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Brutal Matthews Ridge rape…Human rights body condemns action of police, medical officials

October 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) has strongly criticized the manner in which the police and medical officials in Matthews Ridge have handled the case involving an Amerindian woman who was raped in her home by an intruder last week Tuesday.
The local human rights body is issuing a call for concerted and urgent action, both from the Ministry of Health and the Guyana Police Force to ensure that a more professional and realistic response to allegations of sexual assault is adopted in hinterland areas.
“There is clearly also a sense of impunity developing in hinterland areas, whereby perpetrators of sexual offences believe themselves to be beyond the reach of the law,” the body said in a release yesterday.
In fact, the GHRA noted that this was not the first instance of sexual assault where an unacceptable response was garnered from the police and medical officials.
It said that the case of the 55-year-old woman in Matthews Ridge, North-West District was made public merely a few days after an allegation of sexual assault of a young Amerindian hotel worker in Mahdia was similarly reduced to physical assault.
The body complained that neither the police nor the medical staff at the Pakera Hospital investigated allegations of sexual assault made by the elderly woman “because she could not narrate the story as clearly as they would have liked.”
The woman had sustained a speech impediment since she suffered a stroke about eighteen months ago, GHRA explained.
“Despite torn underwear, as well as the presence of relatives and friends capable of understanding what the woman says, the police and doctor focused entirely on physical assault. The police also claim she did not complain of rape,” the non-governmental organisation said.
GHRA further disclosed that the members of the family and community are angered by the police and medical responses to the incident.
“In the first place, it was handled entirely by male police and male medical staff when there are female police and medics available in the community. The hospital, the GHRA was informed, did not perform any examination for sexual assault because the victim only complained of a physical assault.”
GHRA said it is alleged that the woman “never got to tell her story properly because the policeman in charge of the station was more interested in questioning her about her life history, asking her some questions she wasn’t able to answer, and loudly talked her down when she tried to talk about the rape.”
The body said that it was informed by relatives that “you don’t need a sign language interpreter to understand her; lots of people who know her can tell what she is saying.”
According to GHRA, following publication of the case in Kaieteur News’ September 30 Edition, a detective appointed to re-investigate has ordered the female relative most active in pursuing the case not to revisit the police station or the hospital and instituted a male relative as the main interlocutor for the victim.
The human rights body explained that the suspected perpetrator is well-known to the victim and she took the police to his home.
GHRA lamented that the disability dimension of this case should be a cause of serious concern.
“The inability of a person to speak clearly by reason of disability cannot be an excuse for not taking action on what they allege.”
The NGO said that while more formal arrangements may be required for court proceedings, the police cannot demand similar standards in order to pursue investigations.
“In both the Mahdia case and this case, circumstantial evidence pointed clearly to the need to examine and investigate for sexual assault.  The unavailability of rape kits is no excuse for not doing so.”
GHRA also reported that there is widespread indignation, at least among females in the community which is being fuelled by the growing number of sexual assaults in the area. The much publicized case of a young woman sexually assaulted and murdered, whose body was found in bushes and nothing has come of it, was one instance highlighted by GHRA.
The human rights body said that the women also complained that “within a day’s walk of Matthews Ridge, miners from the coast have virtually taken over some small villages, where they wait till parents get drunk then prey on girls as young as seven years old.
According to the GHRA, the clamour that “no one here is responsible for Amerindians” was a further echo of Mahdia.
The 55-year-old woman was last week rushed to the Pakera Public Hospital, Matthews Ridge, after she reported that she was sexually molested in her bed by an intruder. The incident occurred around 20:30 hours last week Tuesday at the woman’s home at Flats, Matthews Ridge.
One of her relatives explained that one of her son’s friends sneaked into her house, beat her, and had sexual intercourse with her. The relative said that the woman explained that the ordeal lasted for about 30 minutes.

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Home > TOP STORY > Serial rapist stalks Devonshire Castle…


Serial rapist stalks Devonshire Castle…
Victim’s neck swollen with bruises as a result of the rapist choking her

Serial rapist stalks Devonshire Castle…

Mother dragged from home, brutally raped in bushes

A 31-YEAR-OLD mother of four was cruelly dragged from her home through bushes and brutally raped at around 02:00hrs Monday morning at Devonshire Castle on the Essequibo Coast.

The bushes where the rapist dragged the woman to and raped her at Devonshire Castle at around 02:00 hrs on Monday morning

The bushes where the rapist dragged the woman to and raped her at Devonshire Castle at around 02:00 hrs on Monday morning

Speaking to this newspaper, the badly brutalised and injured woman said she was sleeping on her bed with her young baby in the front room of her two-bedroom flat concrete house when she was attacked by a man whom she described as short and dark with a low haircut. The woman said she only awoke from her sleep when her feet accidentally hit her wall divider in her house.
She said the man had already lifted her off the bed and was taking her outside the house when she awoke.Prabhu-5
The young mother said she started to scream and fight the man who dealt her several cuffs in her face.
She said her two young sons were awaken by her screams and ran behind the man hitting him with pieces of wood to loose her. She said the man choked her and hit one of her son with a claw bar and the other in his stomach.
She said the man then began to drag her by her hair through the grass and bushes to the back yard.
According to her, the man dragged her cruelly over barb wire and thorns which caused several cuts to her back and legs.
According to the woman, she lost consciousness while the man was raping her in a clump of bushes.
The woman said she only regained consciousness when she heard some voices calling for her in the bushes.
She said she was naked and could have barely moved and was in terrible pain.
However, she got up and stumbled in the dark towards the voices and was rescued by her neighbours who had formed a search party for her after her two sons alerted them that a man had dragged their mother into the bushes.

Reports said the Police was informed and they rushed to the scene but by then the rapist had already escaped by swimming over a canal.
The woman, whose husband was at sea fishing at the time of the incident, was told to report to the Anna Regina Police station at 08:00hrs the morning and was taken for a medical examination at 10:00hrs.
She said it was proven by doctors that she was brutally raped.
Meanwhile, several angry residents of Devonshire Castle said the Police need to do more and they cannot understand why the Police is unable to capture a rapist.
Residents said several women in Devonshire Castle were raped during the past months and the rapist is still on the run.
According to one resident, the rapist is targeting women who are defenseless and whose husbands are out working during the night.
Reports said that a widow who operates a beer garden was, recently, brutally raped and robbed at Devonshire Castle.
Until now the Police have not found the rapist. Residents are calling for more Police patrols and for drug addicts to be arrested and charged.
The rapist is said to have threatened his victims by promising to kill them if they reveal his identity.
Residents of Devonshire Castle and Walton Hall are calling on the Ministry of Public Works to fix the lights on the public road in the villages.
According to residents, the public road is left in darkness during the night and rapist and criminals are using it to their advantage to attack women and their homes.


Alleged rape victim disappointed with Police investigation

October 4, 2014 2:18 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Tracey Khan – Drakes


The bite marks on the woman's body following the incident. [iNews' Photo]

The bite marks on the woman’s body following the incident. [iNews' Photo]

A Mahdia woman, who claims she was gang raped, has finally broken her silence in condemnation of her attackers and the role members of the Guyana Police Force have played in protecting the alleged perpetrators.


The Amerindian mother of one explained that she was drugged and brutally raped by two popular businessmen in her community on September 27. She claims she knows who they are.

iNews understands that the Police were advised by the Director of Public Prosecutions to institute a charge of assault causing grievous bodily harm to one man and not the charge of rape; something which did not sit well with the alleged rape victim.

In explaining her traumatic ordeal, the woman said that on the night of the incident, she attended a function at Bash Hotel and Pool Bar, where she had a few drinks.

According to the woman, she was in a room, when one of the men entered and forced himself on her. She believes that she was drugged, as she claimed that she fell asleep, only to wake up and find another man having sex with her.

The woman, who is a domestic worker, said she tried to fight off her attackers but could not manage because she felt weak.

“He take off my clothes and started to have sex with me, I told him not to do it but he still keep on doing it”, she said.

She said she was severely bitten by the men. Following the incident, she said she told a co – worker, who took her to the hospital and the police station.

However, they remain disappointed as they allege that both the Police and Doctor in Mahdia seem to have already taken the side of her attackers.

The co-worker who requested to remain anonymous related what transpired with the doctor and the police.

“I believe that the police and the doctor at the Mahdia hospital was bribed because when I took this girl to the hospital, the doctor there asked me if the girl had a shower and I told her that this girl was raped and drugged and she asked me if I know if the girl had a shower and I said yes and she asked me where is the underwear and I said she would have washed it because she had a shower and now she is saying she never do no examination on sexual abuse, just the physical abuse, just the hit and the bite marks.”

The alleged rape victim and her friend were forced to flee their homes in Mahdia after receiving a number of death threats.

They were both brought to Georgetown by President of the Women Miner’s Association, Simona Bromes.

“I know a lot of cases, sometimes people just alleging rape and everybody just jump down at this situation and ready to arrest, ready to tarnish people reputation, the police are so involved, everybody in high authority, this is a rape too and I am looking for that level of attention for the young lady and in this case, this is not a crazy woman, this is a woman with her evidence and this is not a matter that is 10 and 20 years old,” Broomes said.

Broomes is calling on the Police to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter to ensure justice is served.


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