linden and the East Coast and Kwakwnai will be involved in the sessions.
The Brusche’s Basketball Foundation has been given permission from the relevant authorities to have the clinics which starts today in New Amsterdam where from 13.30hrs to 15.00 hrs a session will be held in New Amsterdam for Primary school kids.
On Thursday the sessions are set for the East Coast, Demerara where sessions will be from 10.30hrs to 12.00hrs and then switch to Burnham Court for Georgetown players between 13.30hrs and 15.00hrs.
Next Monday the sessions will be conducted at the Mackenzie Sports Club hard court from 9.30hrs to 11.00hrts for primary school players and from 14.00hrs to 15.30hrs for secondary school players.
The following day, next Tuesday, the team will be in Kwakwani to conduct sessions for primary school players from 10.00hrs to 12.00hrs and from 13.00hrs to 15 hrs for secondary school players.

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