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“Brutal Facts” exposes PPP lies about the AFC

By Editor

April 20, 2012


If there was any doubt about the brutality of the PPPC and whether they are deadly serious about maintaining and wielding power in spite of the opposition majority in parliament, you only have to pay attention to the events unfolding in Georgetown today.


The cunning and ruthless PPPC seized upon the AFC’s recommendation to cut “fat cat” salaries from the budget in order to pay for pension increases, by immediately lying to the Guyanese people about the content and intent of the AFC recommendations.


According to a facebook post by Gerhard Ramsaroop, “The cuts proposed by the AFC target only those on super salaries, not any of the ordinary workers (drivers, secretaries, cleaners, etc). The PPP has established a massive contract system to circumvent the traditional public service so that they can install their own loyalists (friends and family), often paid hefty sums. For example, at the Office of the President, Ms Gail Texeira earns in excess of G$900,000 per month and Mr Odinga Lumumba, close to $700,000.”


While a few friends, relatives and cohorts of the PPPC Ministers enjoy whopping salaries (by Guyana standards), an old age pensioner in Guyana must make do with G$8,100 per month (US$40.00). “Moreover, the Gov’t claims it cannot substantially increase the pay of ordinary public servants, nor lower VAT. But billions of dollars are available for contract workers. “


The PPPC however; refuse to be inconvenienced by truth, and they immediately took to the taxpayer funded channel 28 airways last night to spew their lies and propaganda while with forked tongue they reached out to engage the opposition in budget talks.


Sadly, today while the opposition budget talks were in progress, the PPPC Ministers began mass mobilsation of public servants.  They sent govt. buses to some ministries to transport staff to public buildings to protest against the AFC proposed cuts.


Specifically, all staff of ministries were told to assemble outside of Parliament at 12:15 pm today and were also being told participation was compulsory. Information we received in our office indicated that many staff members were very reluctant about going there and became increasingly worried about the repercussions if they refused to go.


In addition, the Public Service Ministry issued a directive for all Foreign Affairs, Tourism, Culture and Education ministries employees to be a part of “protection action” in solidarity with contract workers who the government says will be affected by the budgetary cuts proposed by the AFC.  Minister of Education Priya Manickchand is quoted as saying that, “some 259 contract employees from her ministry will be directly affected should AFC move to do the same in her ministry.”

There is no question that the order to protest is illegal.  Additionally, the PPPC’s goal is to take the eyes of Guyanese citizens off of the more than 3000 Linden citizens who are protesting lack of jobs, proposed increase of electricity rates and poor infrastructure investment in Linden.


Brutalfacts seeks once again to warn the opposition about trusting the words of this brutal PPPC regime.  The opposition is urged to vote down the budget and reopen negotiations for a more inclusive budget which addresses the vision of a new Guyana and which pays attention to the needs of those with the least among us.  This corrupt regime will only interpret the gentlemanly and conciliatory tone offered by the opposition leader as weakness.  The people of Guyana count on the opposition for change, for meaningful change.  The opposition must stand up to this brutal regime and be counted.  The people of Guyana insist on it.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP has established a massive contract system to circumvent the traditional public service so that they can install their own loyalists (friends and family), often paid hefty sums. For example, at the Office of the President, Ms Gail Texeira earns in excess of G$900,000 per month and Mr Odinga Lumumba, close to $700,000.”


While a few friends, relatives and cohorts of the PPPC Ministers enjoy whopping salaries (by Guyana standards), an old age pensioner in Guyana must make do with G$8,100 per month (US$40.00). “Moreover, the Gov’t claims it cannot substantially increase the pay of ordinary public servants, nor lower VAT. But billions of dollars are available for contract workers. “

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You all in the opposition should be happy enjoying concessions from a gov't that respects law and order.

You see that nose in your avatar getting longer? Is how you think that happen?


When the children from THE HOUSE LIES & DISTORTIONS abandoned their father, they leave with all their parents tricks upon the impoverished.


Super Slaries and free housing for those hanging out at the OP.

and the ministries ripping off the ppl with bogey contract.


Sock it to them AFC.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You all in the opposition should be happy enjoying concessions from a gov't that respects law and order.

You see that nose in your avatar getting longer? Is how you think that happen?

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

The AFC is a wolf in squirrel's clothing. The party has little to offer only belching the usual crap.

These are such stupid childish analogies that I am inclined to agree with Chamie you do a your chosen alias a disservice.


The AFC is trying hard to place its feet in the PPP shoes. I am afraid the AFC stands for "Another Fake Cinderella". It ain't gonna fit. APNU is the enemy of the nation and anyone whose role enhances the power of this party is guilty of betrayal.

Billy Ram Balgobin

The AFC has whose interest at heart? The working class of Guyana? Not from the posturings and the in-fighting that exists. Remember Gomattie? This is the party that claims equality in its treatment of all.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is trying hard to place its feet in the PPP shoes. I am afraid the AFC stands for "Another Fake Cinderella". It ain't gonna fit. APNU is the enemy of the nation and anyone whose role enhances the power of this party is guilty of betrayal.

That is a bunch of bull crap and my mangy dog hypothesis holds; your  support of your mangy dog and they of theirs blindly because of race results in similar mongrels with mange only differentiated by color. Start looking at he world without the motivations of race to make a real difference.


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